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  1. Ain't nothing wrong to double up your prayer when you're in such harsh situation. When prophet Muhammad(scw) was in a ditch hidding from the Kafirin, He read (Al surat Yasin- Beginning), And was survived. Therefore, my muslim sister, we shouldn't be considering that kind of a pray as "Hypocritical act"
  2. Centenial Park!!!!!? sounds familiar, isn't that somewhere around West Toronto?...
  3. M.T.A flame I would encourage you to do more Cibaado and pray. Not meaning that u currently don't pray, but addtional prayer, and follow these steps: 1- Plan ahead, do not put off your assignments, and get things done well before deadlines. Start work on large projects well in advance. 2- Exercise, do whatever activity you enjoy, 3- Watch a television show, or go to a movie as a study break. 4- Talk to other people, if you get one of those N&Wknd free Verizon wirless. lool, 5- Meditate or use any other relaxation techniques. 6- And lastly "Tawakal Allah" and always remember the only 1 real TEST is not yet. (akhira)
  4. Salamu Caleykum I really liked this site and I thought it would be nice to share some ideas and comments with my fellow somali youth as well all other mem's. For the past 10 days or so, I was just a guest, but now a member coz I've seen some valuable articles that worth replying.........Anyhow before I irritate you readers with my nonsense writing,, I'm glad to join this site, and look forward to read ur future input.