Naxar Nugaaleed

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Posts posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. <cite>

    Your responses are,how can I put it-
    Emotional and totally devoid of sense.


    Anyone ignorant and backward enough to say something like that should be more concerned about seeking knowledge rather then debating online about a third world army and the circumstance of the Uighurs.

  2. "Abortion and family planning are illegal under Islam, and I don’t see Somalis ever doing anything to go against the teachings of Islam."


    This not true at all. Abortion is permissible under certain circumstance such rape or wither the life of the mother is in danger. Also family planning is not illegal...

  3. Should you bother to really ask me and I would tell you I don't like bill maher but then again what can we expect from simpletons. A normal person would take my condemnation of senseless murder as a defense of of Islam rather then an attack of Islam. Either way please do all of us a favor and move to the mountains of Afghanistan already.

  4. ^^ A hijabed pregnant woman lost her kid because idiots beat her up in response to the shootings. Did she get what she deserved?


    By the way, if your God is incapable of defunding his religion and needs you to go around shooting people to do so, you should rethink something's.

  5. ^ you keep using consolidating but I think you mean consulting.


    The real question though is what's so important about this Farah guy that the president is willing to put everything on the line with so little time and so much to do. Or can he really be that petty that he would put a ministers position above the interest of the nation? One thing I know, these mps should be really lucked up or sent to one of those retraining camps.

  6. <cite>

    So you are advocating for a lifeless Islam.

    An Islam that has no value at all and is totally void of any worth or strength. A Secular Islam is what you want - right?


    lol, not sure where you got that. In my view, the more robust and valuable Islam is the one that concerns itself with an inner connection with God rather then the one that concerns itself projecting personal beliefs. Once you throw aside politics and moral policing, you can focus on living what you believe to the best of your ability.

  7. Mintid, it happens here or there is besides the point, Muslimd are on the hot seat now. Personally, from what I can tell, the anti muslim atmosphere Is worse then even post 9/11 Era. I too hope that more education will lead to changes but who knows, I've seen lots of educated Somalis with obhorant views.


    Doctor, I didn't call for the compromising of anything, just pionted out polls indicating large number of Muslim hold the same views as radicals, and that's hard to argue against. Most victims of these barbarians are overwhelming other Muslims they deemed to be infidels, much like our esteemed sol Mufti lol.


    Anyways if I were to suggest anything, it would be this: there is no "Islamic State" or caliphate so there is no one with any ligetamacy when it comes to Islamic law. Because of that, religion should be left to the individual like the Quran says lakum dinukum waliyadin but that's just me.

  8. Minted I really don't care about the media or even religions, the bible has a lot of crazy stuff as well. But to counter Islamaphobes, we need to been able to distinguish between these crazy jihadists and the mainstream. Polls conducted in over 30 countries make this harder if not impossible in that views held by clear majority of people are no different then the jihadist. Should apostates or gays be killed? Should women be equal to men?