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Posts posted by Zakariye

  1. s/alaykum

    Raula really waad iga qoslisay, anyway i think Rudy is right 100% that is strong agreement with some 1 you have no idea their thinking lol, anyway Rudy, i have seen a lot like that , but u know ppl contradict most of the time, is like you know how you feel during the moment, so i think darman needs to be extra cautious next time, i guess, and perhaps include all our names to his list, lol. That will solve this problem quikcly and darman can go back to more posting. Hey my freind can i can call you friend "Lucky" don't side with Darman, unless he included you his List! lol



  2. s/alaykum


    Alla waa yaab , Jawahirey abeeso ku cuntay miyaad waalatey, xishood walaal , gabdhaha afka kuma taagaan ragga walaalahood ahi, ask nin-yaaban about Somali dhaqan and women, u will be amazed how bad u will feel Jawahir , marka hadii aan u soo laabta, sax weeye, yes we need Men Forum, but as long as you have SOL Men , who like to wonder around the Women Forum, there will not be any Men Forum, last time i post and asked the admin , about men forum, overwhelmingly SOL Men were against the idea, so let's keep the Women forum for a while, and perhaps women will help us to have our own Men Forum.LOL



  3. s/alaykum


    waa sax Xalimo7 is away for vacationing and she might never check back again SOL, so inta keliya aan ku daraya waxey tahey , Xalimo generally was talking about the situation that most of our somali women faced and is facing still today, she did not single out any particular group, she never foulmouthed anything, wallahi waa yaab dadka gacanta soo taagi ogaa, waryaada miyeydan wax aqrin karin, if you read her postings she never dished out any , just she was exploring how the suffering continues ,yes perhaps her home town state, "Somaliland" might not be facing the same problem some are facing,so yeh let's wait hopefully when she comes back from her long vacation if she ever checked back in to tell us how did it go, untill then, yep let's save our sin gossiping mean machine words, lol, hey illaah nabad ha ku soo celiya walaasheen, who knows what.



  4. s/alaykum

    A-cuudu billah warya darman miyaad waalatey see alla kuu galey , qof fiican baad aheyd, do you know what you just said, without any iota of proof ,just look this is one of your quotes


    • they are more religious and pious than the rest of the nomads


    • they are always are busy in serving the cause of diin thru simple posts in SOL threads



    do you really blv that, how on earth did you come up with that loosely conclusion, haven't you heard everything that glitter is not gold, plz rephrase some of your finding and i do agree with you that yes all these ppl that u named is or are what you saying, but what you can't say is the rest of the Nomads are not? strong condemnation. I don't buy that



  5. s/alaykum


    well like i promised, starting from this wknd, if you are a somali Men, who happens to be one of the bystanders of the malls i am going to visit, be carefull ,cz i am going to ask you what made you stand there? and if you are lady who happens to come to the mall without a shopping spree, you need some explaining to do? so here i come, to answer why some somali men and women spend their valuable time at the malls!see you either Sat/Sun/Mon.



  6. s/alaykum


    war arrimahan waa yaab, i am going to say this exactly how i feel, so hear me gingerly,lol

    i do blv 100% there were and still is somali Kingdoms,for sure if you go back and the history fo the Somalis you will see it exactly what i am talking about, but to some they just exist for reasons other then "IT"!i am going to post this site, and i know some of you will definetely get surprised but it is only history, if you have any other Boqortooyo plz post, i love reading .


    walee waxaan u maleyn in dad badan ay gacanga soo xoori

    some of these kingdoms go back 1800 BC


    admin minfadlak if this post seems out of its contest plz you have my permission to ERASE IT, no offense in my part.



    so if this young lady Choose herself good luck queen!



  7. s/alaykum

    Ninyaaban , don't you know brother, Iraq waa 52nd state of the united state and soon if elect Dumb and Dumber,SYria will become 53rd and then iran 54th,and perhaps others to follow, so walaal it is no surprise to me, why to you?. I am wallahi waxaan rabaa in aan aado Iraq, oo aan soo xado Lacagta meesha iska taal, lol.



  8. s/alaykum


    so far i think i haven't contributed about this thread, and the reason is can you change someone's mind when they are die hard for their country, you can't for that reason only i give Mr Platalk my blessing ,he have every right to support his gov, and maybe in the future enlist to help the us army,at any cost, ladies and gent ezy with the brother he is only expressing his feeling toward his ppl and his country, so respect.



  9. s/alaykum

    very interesting and misleading at the same time, well i hope we don't see a billion chinese crossing over every land and sea in the world, so what we need right now is to let them stay in their own land, otherwise Paltalk and Dad you two will be compelled to learn chinese language,as a first language not english walaahi, plz don't wish what you don't want.



