Jiiroow Bakaal

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Posts posted by Jiiroow Bakaal

  1. bilan;699575 wrote:
    goormay AS somali noqdeen, hala xasuuqo maahanee dhulka halaga tirtiro, adigu maxaad u difaacaysaa AS??

    Maamul cadaalad sinaan iyo ka kaaftoomid gacan hoorsiga intuba dhulka ay maanta maamulaan baa laga dheehan karaa


    adiga maxaa ku taagereysaa maamul qabiil ku dhisan iyo adoon calooshiis u sheqeysta ah?

  2. Kornaylka;698799 wrote:
    Lol, kuwa xamar iyo koonfurta kale kasoo qaxa ee yemen iyo israel prostitutionka lagu qasbo maa laga hadlo

    Hablaha Ilkaha cas ee Addis abeba daadsan Dubai baararka lagula caweeya triangle ka wada yimaadeen taas adba kama marnid.


    laakin waxaa Somali dheeraateen waa filming them hadana intenetkuu ka buuxaa ;)ilko cas odeyaal ku xaaqayaan credit card unbaa kaa xiga :D:D

  3. Walle AL-Shabaab waa geesiyiin


    Ethioia Kenya Ahlu Bidca iyo Barre Ileey bey ka saareen Xadka Doolow iyo Mandheera ku cesheen

    Burundi Uganda TFG iyo Reer Caliyaale bey ku karbaashayaan XAMAR


    They showed the world Somalis can live without AID and can govern themselves if they only kicked out ajaanibta thats their weakest link

  4. The decision by the Transitional Federal Parliament to ignore the African Union’s request for wide consultation and instead to unilaterally extend its term beyond the end of the transition period is a disservice to the people of Somalia and a setback to the establishment of legitimate and effective government.


    The Parliament has failed to deliver on the crucial tasks required of them by the Djibouti Peace Process to help pull Somalia out of twenty years of conflict. This unilateral and unrepresentative extension is not in the interests of the Somali people. It serves only to further undermine the credibility of the Parliament and risks strengthening al-Shabaab. This self-serving political manoeuvring calls into question the suitability of the senior leadership of the Parliament as viable partners for the Somali people and the International Community as we collectively work to bring peace, stability, and progress back to Somalia.


    We believe that this ill-conceived decision should be reconsidered and urge the Transitional Federal Government and Parliament to enter immediately into serious discussions with its regional partners, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary General, and its key supporters in the International Community on an acceptable way forward.






