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Posts posted by YoniZ

  1. I remember lengthy discussion we had on SOL about this topic 6 years ago. 

    Something never change in the Somali psycho.

    Waxa maalin walba cimaamad diineed loo geliyaa ujeedo siyaasadeed awr lagu kacsanayo. 


  2. 47 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Many have predicted and all assertions came to be false  No one is bringing back the case from the court. It's unfortunate people have been peddling this misinformation since Xasan Sheekh to take the case to the court.

    Kenya's intentions much like Ethiopia is driven by internal issues, that doesn't mean that they will give up on the sea.

    Somalis always read Western intentions. Their goal is purely driven by self interest. They will not commit to anything until the case is settled.


    That's is what we all route for. The case to be decided at ICJ.

    But, don't discount the incompetence and the naivety of today's Somali officials. They can capitulate spectacularly at any time with shallow promises to support them against their arch enemies (i.e. other Somali politicians)

    Hoteelka ayuu noogu yimi, kadibna, wax walba oo aan tabanaynay wuu naga ogolaaday, anaguna waxba maanu ka ogolaan tabashadiisa.

    Warkaas ayey meesha lasoo shir tageen. Caruur ayaana hadalkaa loo sheegaa, ee cudi ka dhageysan mayso. 

    What did Prez Farmaajo did gave in return for the all goodies that he received from Uhuru?

    We will know the truth in the near future, and of course it will come in drips from either the Kenyan officials or their allies in the martime case. 

    It is irony, that even Minister Cawad is aware, no one believe Somali officials' record. 


  3. Suldaanka,

    Sxb Shaydaanka iskanaar, dhibna dad hala jeclaan. In aad Allow balada ka hay dhahdo weeye waajibka Soomaalinimo iyo Islaamnimo ee ku saaran. 

    Shalay ayey aheyd markuu Talaabo kulahaa, ninyahow Aakhiradaada u cabso. Taladaas waa mid wanaagsan ee qalbi furan ku eeg. 




  4. Maakhiri, 

    Sxb, intaan la gaarin waxa la miisaamayo, waxa haboon in marka hore, miisaanka  Maryooley ay wax saarto inay dib u eegaan inuu saxan yahay. 

    Miisaan qaldan wax la saaray inuu natiijo sax ah keeno waa midaan la sugayn. 

    Marka hore, aanu iswaydiino midka qiima badan, nafta iyo sharafta qofka Somaliaga ah markii loo barbar dhigo mashaariicda aad halkan soo dhigtay. 

    Mida xigta, qofka masuul noqda, waxa la eegaa, maalintii uu masuuliyada qaaday iyo maalintii uu kategay/laga qaaday xilka, xaalada ay sugan yihiin  dalka iyo dadka uu masuulka ka ahaa. 

    Mida kaloo muhiimadeeda leh waa inaanu meel isla dhigno, qofka masuuliyada loo dhiibtay ama faramaroorsaday, waxa saaran waajib ah in uu ilaaliyo nafta iyo sharafta dalka iyo dadka, asaga ayaana leh masuuliyada ugu danbeeysa wixii dhacay mudada uu xukunka hayo. 

    Hadaan usoo noqdo ragii Maryoolay masuul usoo noqday. Ragii ka horeeyey Kacaanka, waa Halyeeyo aan helin mudnaanta ay leeyihiin in loo qiro, ayaga ayaana leh wanaaga tobanka sano ee hore Siyaad loo tiiriyo, waayo wuxuu ka dhaxlay ayuu wax ku dhisay. 

    Kacaanka kadib, ragii masuuliyiinta noqday, maysan helin fursadda uu helay helay Siyaad, waxa kale oo nasiib daro ah in ay dhaxleen kuna mashquuleen la tacaalida iyo badbaadinta bukaankii uu Jaalle Siyaad geliyey Koomaha(Coma). Midwalaba oo ragaa kamid ahna waxuu kadegay masuuliyada asagoo wadanku dhaamo, ama lamid yahay maalintii uu madaxda ka noqday. 



  5. Che, 

    The Oromo attacks nowadays are dying down. These look more isolated cases rather than organized ones we have seen earlier this year. The swift removal of Mr ileey became some sort of blessing in disguise. 

