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Posts posted by x_quizit

  1. Ameenah,

    they believe what they wanna believe, and all u perceptive ppl see it with ur own eyes that no matter what the topic is...DA and X seem to be the highlight of their argument.


    [ April 19, 2004, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: Ameenah ]

  2. Im doing a major in Equity and a minor in Sociology...Ive taken pretty interesting courses, such as african studies, caribbean studies, Near and Middle eastern, and social inequality to name a few....one more year and freedom!!!! Hopefully, work with the disadvantaged, crisis hotlines, some sort of social work...we'll see what Tdot has to offer. Its great that u have a family that supports ur education, and im in that boat as well, it will only make u stronger and better as an individual and when its time for u to marry. Two heads are better than one right? Good Luck!

  3. "am i the only who captured this, isn't something wrong with this statement. cajaa'ib, but what were u doing sitting with men in the same bed. maxaa kula fadhiisiyay haduusan aheen husband kaaga."


    What can i say if u werent born with a personality? instead of a makeover, i nominate u for a personality makeover!!! How sad to live to 8 and u still don't have a sense of humour..let me know when u find it in the playground.. icon_razz.gif

  4. Athena...I looooove Big Brother...the american version anyways...but ur missing out on the apprentice..maybe i'll send u the taped episodes i have..thats how much we liked it...if someone wasn't home, we have to tape it for them...and nothing beats survivor...

  5. Are u serious? I have yet to check the news...oh my god...and u are right...there are palestinian informants that will tell on their fellow ppl for the right money...and that has been a practice all the time in assassinations...and yeah...judgement day is a hair's breath away..when muslims turn on each other and getting picked on by the whole world...


    May he rest in peace

  6. Athena and Try Me...it boils down to personal choice...what one is more comfortable doing...and maybe its not always a sign that u are running away from ur culture...


    Personally, I would eat pizza, canjero, burger, with my hands because it wouldn't taste half as good if i were to struggle with a knife and cut down every piece, not to mention the time it would take me....but as for rice or pasta...utensil it is...because i dont wanna get messy!...and i havent gotten the art of eating with ur hands and still looking cute down pat ;) ...maybe Try me can give me a lesson...


    When i was visiting back home last summer, we went out for pizza with some friends who moved back home, and one of the guys was eating his pizza with a fork!...i remember me and my friends thinking..what is he doing? its just pizza!!!...i thought he wanted to look "posh/sophisticated" and that irritated me...and this is back home...so its just not a phenomenon that's new to those that live in the west...

  7. "Is there any cute faaraxs in toronto to keep me entertained during my visit???"


    lol ck...will put the word out that caramel is in town and im sure a few of my left-overs, oops...i mean friends will treat u well...Tdot is the place to be, and u will definetly have fun...


    As for me..im trying to run away from Tdot, maybe go back and visit london and other parts of europe..and no summer school...at least not this yr...


    Maryan, i went last summer and visited back home...it was a great and enlightening experience...being away so long and seeing relatives again, not to mention being treated like a queen...one draw back was that u might gain a few xtra pounds since ppl there won't let u lift a finger and feed u 6 times a day...man..those were the days!!! :( ...im homesick now...

  8. listen, you are not above the rules of this website. If you don't stop the insults against other nomads, we would have no choice but to suspend your membership. Please respect other nomads and stop these pointless insults against other nomads.


    [ April 19, 2004, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

  9. Well, for the acne, u got pretty good tips from the other ladies, so I'll let the experts rule on that...although i do have the occasional pimple due to stress, it hasn't yet made me wanna see a dermatologist...but i think u should go, and they may do a test on u, cause ppl have different reasons on why they get more acne than others...and contrary to popular belief, its not always about the food u eat, rather, more about the environment, level of stress, and ur bodies' ability to produce more oil...hence creates a breeding ground for the bacteria to prosper and turn into a not so cute pimple...also if u wear makeup...make sure its doesn't clog ur pores and lets ur skin breathe, and don't wear it for too long...and clean ur brushes/sponges that u may use to apply makeup..because thats a breeding ground for bacteria too...