  10. s/alaykum


    walaal remember ,the best that ever happened to me is getting hitched, walaahi, not long ago i was having the same panic attack like going to school how can i support a family, but not only did i get married i am also in grad school, so yes it is the best thing that ever happened to me, and for my experience alone, go for it, you will never regret it, but remember marriage is not made for every 1, that badge of honor is only reserved for the few , and the proud ones. No imitations wanted in marriage, either you get it or you don't. So if you don't have an appetite for it just watch it from inside out.

    But to those who R married you know , when you come home and your best friend(wify) is waiting for you, how jittery you get. maashallah,somehow i sounded like commercial ,lol



  11. s/alaykum


    walaalayaal this time i think we are fabricating stories, i went to search this baseless article , i couldn't find out and iota of turth in it, so plz let's stop this baseless innuendos, wallahi we are becoming bunch of liers, for real, if it is true provide the fact.



  12. s/alaykum

    Maashallah, walaal Opinionated i can't blv finally to see what shirt u r wearing, did you really read what the lady is talking about, she is not talking about the abuses, but Islam in general,

    I am black and I was a Muslim and I'm a woman and I say exactly those things so it's really difficult to accuse me.



    I don’t really pay much attention to these imams as long as I have protection with me now, that's the advantage of having security, then I can fight them with words because they (muslim Clerics ) have no arguments.



    plz don't side quickly read the whole content before agreeing, cz if you do that you r no more than a copy cat of her.



  13. s/alaykum


    Seing an African decent being the head of the Untied nations, makes you almost proud, but why did he(Annan) Ignore the current situation in Africa? specially Somali? i know some of you will jump to the gun, and say somali must clean their house first, but isn't the job of the united nation to help?




    sorry admin can you move this to the politics section i appreciate , ty.

  14. s/alaykum

    it is ok bro, i did find out about her this is her article which is very interesting, markaan arkay waxa aad ka sheegeyso ayaan waxaa raadiyey bal waxa la sheegaya in ay run yihiin iyo in kale, walaal waa runtaa, and here is the article



    once you read this article i see why the uproar for this behavior, what is it with her anyway, don't pay any attention, she is just attention seeker, so why bother her.



  15. s/alaykum


    Lol. funny abaayo macaan haddii ay ka xishoonin hooyadaa , taasi waa ceeb, laakin sabab lee meesha u joogaan, for real no one stands a corner if there is no good outcome , so there must be something out there, starting from next week , i will be joining these brothers and will find out what is the benefit of standing there, and i must report back here what did i found out. untill then no excuse to any 1



  16. s/alaykum


    Now Flying sis, that is funny, if what you saying is true, every time you go to the mall you see the same brothers, then something is not right, perhaps you can tell me why keep going the mall any way, you can't be shopping all the time, and have it occured to you , that the brother that you are assuming he have nothing better to do might be protecting the mall from the aliens,did you? i guess it never occured to you, lol anyway enjoy at the gossiping and teasing, cz once it stops , i swear you will be lost.



  17. s/calaykum


    lady hova ,tell me this how did you know they were looking at you, unless you were checking on them too, and the same thing goes to sister St-Ch,it takes 2 to tango, so u must been there to check too, sister , tell me then what else do you go to the malls, not to shop all the time, i know for that, you must go there to be checked on you and likewise, so plz let's stop , playing the hard ball game, and if you see one who stares u hard ,all you have to do is stare back hard, that is it , no harm done.St-Ch i can't blv you said that there r no somali women who hang around the malls too, next time to go to the somali malls check how many of them are female, and how many of them are male, the number will surprise you. Don't act like an innocent bystanders, who jsut came to shop, yes sister you are right when you said you came only to shop, to shop for a man to stare at you and make your day,after all you maybe having a long week and you need that attention, lol.

  18. s/calaykum

    wow st paul, my btf walaal i appreciate your honesty but it doesn't add up. Ok here is the thing let's flip the coin and assume for a sec that we had somali ladies stand around the mall which by the way they do too, more often then men, and i luv to c a somali women great me everytime i come in to the mall , or wherever, wallahi if i can get that ,not literally me, cz i am married, but am speaking from my heart , it will have been happy day for me, so why not try to ignore the few who mess up the true greeting and override them, walaahi macaan waa yaab, how much somali men love their somali sisters , and the sisters are falling behind , their part. good luck to all .



  19. s/alaykum

    walaal su'aal wacan ayaad weydiisay , but here is the truth of it, if you don't know yet , i am going to tell you why? Somalian Men Stare at every women who passes , first we have some sort of magic eyes, you know sort of laser eyes we can see through at every dress even if you are wearing Hijab,Lol all over your body, just kidding, what else should they have done,if they don't stare at yo'all and say hi , what tell me, if they don't do that then you would have said , they so insensative, they don't greet us, so ladies which way you want to be treated?

