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  1. underdog

    Big Lies

    This is a very interesting article I pulled from Prisonplanet.com. Just thought I would share... Everything But The Truth: Mainstream Media’s Big Lies and the Patience Required to Defeat Them By Kevin Newsom While enjoying Christmas break with my family last week, I found myself in the unusual position of having several days of nothing to do but think. With no deadlines, no errands to run, and no appointments to set or keep, it was a good time to sit down and observe the mainstream media’s messages for the American people. After a few hours of watching the big news networks, I noticed these messages are arranged in layered form. On the first level are the mindless distractions, such as the continual soap operas of Trent Lott and Hans Blix’s gang of UN weapons inspectors. This layer, while thick in coverage, is paper thin in content. While actually having very little true meaning to the average American, these stories are always presented as the most pressing issues of our time. They are disseminated to occupy the minds of the people, to provide them with visible “allies” and “enemies” that operate within the government, and to give Joe and Jane something to argue about at the dinner table or water cooler. These “pressing issues” also have the strange ability to disappear completely after a few weeks or months (see Elian Gonzalez) at which time a new set of shockingly unimportant stories are unleashed. The level that lies beneath the distractions and gossip, however, is where the truth resides. Within this second layer of the media machine is contained the actual direction the current political establishment wishes to take America. You’ll often find these stories buried in the back of the newspaper, or mentioned in 30-second sound bite format on television and radio. This is arranged to serve two purposes. The first is to assure that the American people do not focus on said stories to such an extent that they begin questioning the government. Why worry about your rights and freedoms? Wouldn’t you rather read about the boogieman of the month, or the latest celebrity gossip? By placing such unimportant garbage at the forefront of peoples’ minds and thoughts, the establishment media distracts us from the stories and issues that truly do effect every person in the country. If you don’t believe me, try asking anyone around you what the current administration is planning to do with the Fourth Amendment rights of ordinary Americans. The most likely response is a glazed expression, but if you ask the same person about Saddam’s latest evil deeds, they will regurgitate whatever was discussed on CNN or in the local paper. The second reason these stories are pushed to the back of the burner is for the media to maintain some semblance of credibility. If there is no mention at all of the latest restrictions of freedom in the papers or on TV, the people would rightly accuse those guardians of truth of misleading them, and would stop listening to the mainstream. Instead, these issues are glossed over as being “necessary”, and mentioned very briefly. By using these hit and run tactics, the major outlets both contain and manipulate the truth to suit the purposes of the American political machine. An example of this can be found on www.infowars.com , in an article from the Miami Herald . The piece mentions the newest approach to prosecuting suspected terrorists, foreign and domestic. Gone are the days of trial by jury. Now, to tackle the terrorists, we are being subjected to trial by military tribunal. Of course it’s never clearly defined who could be considered to be a terrorist by the defense department, or what kind of behavior would constitute such a charge. But there’s no need to worry, because the writer mentions that the first to go through such “trials” are the Al Qaeda fighters currently held in the concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay. In these nefarious little military courts, it is stated that the “trials will not provide defendants with as much protection as in federal court… secondhand and hearsay evidence, for example, is allowed.” Also, the courts will be “using heavy secrecy and streamlined rules of evidence” to prosecute those suspected of being terrorists and collaborators of terrorists. The writer portrays this in a positive light, of course, comparing the legitimacy of this new American justice to that given to Nazis and Imperial Japanese in the 1940’s. So the Constitutional guarantees of trial by jury are null and void. Now, American citizens are fair game for the tribunals, where it’s legal to not even reveal to the accused what they are being charged with. Why? To stop the terrorists. According to this article, we are all now going to be subjected to “indefinite detention” if accused before the military kangaroo court until all hostilities are over. So the whole basis of American trial by jury is being completely destroyed, as the current rulers in Washington continue to cut-and-paste the Constitution to fit their evil goals. Americans can now be charged as being terrorists and detained until the end of this war on terrorism, without even knowing of what it is that they did. The writer of the column makes no effort to even address these issues, much less answer the questions they inspire. Why not? Why is every talk show host and newspaper columnist in the country not discussing this? How is it that a revolutionary change in American life receives less attention than the college football bowl season? Why don’t the Fox News “conservative” news hacks ever talk about this in-depth? Because the media wants to prevent us from discussing these issues of dire importance. By burying stories about our loss of freedom, and by spinning said losses as positive and necessary, the establishment media works to keep Americans in the dark about the truth. The battle for the truth doesn’t always center on the jackals in Washington, however. Most of the time, its primary location is within you and those you spend the most time with. After writing last week’s column, I was eager to receive comments from readers. A recurring theme within the feedback was the discouragement that occurred from being laughed at when presenting the truth, specifically to friends and family. To those who find themselves being rejected and/or laughed at, it’s important to remember a few points. First, when people laugh at the truth, it is a sign of their fear. They are afraid to think about what is actually occurring in America today, and how worthless and crooked politicians are stealing our God-given rights from us. For these people, the natural self-defense to this frightening truth is to pretend it’s not happening. For them, it is easier to bury their heads in the sand while striking a dismissive attitude. Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance, and to most it is known as denial. In any case, recognize their laughter for what it is… fear. Don’t become angered when they laugh or smile at you, but instead ask them if they have seen the documentation showing our loss of freedom. Ask them if they know what the USA PATRIOT ACT means, if they understand the consequences of surrendering freedoms for temporary security, etc. Friends and family are often the most resistant to change…be patient with them, and keep challenging them to look at the facts themselves. It’s easy to get discouraged when they don’t believe us, but this is where we must gather ourselves and have patience. Remember how you acted before you came to understand? I surely remember my attitude. It was one of scoffing mockery. But I continued to listen, and by continuing to listen, I came to understand the truth. The more people are exposed to the truth, the more receptive they are to it…and the closer they are to believing it. Think of it this way: if your parents, siblings, or spouse devoted as much time listening to Alex Jones and visiting sites like www.infowars.com and www.propagandamatrix.com as they spend watching talking heads like Tom Brokaw and reading the daily newspapers, they would awaken to the truth. Much like love, the truth requires much attention and dedication to flourish. Does a man tell his wife that he loves her only once? Of course not. He reminds her everyday with words and thoughts and actions. Does a mother tell her child she loves him only one time in his life? Of course not. She tells him as much as possible, even when he doesn’t want to hear. The truth is like love. We must tell those around us as much as possible. We must show them the documents that serve as the blueprint for the vile forces that have overtaken our nation. Even if they don’t want to hear. Especially if they don’t want to hear. Victory in this information war requires understanding of the truth, but patience is just as important. So be patient with yourselves and others, keep fighting the good fight, and we will all keep marching on to victory!
  2. I recently came across an islamic site that listed the signs before the Day of Judgement. I remembered when I was alot younger back home being told of the signs, but they didn't make much sense....I read them now and I honestly say each and ever single sign from the minor list has happened. Wouldn't you agree? The Minor Signs: .The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad) .Books/writing will be widespread and knowledge will be low (Ahmad) .Adultery and fornication will be prevalent (The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people, which their ancestors had not known.) (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Al-Haythami) .When fornication becomes widespread among your leaders (The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that this will happen when the people stop forbidding evil) (Ibn Majah) .Adultery and fornication will be performed in the open .The consumption of intoxicants will be widespread (Bukhari & Muslim) .Women will outnumber men......eventually 50:1 (Bukhari, Muslim, & Ahmad) .Killing, killing, killing (Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majah, & Ahmad) .The nations of the earth will gather against the Muslims like hungry people going to sit down to a table full of food. This will occur when the Muslims are large in number, but "like the foam of the sea". People will beat others with whips like the tails of oxen (Muslim) ?The Slave Trade .The children will be filled with rage (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .Children will be foul (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .Women will conspire (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .Rain will be acidic or burning (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .Children of fornication will become widespread or prevalent (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .When a trust becomes a means of making a profit (at-Tirmidhi, Al-Haythami) .Gains will be shared out only among the rich, with no benefit to the poor (at-Tirmidhi) .Paying zakat becomes a burden and miserliness becomes widespread; charity is given reluctantly (at-Tirmidhi & Al-Haythami) .Miserliness will be thrown into the hearts of people (Bukhari) .Episodes of sudden death will become widespread (Ahmad) .There will be people who will be brethren in public but enemies in secret (He was asked how that would come about and replied, "Because they will have ulterior motives in their mutual dealings and at the same time will fear one another.") (at-Tirmidhi) .When a man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother; and treats his friend kindly while shunning his father (at-Tirmidhi) .When voices are raised in the mosques (at-Tirmidhi) .People will walk in the marketplace with their thighs exposed .Great distances will be traversed in short spans of time .The people of Iraq will recieve no food and no money due to oppression by the Romans (Europeans) (Muslim) .People will hop between the clouds and the earth .A tribulation will enter everyone’s home (Ahmad) .The leader of a people will be the worst of them (at-Tirmidhi) .Leaders of people will be oppressors (Al-Haythami) .People will treat a man with respect out of fear for some evil he might do (at-Tirmidhi) .Men will begin to wear silk (at-Tirmidhi) .Female singers and musical instruments will become popular (at-Tirmidhi) .When singers become common (Al-Haythami) .People will dance late into the night .When the last ones of the Ummah begin to curse the first ones (at-Tirmidhi) .People will claim to follow the Qur'an but will reject hadith & sunnah (Abu Dawood) .People will believe in the stars (Al-Haythami) .People will reject al-Qadr (the Divine Decree of Destiny) (Al-Haythami) .Time will pass rapidly (Bukhari, Muslim, & Ahmad) .Good deeds will decrease (Bukhari) .Smog will appear over cities because of the evil that they are doing .People will be carrying on with their trade, but their will only be a few trustworthy persons .Wealth will increase so much so that if a man were given 10,000, he would not be content with it (Ahmad & Bukhari) .A man will pass by a grave and wish that he was in their place (Bukhari) .Earthquakes will increase (Bukhari & Muslim) .There will be attempts to make the deserts green .The appearance of false messengers (30 dajjals) (Bukhari) .Women will be naked in spite of being dressed, these women will be led astray & will lead others astray (Muslim) .The conquest of Constantinople by the Muslims (Ahmad) .The conquest of India by the Muslims, just prior to the return of Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon both of them)(Ahmad, an-Nisa'i, at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .When people begin to compete with others in the construction of taller buildings (Bukhari) .There will be a special greeting for the people of distinction (Ahmad) .The Euphrates will disclose a treasure (The Prophet, peace be upon him, said that whoever is present should not take anything from it) (Bukhari & Muslim) .Two large groups, adhering to the same religious teaching will fight each other with large numbers of casualties (Bukhari & Muslim) .Wild animals will be able to talk to humans (Ahmad) .A man will leave his home and his thigh or hip will tell him what is happening back at his home (Ahmad) .Years of deceit in which the truthful person will not be believed and the liar will be believed (Ahmad) .Bearing false witness will become widespread (Al-Haythami & Ahmad) .When men lie with men and women lie with women (Al-Haythami) .Trade will become so widespread that a woman will be forced to help her husband in business (Ahmad) .A woman will enter the workforce out of love for this world (Ahmad) .Arrogance will increase in the earth (at-Tabarani, al-Hakim) .Family ties will be cut (Ahmad) .There will be many women of child-bearing age who will no longer give birth. .There will be an abundance of food, much of which has no blessing in it. .People will refuse when offerred food. .Men will begin to look like women and women will begin to look like men http://etori.tripod.com/dajjalsystem/judgement.html
  3. Originally posted by banaadir: all that its left is thugs and hood rats in somalia and weaklings in overseases. Human Nature is strange thing. I was in that same frame of mind recently thinking there are no more role models and not enough Somali success stories to inspire the next generation. I experienced an extreme paradigm shift when I stopped looking at all thats wrong with the somali society both back home and here in North America and Europe. All I saw before was wannabe thugs and broken families. I then came across a young couple the girl is a med student and the guy owns his own business. I have since met a lot of Somalis that are positioning themselves for success. We can't all make it and we're not all on the same track. But I believe enough of us have the drive and conviction to realize life is not a dress rehearsal, this is it. We only have a bright future if we can be self sufficient...It's a start.
  4. I agree...Social Justice is a myth thats why locking my car doors in not enough anymore I have to activate an alarm too...anyone can be a victim...thats why we need know all the available options.... No Offence intended to all the militant feminists...If I'm walking down the street and see you in some maniac's head-lock, I'll be happy to help you out.
  5. Or....You could just dress responsibly and have your husband/brother/father take you where you need to go. If you're one of the "independant", "I don't need a man", "feminist", "I have a right to do what I want when I want" women, you may have to face this predicament alone.
  6. *******************DISCLAIMER**************** The instructions given here are intended for self-defence purposes and should in no way and form be used as offense tools. Underdog Inc. will claim no liability for any permanent damage inflicted as a result of these instructions. Results may vary. ************************************************** OK Listen Up, it doesn't matter how big or what physical condition a guy is in, there are 4 spots on a man's body that will DROP him if the Correct amount of pressure is applied. To make it even easier, all 4 spots a in a straight line (...dial down the middle... c.a.l.l.a.t.t. ) 1)Between the eye - tricky spot to hit someone, but this adjacent to the pituitary gland which controls a few of the sense and overall balance. A clean shot here will buy you more than enough time to set up the next shot. 2)The Throat - not the neck..the throat. A good shot will floor anyone. hit it too hard and you'll crush his windpipe ( Can you say murder charges???) 3)The Solar plexus - Right below the Rib cage. No muscle cover and highly sensitive. A good shot should deflate the lungs rapidly causing an interruption in the respitory process. now stand back and watch him fall like sisqo's career. 4)The Family Jewels - I assume no explanation required on this one. I would never condone violence but when all diplomatic channels fail, ladies, don't slap your attacker and don't wait for someone to come to your help...do the damage, you can always apologise if you're wrong. Be safe and Be well
  7. Originally posted by flying-still: suul dheer Now that's one of them Old Skool Names forback in the day when names actually matched the people...these days things are headed in the wrong direction. How many of you know someone called Nuuro but is as dark as quater past midnight....or a guy called Cilmi with the IQ of door-knob. Shout out to the Suul dheer peeps for keeping it real
  8. underdog

