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Posts posted by bilan

  1. are you saying that UK, Toronto do not have the same issue, this is muslim problem, not even Somali issue until the Imams get serious, I am afraid we will see more people being brainwashed. waxaa haya dhereg dhacsi, but I blame their parents.

  2. few more teens were arrested in US, it is strange that their parents are blaming the Somali Informant, it's a shame that their anger is directed on the wrong person, they should be blaming themselves as they obviously failed to raise their kids right.and then should be really sad and disappointed at their kids. I cannot believe the father of one these would be killers said that he is really mad that another Somali recorded his son's conversation,but not what his son said or wanted to do. Lastly Omar Jamal need to stop using community, he can speak for the family, but he doesn't speak for the entire community.

  3. Name whatever you feel like naming your kids, but it annoys me as hell when people put down original Somali names and instead suggest Arabic names, not the ones that have roots in Islam, but names like Rania, Dalia,Shadia adil etc. seriously Someone even named their kid Sudaysi, not realizing that sh Sudaysi's name is Abdirahman, and Sudaysi is family name. do not tell me Sagal is ugly name and I should name my child sheering.

  4. Shiikhanu ma wuxuu rabaa in gabdhaha la gudo??? Mida kale the only position women cannot be appointed is the head of the state, so what is his problem, musiibada manta Somalia ka socota, wax dad la dilay, waxa umad la isku qarxinayo into ka soo tagay buu dumar iyo xukunkooda ka hadlayaa, wadaada Somalida Allaha soo hanuuniyo. There are bigger issues he needs to worry about, mida kale xagee bay culimada Somalida ku shireen oo isaga loo dhiibay inuu umada af hayeen u noqdo. Women are half of the society, too bad if he does not want to see them.

  5. I have never seen someone who is more confused than you Carafaat, you are always trying to justify what your ilmo adeero do, no one is talking about Bare Hiiraale iyo qof kale, markii geel loo heeso baad goranyo u heestaa, stick to the topic, people are talking about Edna and this other guy, you either agree with their hate filled speech or you are against it, you do not have to justify or make excuses, just FYI your cousins do not use only speech, they are killing people in their own houses right now, so please do not try to act you’re nationalist or unionist. I hope one of these days you will find out what you want.

  6. BS, i was in Kismayo in 1991 qof kale taariikhdaan beenta ha halag dhaadhiciyo,kun jeer baan habaar waalid mari lahaa if i had the option than to see what i saw in Kismaayo, waxaan joojiyey markuu yiri aamaankuu sugay, Oba hadaad taariikh run ah rabtid wixii ka dhacay Kismaayo ask qof soo joogay, xasuuq kama dhicin la ina magaaladadba cid badan ma jooginby the time la soo galay, intay yarayd oo joogtayna iIlaahau un baa og wixii ku dhacay.

  7. But what is the big deal, give the yalhows, Ullusow and Galaydhs chance to air their objections, would it hurt the PM if he calls all of them and asks their opinion and why they are against the constitution? Somalidu qof walba qumanihiisaa qoorta ugu jirta.

  8. Cajiib, walee somalidii waa waalatay, soo mar haday intay 100 nin meel fariisato oo ay rido oday la soo doortay, saa bari markay laba reer ay nin iska dilaan yaa kala dhex gali doona, ilayn odaygii kala celin lahaa waa kaa la karaamo tiray. Mida kale inta Somalia nabada ah waxay nabad ku tahay odaayaasha dhaqanka, ee dad qurba jooga yeysan ummada aasaaska ka siibin.