    In order to consolidate power, Jawar and Abiya have bigger fish (former ruling Tigray elites) to fry. This move against the top army guys will either make them rule the country for real or, turn the clock back to the power struggles of the early 70s. 

    It will probably take longer time than early 70s for any ethnic group - including the over ambitious Amhara - attain complete monopoly of the power in that country. 

    This time over, there is no proper ally in the form of the cold war era to fall back to. Add to that, Abiya was smart to extenguish the hostile neighbor threat that can be used  by his opponents as whipping horse. 

    Sheekadu waa tii carabta ee aheyd, Masaaibu qawmin cinda qawmin fawaaidu. Maryooley siday u nasiib badan yihiin uma helin hogaan uga faaiideeya fursadaha. 




  6. 4 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


    Pardon my cynicism, but I think you are singing a delicious version of "Kumbaya" in here. Why?

    Well, to start off things nicely, one can say, that, this HIPC thing will not be going much further into the distance so long as Somalia has no ability to collect tax from one end of its jurisdictional territories to other end.

    And with all his good intention, Dr Beyleh, can't collect tax from Bakaaraha market, if on the other hand the folks there decides to pay him not one penny more. Much less said about him collecting money from any other places in the country outside of Mogadishu.

    It's good that someone, like Dr Beyleh kind of person, have actually decided to roll up his sleeves and get stuck-in to lift the wretched reality of Mogadishu, with it's rich cartels who doesn't want no freaking government at all which may in turn tax them. But I doubt it he will be having any success for any much longer in this "financial endeavor" of his.

    Remember every year he must report back to the IMF and tell them and show them in "hard numbers" of how much tax-collection revenue he collected it, not only from the port of Mogadishu but across the regions and across the country. And I know no federal member states (FMSs), from Puntland to Jubbaland and all those in between, who will allow their tax-collection and cash-revenue to be under Dr Beyleh's finance ministry in out there in Mogadishu.

    Of course, they may say to him this is how much we have collected in this financial-year, and then do so as a form of a "paper report" to his ministry in Mogadishu.

    But in a "hard cash" sort of sense of "harmonizing and transferring their tax-collection from the regions's capitals to the capital of the country", which is what IMF and the other International Financial Institutions (IFIs) actually want so that they can use it as the basis of the "predicate" of how much the "accumulated debt" of Somalia they will "write-off", and how much "budgetary contribution" on a yearly-basis they will make to the federal government in Mogadishu, will not happen.

    For it will not happen, because the alleged federal member states (FMSs) consider whatever measly tax they collect from the areas they control as their personal "piggy-bank" sort of thing. And they will guard whatever that in it with a jealous eyes.

    Now, of course, on the other hand, they will scream "blue murder" and say we need all the help or "our cut" from whatever the federal government gets from the international financial institutions (IFIs), such as the World Bank, IMF, and others of the regional or global outfits of that kind, like the African development Bank, or the Islamic developmental bank and what-have-you.

    However, when it comes for these FMSs to actually "pay-back" some of their tax-collected revenue from their areas under their control to the central government's finance ministry's tax-office, they will balk at the prospect of it.

    Moreover, they will simply create all sort of mirror-and-smoke-racket and an endless silly talk along the lines of saying they will do it next year but not this year, without never actually doing it at all in any freaking year you could think of.

    Or perhaps they cynically will sign any "legal documents" demanding from them to do so, but they will never, ever, actually implement what they have signed. 

    This is the politics of the South (or Somalia). It's a "politics without honor" in which the southern's elites, the southern's financial big-wigs, and their teeming politicians, actually practice it in deeds sort of sense. And practice it as a matter-of-facts. Not what they say or sign in a "pro-forma sort of lip-service".

    Hence, sad to say it, for it gives me no pleasure to note it in here, but, Dr Beyleh, with all of his good intention, will genuinely find that out the hardest way possible, the most pitiless way possible, long before his term at the finance ministry ends in Mogadishu, hopefully, in and around 2020/21.

    Mark my words in here, mate.     

    Oodka, sxb nothing wrong in trying to fix what is possible now.