    37 days

    A blonde walked into a bar. She sat down and started chanting, " 37 days! 37 days!" The bartender asked what she was doing, but she didn't answer, just kept chanting "37 days! 37 days!" Soon more blondes came in, all chanting "37 days! 37 days!" The bartender again asked what they were doing, and one of them held up a little kid's bunny-rabbit jigsaw puzzle and said, " The box says 2-4 years, but we put it together in 37 days!"
  9. underdog


    A business man got on an elevator in a building. When he entered the elevator, there was a blonde already inside and she greeted him by saying, ''T-G-I-F'' (letters only). He smiled at her and replied, ''S-H-I-T'' (letters only).'' She looked at him, puzzled, and said, ''T-G-I-F'' again. He acknowledged her remark again by answering, ''S-H-I-T.'' The blond was trying to be friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly ''T-G-I-F'' another time. The man smiled back to her and once again replied with a quizzical expression, ''S-H-I-T.'' The blond finally decided to explain things, and this time she said, ''T-G-I-F, Thank Goodness It's Friday, get it?'' The man answered, ''S-H-I-T, Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday.''
  10. what lines ??? this is all in good natured fun...stop being so defensive...relax
  11. STOP THAT...change for who, for what??? If you got dumped, it just means she doesn't understand or appreciate what you're all about ( assuming you are about something to begin with). What you're saying is take notes on what the girl "thinks" is wrong with me and fix it... what if she doesn't like my nose, or the way I pronounce the word Hydrochloric. I want you to try this Stand Up For Something or Fall For Anything I'm not a trend, I'm the F'ing Rock of Gibralta. what you get is what you get.
  12. Stuff like that Builds character. You were supposed to learn some valuable lessons from thoses experiences... 1) When you see a herd of animals larger than yourself headed in your direction - Stop crying, open your eyes and RUN, if possible not in the same direction as the herd 2) Since you got on the wrong bus, might as well sit back and see how people are living in this hood. - Again Stop crying, open your eyes and communicate your situation to anyone looking like a wadaad. The only lesson you ended up learning is that it's safer to stay home...I'm pretty sure so of the the bros and sis's in here can tell you of some experiences that would probably have killed the ordinary cayaal-maama like you. p.s. the scars are a photo album of good memories.
  14. underdog


    Everything after the word "prove" is the punchline...
  15. underdog


    This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry about this, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done
  16. underdog


    Yesterday scientists revealed that beer contains small traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, the scientists fed 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that 100% of them gained weight, talked excessively without making sense, became emotional, and couldn't drive. No further testing is planned.
  17. Hey listen, You sound like scream therapy or something. I'm a considerate guy so here's what I'll do for you. whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better, you go right ahead and let it out. glad I could be of some "stress release" help
  18. oh...now isn't it very naive of you to think I should explain anything ... it kinda sweet. :eek: Oh my god !!! you were picking a fight? really? WOW
  19. I absolutely feel you, but don't you think my question deserves an answer too? you asked a question and I did too, why not advocate for both answers since you're doing such a wonderful job. Oh, by the way, there is a rule for answering a question with a question. It's called "SCOR" (Seeking Clarification on Original Request)
  20. opinionated, if never did any of that, you probably never left the house with out a parent Flying, I can answer a question with a question / remark / silence. you ask your questions and let me worry about the answer
  21. underdog


    A man and his wife are returning from holiday, while on holiday they decided to buy themselves some pets, he bought a snake while the woman got a skunk. As they are passing through airport control they notice a sign which says "NO ANIMALS WILL BE ALLOWED THROUGH QUARANTINE" Slightly distressed the woman turns to her husband and asks what they should do. After thinking hard for 5 minutes the man come up with a plan "what I'll do is tie the snake around my waist and try to pretend that it's a snake skin belt" "Yes" the woman replies "but what about the skunk?" "I don't know, you'll just have to hide it up your skirt" "but what about the smell?" the woman asks. To which the man replies "Look, if it dies it dies!"
  22. I have no idea why I posted it here...come to think of it, I only post in women or jokes....I think it's time I expanded my target range