Queen Arawello

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Posts posted by Queen Arawello

  1. Mr farax brown, amus before I wipe that grin off your face!


    and I think you should discover a life too :D


    Jelly Belly, thats because your mentally challenged ;)


    Anyways Aslaam uu Alakum smile.gif

  2. I was thinking, maybe tying you to a chair, blind folding you and then shoving a broom stick up your backside :D



    I know, i'm almost as SICK as you, Imagine if we were to have kids? :eek: ...We'd have some SICK babies haha smile.gif

  3. I asked you a serious question that requires a serious answer! :mad:



    you don't want to see me angry do you? 'cos when I do, i'm capable of anything..and I mean ANYTHING ;)

  4. from a farax who's in touch with his feminine side to a sexually frustrated individual who bangs his head on the desk....wow impressive


    anyways tell me something....are you happy?

  5. Jacaylbaro, I have diagnosed you with 'CX' syndrome (Chat Xaar Syndrome)



    Cure=Retire From SOL :D


    I told myself I would start being nice to people on here laakin I think I might have some sort of iLLness too(I've destroyed my whole topic)What a retard! :rolleyes:

  6. Malika, Asalam uu Alakum my fav SOL member lol :D


    To be honest, Alhamdulila i'm very grateful to Allah(swt) and I would say i'm content with what I have MOST of the time but I suppose it has a lot to do with the level of your Iman, maar maar it reaches a low,maar maar it reaches a high

  7. Blessed....Indeed...'rabbanaa atina fid-dunya hasanataw-wa fil akhirati hasanataw-wa qina 'adhaban-naar'


    'Our lord give us in this world that wich is good and in the hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the fire'



  8. How many of us are actually content with what we have?



    I mean Allah(swt) has bestowed countless blessings upon us yet we always seem to want more..hmmmm :confused:

  9. I don't know much about Somalia/Somaliland, politics, qabils, Abdullahi Yusuf, Ethiopian troops iyo balayo :confused: but I've seen enough images of innocent somali civilians being killed and sometimes an image can speak a 1000 words.

    And I also believe that us 'somalilanders' should step in and give a helping hand, some individuals need to snap out of it, 'cause i doubt 'somaliland' will ever achieve any international recognition as an independent country. Anyway the prophet (saw)said 'none of you have attained complete faith unless you love for your brother what you love for yourself'.


    Inshallah I think there is hope for Somalia, and I would like to believe that Somalia /somaliland will one day unite as 'ONE' and only then can we restore civilisation.

    After all ISLAM should unite us all.