    If things keep going in the way they are now at the MoF and CBS, it will definitely lay solid foundations to be built on. That is exactly what Dr Bayle and his likes hope to leave behind. The horrors you mentioned are real and, still there but, to sit back and do nothing will not make them go away.

    My predictions are,  if (and big IF to say the least) this team survive the many traps laid ahead until 2021, they will be collecting federal taxes in all over the six states including Mogadishu and, roll out the new Shillings to every corner of these areas.The SL issue though is a totally different ball game.



  7. 14 hours ago, galbeedi said:


    The best news and the only valuable message that comes from these EU and World Bank affair is debt relief. If they actually agreed to debt relive that will be something to celebrate.

    Personally, I have appetite for donor countries or their money. Nations are not build on donor or NGO money paid by the so called Paris club. Every decade, we hear that western donors want to contribute $40 billion development fund, millennium fund, or other funds to help the developing countries. 

    Yet, if you ask them to right off the $40 billion dollar these countries accumulated during  the cold war or before 1990, they will say no. Why you want to give me aid money,  while on the other hand,  you keep pilling the interest of debt that undermines my economy by taking hundreds of millions of interest?. Not a single one of these nations is  capable of repaying the debt and their only efforts would be to keep paying  the interest.

    The Soviet Union had written of over hundred billion dollar debt owed by the developing nations during the cold war. 

    The world bank and other donors left Ethiopia in 2005, after disagreements with Meles Zenawi , the late prime minister. Yet, Ethiopia had grown for the last 14 years without world bank loans  .Look at the Asian nation from Burma, to Cambodia and other less developed than the big Asian tigers like South Korea. They have good infrastructure and relatively stable economy. They are not built by donors but the hard work of their people.

    Furthermore, a government that resides in one city where all its military , police and ministers reside , doesn't need huge money to operate and survive. No one is asking them to serve the hospitals  in Buuhoodle, Diinsoor or Cadale. I bet you that the 68 government ministers are paid and maintained by the UN and the NGO's, just as their  travels, expenses and their  security is taken care off by others.

    If I were a real opposition, I might even ask the huge salary budgeted for both the office of the prime minister and the president. In 2017, each one  of them was supposed to receive over $5 million  dollars in salary. That means close to 10% of the budget is consumed by these two men and their offices. Even if each of them had 20 or 30 employees,  that is too much for a nation that had a budget of little over $150 million dollars. Muuse Biixi in Hargeisa does the same thing by taking $13 million dollars to operate with a staff of two dozen, while education is allocated half of that.

    Farmaajo even claimed that he doesn't know his yearly or monthly salary. Of course it is true when you have a bag money coming from the gulf.

    Somalia uma baahno lacag aan la shaqaysan iyo deyn. Somalia shaqo ayey u baahan tahay.

    My first order would be to fire the vulture type  diaspora folks who are making $7,000 dollars a month and replace  them with a local person who could do the job for $700 dollars or ten times less the than the greedy diaspora who fills the hotels. 

    Folks, the whole Somali nation needs rehabilitation and to change the culture and attitude of our people. The  Oromo in Hargeisa, Boosaaso and Borama are sending hard currency to their villages in Ethiopia while the lazy Somali is chewing Qat and  talking to the latest  iPhone. 

    We have been sending money to family members for twenty years. We helped then raise the children, and now when  those children became adults, they just started where their fathers and mothers left.

    A friend told me that one of his nephew keep calling him from Uganda three in the morning. One night, he asked him about the Somalis whom hailed from the same region like him who owned clothing and other merchandise shops, and enquired about getting a job from those stores , especially the one owned by some close family members. He said, " Waar kuwaasi dadka ayey adoonsadaan oo 12 saacadood ayaa loo shaqeyya". 

    The next day, he called one of the store owners and told him to hire him and send him $1200 dollars for his salary for one year. He informed him about the job and told to stop calling him and work at that shop.  Initially , he refused to work , but after a month  had passed,  he had no choice but to work to survive.

    The Somali state leadership from  top to down is filled by people who accepted that the only way to build a nation or organize the security of the nation is money and muscle from donors. As long as that culture exists, do not expect any thing to change. If money and foreign weapons would resolve the economy and the insurgency related security,  it would have settled the Afghanistan issue which is still burning after 17 years, while getting  help from the most powerful army and  NATO.