    Just to make u laugh...i'll tell u what happened to me when i tried to cover up a relatively tiny pimple with a black eyeliner..thinking to make it look cool and make people believe i had a nice birthmark...big mistake!!! The eyeliner ran and i looked like i had a fight with a panther...i had a streak of black running from my chin to to the top of my neck...lol..my manager asked me...i never knew u had a ...err...a beauty mark..and me, not knowing that it dissolved into a nasty mark, proudly said yeah! duh! ....and then i went to the washroom and saw the horrific sight!!! redface.gif ...boy, was i embarrassed...from then on...i display all blemishes...maybe it was God's way of telling me stop wishing for something u don't have...


    "Also what are some ways to grow ur hair?,and what shampoos is good for oily hair as well. "


    For hair growth, there is this product called Phyto i believe...its pricey but i heard it works...in Canada, not sure if its available elsewhere..but research it in ur area and see if it works for u...as for oily hair...read the labels of shampoos and conditioners cause it will let u know which is for dry or oily hair...caused by oily scalp...best thing to do is when ur using a conditioner...don't massage it into ur roots, that promotes oil to start forming...use it mostly on the ends and middle part...


    Hope that helps!

  10. "My mom told me once that her mom and grnamother use to tell her that if she sat in the same bed with a man, she would get pregnant.....my mom told me that she believed that until the year before she got married....but then again she was only 16 then..."


    LOL...that was so cute and hilarious...im imagining the airborne sperm (not to be crude) waiting to impregnate a woman...damn if that was true....then im a mother of 90... :D ...


    The funniest i heard was that eating to much chicken makes one hairy...anyone else hear that? or is it true?! In that case, bring on the sheep...

  11. I guess its the mentality of...when in rome, do as the romans do...some do have a way of thinking that the West isn't necessarily more civilized but "advanced" which leads people to follow suit. Which is due largely because we were new to this side of the world, but i think these days, its not that bad, compared to the fresh off the boat days, where wearing a macawis was seen as a backward thing..although i do have some male friends who won't be caught dead in them, might just be personal preference or not wanting to seem like they are wearing a skirt in the Westerners eyes.

  12. I love this show!!! Can't wait for the next one...i actually stopped working on a major paper just so i can watch it...talk about being a fan!


    Im gonna have to agree with Gediid, in the beginning i was rooting for Troy as well, because he was the only candidate without post secondary education and yet had the best "think on ur feet" mentality...after he left, i was pleased that Kwame and Bill were the final two, they both equally deserved the job and what made Bill win was the fact that his team didn't have that horrible two faced beep omarosa on...and no..race had nothing to do with it...I believe the best man did win, and Im happy for Bill, and im sure Kwame with his top notch credentials and fame from the show would soon get himself a prestigious job too.


    Now a q...out of all the candidates...who would u most identify with? what's ur style of leadership/working? Im kinda like Bill in the sense that i run around when deadline time comes like a chicken with its head cut off, and I admire Kwame for remaining so cool and level headed the whole time...i wanna be like that!!

  13. "DA this is your chance to bash more somali men.

    same goes for u x."....


    gee...who is that comment from? and u wanna play the innocent victim? Just to refresh ur senile memory, this is the post i was responding to, when i refered to ur less than grown-up behavior...


    This is a song for u..."cry me a river"...theme of ur life... icon_razz.gif

  14. Awwwww...Qac, u feel misunderstood? picked on? Ever heard of the saying, u reap what u sow? Oh, im sorry, ur esl isn't that strong...ask a neighbor or ur therapist what it means....now u wanna cry foul when as usual, no matter what the topic is, u'd like to involve me, so take the bitter pill and swallow it as a man...if u know what that means...


    p.s.-im shedding a tear for u...so sad! :(

    (playing u the violin, sad music)

  15. Actually Mobb,I know of a couple of guys who are pressured into marriage by their parents,so its not as much as girls only these days, guys are feeling the heat too.


    Raxmah,I understand ur situation, many parents pressure their kids into marriage b/c sometimes, they are afraid their son or daughter will stray and behave in an un-islamic way,or some parents compete with others in society, to see who's kid is married off first....they don't realize that everyone has a pre-set time,and only God knows if marriage is even in our future.


    Personally, I've never had the "when are u getting married" talk...mainly b/c our whole family,immediate and extended, believe in education before marriage...and having to bring something into the marriage b4 the big committment...i've had nosey neighbors/family friends bringing offers to my mom,saying once ur daughter is done school...i have so and so for her...i even saw pictures of my suitors...lord help them...

