A.J. Timacadeh

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Posts posted by A.J. Timacadeh

  1. this is a very senssitive subject to all somali's abd it should be dealt with very carefully. i personally would allow somaliland or puntland for that matter to stand on it's own legs. soon enough they will realize that they should be united with their somali brothers if they are to prosper. if they do succeed being a good independent state we should congratulate them as a succesfull somali people.

  2. latiif and nafizah.


    the nation of islam was a black-muslims movement that was started in the USA in the 1950's by a man called elijah muhammed. he developed his own version of islam whereby their were black prophets and therfore he could use this idea to tell the americans that blacks were as important as whites. later on this movment was joined by malcolm x who became a militant black leader and muhamed ali. when elijah muhammed died there was a power struggle for the top leadership spot and malcolm x was shot by a member of the movement who opposed malcolm x to become the leader of the movement. this was because malcolm x had gone to hajj and learned the true meaning and teachings of islam. he was going to preach those means if he was to be elected as a leader. a man called louis Farrakhan became the leader and he is still the leader of the movement that now preaches the reall islam. muhamed ali left the movement in the 1970's. the nation of islam still exists and as i said before it is led by louis farrakhan.

  3. rudy, the idea of colonialism was not ''divide and rule'' it was to occupy and force the natives to do whatever you want. the europeans had the idea that they were naturally higher ranked then the natives of the land they were occupying and ruling. therefore the felt they had the right to colonize these people and to use whatever resources the natives had for their own gain.

  4. windtalker, i have noticed that whenever there is an article about anything the guys who have their puntland vs somaliland or northeners vs southerners manage to turn the article into another one of their battles. even articles that dont concern any of the parties involved in these arguements. they are immature to be doing this.

  5. the wise people in somalia are the elders that we call ismo's and the northeners call guurti. they can achieve a lot when given the chances. i mean look at puntland and somaliland. in both cases the elder community leaders took part in numeral conferences where they discussed the issues and came up with solutions to unite the people of their communities. in puntland they elected abdulahi yusuf who is still in power and many puntlanders atribute the succes in puntland to him and his ismo group that hold things in balance.

    if the rest of us would allow them to participate MORE then the warlords i think we wouldnt be where we are now. the elders have gone past the little squabbles that the warlords have and can have a decent discussion without having to fall out because of the other mans clan. i think that somali elders are the ones that can give us something to look forward to not a warlord gathering in kenya.

  6. bari


    bro, i think that you misunderstood me. if the nations power is in the house/senate then the power is still centralised but this time not to a pres/pm but to a group. this wouldnt really work in somalia. you remember the national assemblies of the 1960's. everyone was always saying they were rather biased. i was not around then but what i read about was mostly not positive. i am not saying that federlasim cant work but i know that the somali's would not accept anything that includes federalism unless their clan is in power.

  7. snw, i think you got that federalism idea wrong. the nations power would still be in the presidents hand. look at the us. bush still has a firm grasp on the nations policies. if this were to happen in somalia then it would creat more hatred towards the president from opposing clans and the atrrocoties would start all over again.

  8. you know zakaria i had that same skeptism when i frst saw this pictures and read the little written bit on the site. i first thought that someone made a spelling mistake but when i looked at the people i was a bit reluctant to think they were somali's. i mean they look more central african. maybe xabashi's claiming to be somali's?? i dont i just dont think they are somali's.

  9. i am not a somalilander myself and i have the same feelings as you. most pro-somaliweyn guys here critizise somaliland for wanting to get away from the warlords in mugdisho and the rest of somalia. i know that we all would like to see all of our somaliweyn brothers united, however we must be realistic it is very unlikely to happen. we have our own troubles in the south so first of all we must sort them out before worrying about somaliland. i mean they are looking out for themselves and we should let them. it's their choice if they want to breakaway we have no right whatsoever to determine their future. they are muslims like us and have the freedom of deciding their own future.

  10. snw, bro it's no good fingerpointing who started it this time when you got involved in it yourself. sure angel-dust might have started it this time but you or another puntlander might/has start another time. it's childish and it's foolish to continue this puntland vs somaliland squable over every little detail.