    I have friends who works for the Halane compound and they fly back and forth every three months. They work only  nine months a year with six fugue salary. 


    Some of you might be too young but the bad culture and theft of the resources without had work started when the I M F landed Somalia in 1981. They devalued the Somali Shilling to boast the trade and imports and created the inflation that destroyed the poor and created the " Booli Qaran" and the Landcruiser that crisscrossed Mogadishu. 

    I do not see any efforts to introduce or create a more stable or small denomination currency to replace the old Shilling that exchanges the one single dollar to thousands of Shillings. It seems Farmaajo and company had given the financial policy of the nation to others in order to get few millions.

    The same thing is happening in Hargeisa to day where life is difficult for the ordinary people. In Garoowe, almost everyone is working for NGO's and other UN agencies. Hotels are full and people are flying from north and south to get the pie.

    As I said, there is no short cut for nation and army building but hard work, sweat and blood. 

    Inta aanu idiinka imaanayno iska nafisa. Wadankani gacan bir ah ayuu u baahan yahay.

    In Canada, they say:

    If you are breathing you work, if you are not working, you are not eating.



    Galbeedi, Sxb I feel your concern in that regard. 

    Yes, there are Nomad parasites who also came back from the West serving some corrupted International NGOs for self enrichment. However, the picture is not all gloomy. There are people who already came back from the comfort life of zipping latte at Starbucks, they have chosen to fix what ever possible now, instead of criticizing or waiting for benevolent dictator, they do their best for the country.

    The positives are not only the international grants, look closely to the changes in tax collection (which I am proud to have paid multi thousand dollars since Jan-18), salary payments and, nascent anti-corruption efforts. All these efforts will bring us closer to the elimination of the debt arrears under the HIPC initiative.

    The problems we face are accumulated horrors of several decades, these will need many years of hard work before turning the tide.  It needs the combined effort of many people with good intentions. We cannot wait for Galbeedi to get permission from Madam and start his revolution :) , some of us have already got that coveted seal of approval and are on the ground, not for revolution but, definitely to contribute in the long process of rebuilding this broken country.

    Your good revolution is needed but, allow the ones on the ground to pave the road for you and, other ambitious late arrivals. In the end, if you remember, none of the 13 SYL founding members held the highest positions after independence.


  8. These two grants are not the  business as usual, money laundering schemes we used to see. 

    They came in the form of budgetary support for specific measurable purposes and, after many months of hardwork and confidence building reforms. 

    It is easy to sit at your warm sofa and criticize. There are guys who refused to do just that, working tirelessly to turn the page of the past disfunctional decades.

    Unless we recognize the work of those who do good things, no matter how small it looks, we will not come out this dark tunnel. These guys at the MF & CBS deserve some credit. 




  9. Guys, hold your horses and Fatwas 😁 It is not a loan but a grant. 

    For your information, Somalia does not qualify for World Bank loans. Not until it clears the accumulated arrears, or these loans are forgiven under the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) scheme.

    Reuters has already corrected its earlier reporting by adding this line at the end of the article (This story corrects to show Somalia is receiving grants, not loans)



    • Thanks 1

  10. 18 hours ago, Oodweyne said:


    Well, that is a "fine judgement" to arrive at, indeed, my friend. And, of course, whilst those fine upstanding folks of your imagination are out to be back to school in "re-learning" (or perhaps learning for the first time) the "art of life" and all that naturally will follow from it, I gather that you in turn will be in that street corner's school where they habitually teach the "art of political sycophancy". Eh, my friend?

    After all, by the looks of it, the speed in which you are going at the rate of it, in-terms of your ability to be a "politically obsequious" for the likes of Mr Abtigiis, could actually make one to see that such low-grade-school will not have too much of a difficulty in putting its "finishing touches" on you in this regards, since you are almost there, intellectually and consciously, my friend....:P

    Oodka, sxb I'm not/never been here to trade insults with the undisputed bad mouthing 👑 of SOL. What benefits are to gain from going into insult marathon with you☺ 

    We both have been long enough here to see how fair I treat every new Nomad leader,  no matter where he is from.

