A.J. Timacadeh

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Posts posted by A.J. Timacadeh

  1. what's with this ignorant moron rudy,


    does anyone know what the hell this fool is talking about. i think he should take some lessons in english before he comes on here regurgitating that incomprehensible garbage all over the place.


    wash your mouth out and get some english lesson man,,

  2. I think Bashir Goth is wrong in his assumption that people who have commited those disguting acts in the south are the only clan who has commmited such sick and depraved attacks and disrespected the dead. However i do think that he has got the gist right about how this shows that there is little hope left for the somali nation if it continues to degrade itself in the way it has been. I think the way that these people have been acting and disrespecting the dead shows the traits of most somali's who have savage tendencies and few morals if any. i pray to allah to show mercy to those innocent ones caught in this senseless and horrifying situation. may allah have mercy on us all indeed

  3. JAY,


    That is exactly what i was thinking.


    Duke, most of the articles that i have read and some of the ones that you have posted show the real graveness of the situation in the south and especially mugdisho.


    so for you to come on here and talk about 'low intensity fighting' and making it seem like it is a little skirmish is a real blow to the people who have endure this on daily basis and is like rubbing salt in their wounds

  4. I think some people have misunderstood my previous article on this situation. I dont think somaliland will ever want a union again. that is not the issue in my post. the real issue is the situation in the south and how that affects all somali's wherever they may reside.


    I believe it is in the best interest of all somali's to decentralise power and to make the recovery of the somali republic a localised venture and to move away from the idea of nationalism at first. this would then allow for somali clans (however much i hate idea that this is what governs us) to take care of the rebuilding of their own regions. after such a system is employed and it proves to be succesful then those local 'confederecies' can then sit down together and organise a system that will allow for a central government to be put in place but also allow the local provinces to keep a share of their autonomy to run their own economy.


    This would allow for the somali republic to sit down with Somaliland and hopeful they can agree a peaceful annulment of the Act of Union of 1960 which i think would serve both nations well.

  5. I think their only objective is to purge and rob as much as they can, get wealthy in the process and kill their enemies at the same time.


    Its a tragedy that the somali people in the south find themselves in the postion that they are. I hope that the day will come soon when their suffering wil end.

  6. Jay and Che


    I think you have hit the nail on the head there. I have always felt that the reason all these transitional governments have failed is due to the fact that they wish to attack the Somali problem as one problem. Therein lies their biggest mistake. The only in which the Somali people can help themselves is if they get their own part of the country in order first. Great example should be taken from Somaliland and Puntland. Here the Somali people have shown that our people are not ALL savages and with the little resources they had they have managed to create a peaceful and prosperous state with good potential for further economic growth. Both states (what ever entity they see themselves at) have done this during incredibly tough times and have partially eradicated the clan conflicts which have proved to be our scourge and disease.


    I don’t think Somalilanders would want a unification with the south ever again but they would be willing to talk if the south had solved its own problems and had managed to collectively come together. Then Somaliland I think would be reasonable enough to at least meet with their Somali brethren from south to try and solve that next level of conflicts.


    The Puntland issue is much easier to envisage and explain. All they are waiting for is for the rest of the south to get their act together and bring themselves up to the standards of Puntland so that they can collectively rebuild the republic of Somalia. It has to be done step by step.


    I know this sounds too primitive and simple but I think the solution lies in giving clan areas the ability to self govern so that every clan should allowed to rebuild its own territory after which the idea of confederacy can be discussed and encompassed. To those of you who believe this would split the country up into tiny mini-states, I will say that the clan issue leaves no other choice credible system other then this.


    The TFG will never recreate a unified somalia unless it relinguishes control back to the clan areas and lets them rebuilt their own towns and villages which they can as shown by Somaliland and Puntland.


    It has to be a back to basics programme from which the stepping stones of a new Republic could be built upon.

  7. EX-Xisbiga,


    I think Udub is not such a megamachine as you claim them to be. they only won the last election by a margin of 40 votes and their reputation has been tarnished since then and they are no seen by the majority to be a bunch of incompetent crooks.


    I would have voted for UDUB in the last election but of what they stood for but now i know what they are really all about i wouldnt really vote for them.

  8. JB,


    I am not sure about when exactly ahmed yusuf yaasin became the VP but i think i remember him being talked about when egals government was in charge but i could be wrong about that.


    Kulmiye have been confusing indeed about what exactly they are doing in opposition especially around elections but UDUB has messed big time with riyaal in charge. i dont see UCID going anywhere with the Crazy Hyena which means that Kulmiye is the only credible party left.


    I have one question for you JB as you seem to be more up to date about these things then me. What is happening with some of the smaller party in the last elections like ASAD? are they still arounf and what are the possiblities of them making any gains this time round

  9. For me i think the true somali patriot Cabdilaahi Suldaan Timacaddeh (no relation btw) was the greatest poet. for me the main reason is that my somali isnt very strong but yet i understand everything he is saying in most of his poem especially Kana siib Kana saar. that is patriotism summed in one poem and can bring a tear to anyone's eyes.


    May he rest in peace and may have allah have mercy on him.

  10. JB,


    you make some good points there about Ahmed Yusuf Yaasin but if he can go directly from hargeisa university to become an influential player in the egal government it shows he has ability and was recognised as a potentially good politician. However i dont think all this will matter that much as i dont see him removing The Goat from the udub chairman ship anyway.


    you are right about this being a time where we need the right man who can handle the pressure and continue to push for stabilisation, economic growth and most importantly recognition of our independence. i dont know ibrahim meygaag well but you seem to be well knowledged on this topic so he might stand a chance.


    whatever happens i think the winner of the kulmiye chairman position will be our next president as people have grown fed up of the UDUB mentality and leadership at the present moment

  11. JB,


    What do you think is wrong with Axmed Yusuf Yaasin. i mean i dont know that much about the fellow but suggested him for the presidency because of the experience he's got in government as he has been there since the early days of modern somalia but if you know more about him i would be glad if you could share it with us!!!!


    i think Siilaanyo is a bit confused at times but he has the interest of somaliland in his heart and i wouldnt mind if he were to be made our next president although i dont see that happening. i dont even see him being the chairman of Kulmiye at the next elections

  12. i think that a true SNM hero like Biixi would stand a good chance.


    I would like to see Axmed Yusuf Yasiin come to the front of the UDUB party and lead the nation. i think he has seen most of the changes in the modern somaliland era and his experience in government would stand him in good stand. I would vote for him if he stood for election based on the his experience merits

  13. Taliban,


    bro you seem to someone with a lot of common sense and integrity. there is a need for islam to prevail above everything else and our religion has clear instructions on how the dead, whether friend or foe, should be treated. My sentiments are that it is exactly what we should do

  14. Great bowling performance from the Windies last night but what were Inzamam and Yusuf playing at when they were scoring so slowly and the run rate was rapidly increasing. i mean that really cost them the game in the end. a dangerous play to play indeed

  15. I must say that the liverpool fans certainly send a chill down my spine even on TV. i went to a premiership game against blackburn a few seasons ago and that was just awe inspiring.


    i wish the blues fans were a bit more like that. i dont see that happenin though as they will be choking on their prawn sandwiches :D