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Posts posted by Sacdiya

  1. Mr. dd what are u trying to imply here quote on quote " stick what u know best" cooking, cleaning, taking care of children. There is no shame or problem if women take care of their kids and do the household chores, but you are missing the point here it used to be that most men were the breadwinners while most women were housewives but over the years that role has changed.In our community we are seeing women doing both roles trying to balance work and at the same time caring for their kids. It's a shame that you belittling women thinking that they are not capable of doing more and are better off being housewives. Nowadays you will see few men doing their role as a breadwinners and willing to spent quality time with their families. What happened to the majority of the men? why aren't they doing their role? So, please don't even criticize women alone, what about men huh.?

  2. Originally posted by Red Sea Casse:

    Assalamu Calaykum,


    Good jokes diagaale indeed, although I didn't like the content of the jokes. Nevertheless, I will also tell you good joke since you started this whole thing for once.


    Ok it goes like this,


    Once upon a time there was this Somali lady who wanted to take the bus when she arrived at the bus stop she diddn't know if the bus had left or not, so she turned to of the poeple standing at the bus stop to ask if the bus she was looking for which was bus #18 had left.


    The somali lady said to a guy standing near by.


    "Hooyo bus lumber 18 xoving( moving)

    she meant bus number 18 moved away.


    Another one, there was this somali lady whom was getting interviewed for some legal documents when she was asked her age and she said " I am dirty (thirty) and my husband is dirty( thirty two) too. If pronounce thirty with the American excent you will kind a get the choke. Get it.


    That's all for me.

    I thought the joke " i'm dirty and my wife is dirty two" an Indian man said.

  3. Originally posted by rudy:

    i only watch one show 2 1/2 men!! it comes on cbs at 9:00pm pst! xalimoos should listen to Charlie Sheen! and drop that wannabee queen biatch stuff!! no lie.......!


    i cant believe ppl are watching the simpsons!! i guess some of us need to get a life.

    Who asked you to control what someone watches or don't watch. Who needs to get a life now RUDE GUY.

  4. Originally posted by Lieutenant Xalane:

    quote:Originally posted by Sacdiya:

    Xalane, I thought Khalaf was a female. Forgive me if Iam wrong.

    Safiya,If Khalaf is female then i am either aging or my server needs to be updated or something.In either case,what do u advice?


    Back to the topic,Naden sheikh waalan halagu daro,she will be fine.
    Xalane- I guess you are server does not need to be updated, but you know how some names could be so confusing when it comes to categorizing it’s gender. I think you are kind of aging though cos my alias is Sacdiya not Safiya... :D


    Khalaf- Iam sorry about that walaalkiis, I used to know a chick name Khalaf, you know how Somalida they give their kids a name that can female or male.

  5. Maskiin- you are right Somali women used to drive cars back then 70's 80's,. dadka qaarkood gabar gaari wadeyso balaayo a ka dhigayaan. They used to drive stick shift what are u guys talking about. Dabshid-smile a igu dhishay, naga yaree sxb, that is big smile u taking a whole lot of space.

  6. Eventhough, this is just stereotype among these ethnic groups it is somehow true and after close observation following behavior are identified to be somehow exist in each culture.



    For white people following behavior has been observe:


    Having your children curse you out in public is not normal (common)


    Kissing your pet is not cute or clean (very common, also disgusting)


    An occasional BUTT whooping helps a child stay in line (that’s what they need to do otherwise they won’t curse them out in the public)



    For black people following behavior have been observed:


    Weddings should start on time (common) (this trend is also seen in Somali culture nowadays)


    Your pastor doesn't know everything(very common)


    Church does not require expensive clothes.


    Your rims and sound system should not be worth more than your car (common among the younger generation especially)



    For Hispanic following behaviors are true:


    Jesus is not a name for your son (common)


    Your country's flag is not a car decoration (loool very common)


    Maria is a name but not for every other daughter. (very common)


    10 people to a car is considered too many.

  7. Originally posted by Abwaan:

    Oo tolow isku guri miyuu dejin doonaa?

    After reading all the posted comments yours was the most hilarious one of all. Lool, walaahi u are funny.

    I hope not, living under the same roof that is digusting. It is better if they live different place. What is with the two wives at one time, walaahi waa washaan nimankii somaalida. Gabdhaha aa igu daranbo ka yelaya taas.

  8. Originally posted by Rose:

    quote:Originally posted by rudy:


    actually, name was given to me by a xalimo... there is a city in canada that everybody knows me as rudy..!


    actually, what happened was i use to call her n when some 1 walks into my room, being shy..i use to hang up on her..! lool.. hey, i was innocent!


    that said...can u fill me in why u ladies bug so much like a crazy animals! must be the large pepsi!!

    Exclamation marks everywhere!


    Are you always this hyper?! !! [/QB]
    Loool Rose,

    I'm literally laughing out laud,

    I thought I was the only one who suspected something wrong with the dude.



  9. I have seen several Somali movies including Qabyo, Rajo, and many others. I would definitely see this movie as soon as it available in near theater. I really like the main idea that this film is based on. It is good to see that some of us are taking time to talk about this issue and are taking the time to actually make a movie about it. I despise the idea of categorizing clans and those who think their clan is superior and make the rest look inferior. That is just plain sick it is crap. I do not understand why would anyone judge someone based on his or her clan in terms of marriage. All the narrow-minded people should go and see this movie and I hope they can understand the message behind it.

  10. Originally posted by rudy:

    [QB] actually, name was given to me by a xalimo... there is a city in canada that everybody knows me as rudy..!


    actually, what happened was i use to call her n when some 1 walks into my room, being shy..i use to hang up on her..! lool.. hey, i was innocent!


    that said...can u fill me in why u ladies bug so much like a crazy animals! must be the large pepsi!!




    Waa wereersantahay walaahi, always blaming on Xalimos, LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!!