Ace of Spadez

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Posts posted by Ace of Spadez

  1. Nice documentary. I lived in Hargeisa at the time and I am very happy I was present. Alhamdulilah. Allahu Akbar. :) It is nice to see Hargeisa destroy and rebuild and remove the yoke of oppression. It was necessary for blood to be spilt to purify Hargeisa. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Wali-Laahil- 7amd. :D


    I am proud of how the SNM conducting themselves, while we have the government soldiers showing themselves to be subhuman. :D Right after SNM took control of what is now Somaliland they immediately went on peacemaking conferences village by village.


    While the SNM was preaching peace and laying the foundation for good governance, the remnants of Somalia's junta were held up in Kismaayo making the videos in Keydmedia declaring clan wars and creating another tragedy the man made starvation of Bay & Bakool.


    Allah is kind to those who are patient. Khalid bin Waleed didn't coin the phrase “It is darkest just before dawn" for no reason. Those Generals in the video didn't know they would either ask amnesty from the SNM like Jees loooool or flee a few years later. One of them is right for saying the destruction of Hargeisa was written. It was also written he would high tail it out of there very shortly to join the band of the defeated lot. Allah is most just. :D

  2. Oodweyne, saxiib you're wrong. I must stop you. MMA Somalinimadiisu shaki kuma jirto, doodna ma gasho. Waa Soomali asal ah. Af Soomaliga siduu ugu hadlo malayn maysid. Iska daaye, he is even a teacher. Xaal bixi. Nasab dhiman inaad ku sheegto waa gef weyn. Siyaasadiisa iyo shakhsiyadiisa ayuun baa ah raqiis e, lakiin isirkiisu waa Somali. Fadlan taa ha iloobin. Heer uu abtirsado ayaad geysee. Ka qalee nooh. Hadaanuu adiga ku dawarsan, dawarsigiisa waxa kaa galay ayaa ah faduul. I hope you take this advice. Ummada Ilaahay ha kaa nabad gasho.

  3. I still think those of you in London should make your voices heard. We need to make this loud and clear that the Somaliland population will not endorse their government to attend this meeting. People back home should also make their feelings heard. Prevention is better than dealing with things after the fact. It is better to err on the safe side than to worry about besmirching the good reputation of our President.


    Our moment to test what we're made of has come. To be on the opposite side of the international community is nothing new. though. Whether it was declining Kaddafi’s money during the SNM or the daring move of taking the move to mobilize in 1988 we’ve always come out on the right side. In our brief history every administration of Somaliland was tested by either the UN or a Super Power. President Abdirahman Tur (Allah Yarhama) denied UNISOM/US a base in Berbera in 1992. Similarly President Egal (Allah Yarhama) had on more than one occasion made the UN staff persona non grata. President Riyale too was tested and stood firm to say no the conference on piracy by Donald Payne.


    We mustn’t kid ourselves though; Cameron will take it personal just like Donald Payne took it personal. I even remember Donald Payne making threats to isolate Somaliland. As Allah would decree, he passed away before he could make good on those threats. I’m sure our friends XiinFiniin etc are hoping for such an outcome where the British take such similar threats as Payne, but we’ve been through this before. We know the risks and as long as we remain democratic and the government heeds the wishes of the people we are ready for any eventuality. You can’t put a price tag on your independence. :D It is very important we stand our ground and continue to say no. Saying no, so far got Cameron to meet Silanyo. Saying no sometimes is just the right thing. Maybe the British government will consult with Somaliland next time before they make plans about East Africa.The world is taking notice. :D

  4. NGONGE, our friends Baashi/Xiin/Daqane cannot answer what Somalia got in this conference, because it got nothing. Not one single solitary iota. They don’t realize, by Somalia having to talk to Somaliland as an equal it has effectively recognized Somaliland in principle. This is what Ali Khalif Galeydh understands. Actions speak louder than words. :D


    Odweyne, Baashi has really bungled this one. It would help if he had a new frame of reference other than "recovery zones". The winds of change Egal spoke of are upon us. :D

