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Posts posted by Bashiir

  1. Aaliyyah;682938 wrote:
    lol@ why not make salaam as my signature. I'm happy with my current political signature. Go SSC!!



    I know that is irremovable. But you could say SSC ha noolato, hanbalyo iyo salaam. In one line.


    How far mars is from venus? :)

  2. Aaliyyah;682927 wrote:
    Lol....random alien ehhhh!! Naah I cant do that...dnt know abt blessed. I just wanna close my account for good. Last I heard the accounts in Sol were free



    Sherif's govt needs five senior nomads. Instead of banning your account, sell your reputation to me, and I shall make more money out of it. Blessed should do same thing.


    Why not make salaam as your signature? Salams btw. lol

  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;682908 wrote:
    No Djibouti is another country and building governments in foreign countries never worked and will never work sharif transitional govt is not working Abdilahi yusufs govt did not work. The governance u call a system is on life support who is clanish alshabab or the 4.5 clan system formula?

    Djabouti is not foreign country for Moqadisho. It is legitimate part of the greater Somalia. A sister country which is saving her bothers. The ex-president A.Yusuf resigned peacefully, and let the system work more gradually. He wished best for Sherif and next presidents will do same thing taking over the job to make the system a more inclusive. But to my surprise I don't understand how your secessionist or clannish mind drove you to a point where you would prefer Godanbe to Farmaajo based on fear about 4.5 temporarily transitional, constitutional system?


    Come out side the box and say no nonsense waryaa. :)

  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;682896 wrote:
    who made them official a fancy hotel inauguration in Djibouti tell me? who elected them?

    Djabouti is apparently the current Moqadisho of the nation. Best place to reconcile, elect a Somali leader, and to retire till the transitional gov't grows a strength to stand on its feet. Sherif is an individual who may leave the next day( wad iyo nolol). But the governance system will remain. It's a new page that started for the republic. All it needs is improvement, not clanish fight against the system.


    Time has come, and your folks will be part of it. :)

  5. Xaaji Xunjuf;682870 wrote:
    if we have to follow your logic your onlf Leader Admiral Maxammad cumar cismaan is also an Ethiopian Agent right ? So was your Awoow Mahktal and xassan turki weren't they born in Ethiopia some were born during Emperor haile selassie reign Some under Meniliks reign.Emir godane might be born in Ethiopia but he grew up in hargeisa he graduated from farax omaar high school in hargeisa

    I see you don't read beyond individual names. But Admiral is not destroying peace & unity of Somalia. :)


    Makhtal was the founder of the ONLF, and his grandson is now in Ethiopian prison. Admiral is the current leader of ONL. A man of front line. He is defending Somalia, and stood against Ethiopian expansionism & aggressive policy.


    Hassan Turki, Dahir Aweys and Macalin Cayrow, they never hide their faces. Ethiopia knew them and she tried over throw them. Directly she did, and now indirectly through Godanbne.


    Godanbne is a stooge for Ethiopia, a well known fact. Besides he is always in fear and nightmare. He shows not his face, and goes in woman's bra. What a man would do those stuffs and claim noble struggle? Soon you will see him having Ethio coffe with Silanyo, Riayle & Melle in Hilton.


    That day, is not even far! :)

  6. Xaaji Xunjuf;682867 wrote:
    since when is me wishing good luck with their freedom to the oppressed one translated as negative come on thats not fair.

    See, you call a Somali freedom fighter an Ethiopian, you call his land an Ethiopian land and then wish him to free you lander kinsmen in Hawash and Aware. But refuse to admit that your more close to Ethiopia than the freedom fighter. It is called hypocrite. No body takes your wish serious!


    Ha kaa saarto, nacasow. :)

  7. Xaaji Xunjuf;682846 wrote:
    If your a free man then how come you keep crying about walana haysta walana dulmiyey amxaaara na qabsatay tigray ba na hayasta woyane dis woyana that

    You guys are the only so called Ethnic Somalis that speak fluent Amhaarigna i wonder why talk about being Ethiopian , i am confused here.

    I smell your confusion, and delusion from miles but sort it out in a scientific way. Take some test and find out who you really are. I know your ancestors, people and half of them are now in Hirna and Asmatefari city which is beyond Hawash river.


    Lot another Idooors live in Nazreit and surrounding villages and they don't speak Somali. Why do Ethiopian masters walk freely in Hargeysa and you chase those freedom fighters trans passing Zeyla and Borame, land of Somalis? Reason is that Ethiopian child in Hargeysa and your kinsmen in Hirna are one, they are brothers by blood.


    Be proud of them , as your uncle Warabe is. :D

  8. I am free and I don't consider Ethiopia as my founder unlike you. Your B.S and cheap talk about Sayid, Mao'w and Iley personas won't wash away the real Ethiopian blood inside your veins. Your an Ethiopian by blood and so were your ancestors. If you in doubt, but want to learn your origins take a simple DNA test. Today is not, the day you could refuse your origins.


    Stop politicking this and be proud of who you are.

  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;682833 wrote:
    Ethiopia just a neighbour like Djibouti is and Somalia , but our good friend here is from Ethiopia if he goes to Ethiopia he will get his Ethiopian passport and is a proud citizen of the the federal republic of Ethiopia ask his uncle macow and Abdi iley they will verify my story.

    More than a thousand of your uncles took passport of Ethiopia during civil war. It was Abdinajib Hussein who gave dozens of idooors the passport. Burcawis who went to abroad, Arabs and India have been using Ethiopian passports. In addition to that, your stooge admin is created by an Ethiopian regime.


    Besides, Ma'ow and Iley are honest with their stoogism behavior. But they are more Somali than your ancestors. Was it not the habaros who migrated from upper Ethiopian high lands?


    Don't hate but be grateful to your founders. :D