  16. Tam,the reason Qac kid likes to talk about me and DA is kinda like 3rd grade...he has a crush on us! God forbid.... redface.gif .....isn't it getting boring that no matter what the subject is,he gotta insert his insecurities about us...hehe...actually makes me feel powerful that i got to the poor creature...i can just see him having nightmares about us...a tampon chasing him,and our "femine crap" as he says....he's hilarious....


    Qac,for ur info, there are women only gyms in Tdot,so settle down "sheikh" b4 me and the other "lesbians/man-hating/anti-shaving/bald girls" girls come after u!!! Beware!...and i don't remember mentioning i go to a gym...everything can be done at home with the right equipment....not that u deserve an explanation,but wanted to put a "concerned" brothers' feelings at ease...since u worry for my soul being damned to eternal hellfire....so sweet of u... ;)


    For some of u ladies hating the atmosphere of the gym, i can understand...with those open showers and women sitting on the benches getting changed naked...ewww....imagine all the bacteria...that's part of the reason why i hate it,also,time is a precious commodity, and the time it takes to go..and come back...there goes 2hrs....so i prefer to get a few 5lbs weights...do a variety of excercise with them at home...purchase a tape...i got taebo at home...which in 25 min works u out great,and also use the stairs in ur house as cardio excercise...run up and down a few times and b4 u know it...ur tush will firm up...



  17. Many people dread the thought of growing older, and at the same time forget that its a blessing to have lived as long as we have, since death doesn't discriminate about age...therefore with every b/day, we should be happy we're growing older and hopefully wiser....Happy belated B/day and wishing u many more...

  18. Jasmine, workouts aren't only for the ones with a few xtra pounds to lose, but its recommended to everyone, b/c of its many benefits...elevates ur metabolism, therefore u get to burn more calories for those that want to lose weight...works out ur heart and lungs, ur better overall health wise inside....and the reasons u are feeling tired is that in the beginning, ur body isn't used to excercise, so its gonna take a few sessions for u to get used to it, don't overdo it, make sure ur doing the moves correctly....also make sure ur using the appropriate weights for ur size, otherwise u might hurt urself and pull a muscle...don't forget to stretch b4 and after ur excercise, to help with the stiffness of the joints....and drink lots of water b4, during and after ur workout...make sure to eat proteins right after, helps to regenerate the muscles after a workout...hope that helps....



  19. Nomad, for you, I will kick any farax or xalimo that messes with u, just point to the appropriate mijo baasto, and X will come to the rescue :cool:


    DA, actually, i read in a fitness magazine that the treadmill is the number 1 fat blaster, better than the stairmaster and eliptical trainer....ur able to burn more fat all over the body, so P-sexy, if u want to shrink those hips, get on a treadmill, even though its boring, 4-5 times a week, for at least 30 min, and in a month or less, you'll see the change, also combine that with moderate to good eating habits, otherwise, all that sweating would be for nothing...or u can do 10 min on each machine, treadmill, bike, then stairmaster, therefore it won't get boring,...get a CD player, put on ur fav music, and before u know it, ur done ur workout....and the benefits are emormous, u'll feel energized, less stress, headaches...


    Dr.X is out...see u next time! :cool:

  20. "As for the GYM, women there is only 'ONE PART' in the man that needs to work out and that can't be done in the GYM (at least not with other people around )"


    Pervert alert? :eek: ...gross!...how about working out ur brain cells for a change? That might improve ur 20 iq ....sowie! am i ruining the spring mood? aight...i'll add LOL...just 4 u


    As for hitting the gym, yeah, this summer seems to be the yr me and my friends, girls and guys alike are hitting the gym or using anything they got at home..for myself, taebo works me out...great sweat and makes me feel like i can kick any farax's *** ...hehe...



  21. wow...where do i start! Its about time we have a place where we can analyze the "perfect" gender.. :rolleyes:


    1-insecure men

    2-irresponsible men

    3-arrogant/conceited men

    4-believing that the world is their oyster and we're just the accesory to make their world complete

    5-those that don't know what the word hygiene means, they think its another word for feminist



    More to come...stay tuned...