    Abtigiis is one of those leaders that need time to fix this broken place. If he doesn't do right, then it will be fair to skin him for his record. 

    Bal aanu eegno waxa u qabsooma muddo sanad ah, iyo midda uu muteeysto cay ama amaan.

    Niyad wanaagu waxuu hagaajoyo maahee waxba ma dumiyo. 

    Siyaasaduna maaha keliya midda tabloidska England ee kuwada nacay, ama kuwada jeclaaday, ee meel dhexe arinta qotomi. 






  11. Nin maalmo kooban masuuliyad u hayey maryooley maskaxda Amxaar ka gumeystay lixdameeyo sano, kuma aragti iyo maamul xuma intaa ka maquuta shaqada uu qabtay Abtigiis maalmaha yar.

    Waa arin fiican inuu xooga saaro dhisida maskaxda qofka Soomaaliga ah, intaan lagaarin dhisida laamiyo iyo ceelal. Halka aanu ka dunsanahay, burburka ugu xoogana uu ku dhacay waa dadka. Hadii dadka in la dhiso lagu guuleysto, ayagaa dhisan inta ka maqan.

    Kuwan SOL la soo jiqilla weyn cayda, caraatanka iyo mucaaradnimada aan xikmadda ku qotamin ee lagu weeraro qofkii maalin masuul noqda, waxay u baahan yihiin in ay waxbartaan oo iskuulaad nolosha laga barto loo diro.

    Intii sidaa ku caafimaadi wayda, waxaanu uga dalbaynaa maamulka SOL inuu u furo qeyb si gooni ah loogu xanaaneeyo, dhaqaatiir kasoo shaqeysay Maanakoobiyo ay kayihiin Moderators:D








  12. 1 hour ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Abtiigis should be given the  benefit of the doubt knowing him and his anti Ethiopian stance for years I think he is Somali centric what we need to.do is a fair share of the state political share distribution of wealth. And he needs to 're train reconstruct liyuu police. Somalidu marki ba waxbay mucaraad ku noqdaan.  War walaga biyaa dhowra before you make any decision. 

    Shinile  the hawd and reserve area and the o,gaden region  all need to cooperate regardless of qabiil.  As suldaan timmacadde once said dugsi maleh qabyaaladi waxay dumisa mooyaneeh.


    I second, what Xaji said.

    Nine appointments are too little to justify, throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    Unless, the intention was to throw it with any little excuse in the road. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    First fish market in Somaliland? Surely coastal folks have been fishing and selling fish for centuries.

    Dhib kuma jabna, waxa gaartay xumadii reer Koonfurta ee aheyd, wax walba kii Somalia ugu horeeyey.

    Talaabo, inuu kalmadaa ku xajiimoodo mar danbe maahan. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, Mooge said:

    yes Galbeedi. he is a good friend niyoow. I met him in Nairobi.

    niyoow we had General Duke elected in Minnesota, then we had our friend ElPunto become minister of immigration in Canada and , then our friend Juje become UN rep for Somalia, and now we have Abtigiis elected Somali Region president. niyoow this little place SOL is a little gem walaahi.  we have all kinds of talents marauding around.

    niyoow I thought @Oodweyne would be selected foreign minister of Somaliland last year walaahi but we know biixi want to keep his close clan friends in place so that never came for our SOL secessionist.

    who is next?


    It has to be the time for our Galbeedi, who else has that grit and stamina 😀

  15. Congratulations to Abtigiis. No wonder he was one of the principled SOLers. 

    Despite loose cannon kids deluting this platform, SOLers with principle and grit are what attracted and retained ppl in the politics section. 

    We may realize, sooner than anyone might have expected, our forefathers' dream of united and prosperous Nomads, leading the people of the Horn to great success. 

    The winds of change in the region look sometimes unstoppable.

  16. 33 minutes ago, Duufaan said:

    Poor Somalis business men will lose money and work. Foreigner investors will take the profit at least. Somalia needs investments but not this area. There were already so many Hawala. Why could not they invest solar and wind energy. Food productions and infrusture.

    Why boder, when you can utilize tried and tested method called, Minimum effort Maximum gain.

    Nomad businessmen are damn good at it!