  5. Ngonge, you are right about white noise. :D I almost replied to XiinFiniin's assertion that puntland has the same kind of agreement. It seems there is never a moment lost to compare and try to equate Somaliland to puntland. It’s not only Xiin, it seems everyone from that corner of Somalia is afflicted with that comparison. Even Baashi can’t resist himself as he peddles his "two recovery zones" blue print. :D


    Just to be clear though, the reason Ali Khalif Galeydh and anyone who will be affected is yelling at the top of their lungs is because their ideology of Khaatumo, Awdal State, Maakhir will effectively be swallowed whole in one big swoop by the agreements between Somalia & Somaliland. Somaliland-Somalia Unity has been retired in practice, and in theory. I for one welcome Ali Khalif and the Samatar brothers in from the cold. It is time to come home and contribute.


    I must say though, we in Somaliland are not happy either until we’ve effectively secured our de jure recognition. There are perilous waters ahead and we understand we are on the road less travelled gaining de jure recognition without a client state. Yet, 22 years later we’re marching on, year over year stronger than ever.


    What is quite amusing though is our friend Xiin who is still waiting for Somaliland to arrive. His calculation is in 90 days, Somaliland will give up its sovereignty. :D LOL Unfortunately, our friend underestimates the resolve of the citizens of Somaliland. What incentive would they have to join Somalia now that they castrated Somalia's diplomatic levers by retaining their right to develop their economy independently? What good would they need a political union? LOL It’s like that old saying, why by the cow, if you got the milk for free. LOL

  6. Che, could we then deduce Somaliland does not control Buhoodle because the people who live there are against it. While in Lascanood and Xudun, Somaliland controls it because the people that live there despite some fighting have been overwhelmed? :D Also add this to your arithmetic, Cali Sandule was caught some where between Xuddun & Lascanood in his campaigning by Khaatumo forces. They let him go. Why? If this was a clan issue, they would have simply killed him. Surely they're not afraid of Somaliland. They're afraid from his community and supporters who would retaliate. Lets not sugar coat things. In Sool, the communities that want Somaliland hold the upper hand, and the communities who don't want Somaliland hold the upper hand in buhoodle. There is no clan wars in Somaliland, but a war of ideology. So far, Somaliland reclaiming its sovereignty is winning since it controls all of its capitals.



    As for Turkey, I'd expect them to call Somaliland, lol Waqooyi Galbeed as our friend MMA calls it. :D LOL Unless of course things have changed. :D

  7. Che, I think the community that welcomed Cali Sandule when he was campaigning in Lascanood in the local elections will dispute with you. I'm sure you've seen the video. Somaliland is not a dictatorship. People vote. Also, please tell me any Somali population in the former Somali Republic that is occupied?? Just because it doesn't fit your narrative you have to assume there is an occupation. Do you know that the people who hold power in Lascanood are natives??? Somaliland doesn't have a clan problem, it is has an ideology problem. If there was a clan problem, it wouldn't be so easy for Xagala Toosiye to cross the aisle and become a Minister of Somaliland. The conflict is between should Somaliland be sovereign or remain in a union with Somalia.

  8. Xaaji Xunjuf, I don't think Somaliland is fighting along clan lines. If it was fighting along clan lines, Somaliland would not be in control of Lascanod. The issue in Taleex & Buhoodle is due to ideology. Do we remain part of Somalia or do we reclaim our sovereignty. So far, it seems the ideology of reclaiming the sovereignty of Somaliland is winning all over the country. Somaliland had clan conflicts in the early 1990's and it was resolved eons ago, but I'm sure once in a blue moon there are clashes between neighbouring clans like in Ceel Berdaale or Kalshaale and they are worked on just like the previous clashes between clans in the past.

  9. Che, the current history is that Somaliland controls the 6 capitals of Somaliland provinces. If you're going to tell me because it doesn't control some villages and towns it will stop Somaliland you must really be having a laugh. lol Somaliland's destiny will be whatever the majority of the people in Somaliland decided. In 1960 it was the majority of the people who wanted Unity with Somalia. If they want the same in 2013, I can't stop it, neither can Silanyo. Conversely, if the majority don't want Somalia there is very little you and I and Silanyo can do.