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Posts posted by Ms DD

  1. Salaam Blessed


    Spot on. Most wives could be both but at different stages. But the romance can still be maintained if both partners make concious effort. After all romance adds spice to marriage life. The odd surprise weekend getaways (I am sure babysitting can be arranged for a day or two), the dinners and gifts etc. Make room for love even if you 20kids.


    I read somewhere the more your lives intersect, the more you will connect, and that connection is the magical experience of love. It's the experience of 'we'.



    Kartida iyo fariidnimada waa loo dhashaa.

  2. Salaam Trolls


    How are we?


    Malika.. hon.. let me give you advice. First eat the ice cream, then eat the rest. That is what used to happen to me when I go to a restaurant for a desert, and place uma heyn jirin.. till i came up with this genuis idea.. Start with desert first, then order the main course.


    Why are people talking of Eid? Sow ma harin 5 days oo dhan?

  3. Hello Faheema


    Now you will be let into all the senior secrets.



    Any excuse for faheema's cakes lol. I should say MaashaAllah tabaarak.


    Maheena qabow ma aha weli..but you are right.. mahaan wouldnt have been my first choice either.

  4. Faataxo iyo albaqara iga hoo dear juxa. When are you off by the way and are u still coming my way?


    Raaxo kumalahoo.. honey..If soaking my cares away and getting away from London quruntooy, is raaxo, then I am 100% guilty :D

  5. Haye Zu.. Maanto hurdo ma jirto?


    Shaqo la'aan baa waxaas ii geysey! When you dont do jack like moi, you no longer get excited the approaching Weekend.


    I am looking for this lecture on mp3 format:

    Imam Suhaib Webb - The Qualities of Men Mentioned in the Quran.


    Any help would appreciated trollers. Duca raadsada :D Good old google couldnt help.





    War Sayidow..even on Fridays in Ramadan? Come on yaakhey!

  6. Hello Trollers


    I cant blv it is friday. Beryihii baa isugu key qasmey.


    Cure men= Adorable creatures.. all you wanna do is pull their cheeks, pat their heads and say "kuji kuji kuji". Where would we be without them?

  7. I read something on but they were really clear. Touching and hugging dont break the fast but the actual intercourse does. That was my understanding.

    In your case, if intercourse happened, both partners couldnt have forgotten...but i think you mean petting and caressing as long as you dont ejaculate. Maybe Nur or someone else can clarify.


    PS There is no shame in seeking knowledge.

  8. lol@ position is still there,firmly secured..haa uu biqiin!


    I didnt get it. Che was feeling left out..miyaa


    Malika.. Youknow..that is the challenge. Engage a convo with those you never would on cyber world. So I am off to politics section.. see if i can stomach it.

  9. Originally posted by Ducaysane:

    I feel that I am one of those people that you dont wana have a conv with these days. you know I like you and your name
    waad dalacday

    Mr D

    You know you were busy with the new dhucdhucyaasha yimid. Miyaad u heysaa tabar habrihii hore :D

  10. Che

    Dont you see the welcoming committee Zafir got? Ish calaa.


    As for those I never had direct convo with, there are many.. so tartiib tartiib aan u faduulin doonaa. SOL became too sweet and sickly..therefore few cross words with few SOL members is needed. Little frisson is needed here.


    Has anyone noticed how Johny improved his somali?

  11. Clarify your question Che. Do you mean the fans of Zafir or those I dont address for no reason at all?



    I am so happy today..wax la iiga farxiyo aa la i siiyey. Bless them.

  12. There are people on SOL that I never addressed or had a direct chat with forno reason at all.



    I am glad u found yourself, to your way to SOL. You have such fans here :D

  13. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

    It might be perfect for the first few yrs, or until u have ur first child, but it goes down hill from there on. That first spark when u first met is never gonna be there, and as long as you two can tolerate each other without having to kill each other than it's close to perfect in my opinion.

    OK, in your opinion, what would maintain the spark in a relationship in the long run?. Surely if the couple are aware of the pitfalls, they can be conscious of the what might come in the future and make an effort.