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Posts posted by Haaraahur.

  1. The Dervish struggle


    All though all visible signs of his controversial movement disappeared with his death, the Mullah lives on in his the people’s memory through his rousing poetry which is forever cited and which, along with his sizable correspondence, represents a significant body of anti-colonial ideological thought.


    The Mullah never wanting words in defence of his cause,

    provided his own epitaph:


    Even I have failed to get a flag that would be flown for me

    between here and Nairobi.


    Have I failed to get honour in Paradise, and

    victories as well as defeats [in war]?


    Even I have failed to get the Iido [region],

    luxuriant with grass, and the Nogal [for my camels] to graze,


    Have I failed to get a riding beast to mount and raid to war with success?


    Even I have failed to get to get people who would show me sympathy and

    acknowledge their kinship with me,



    Have I failed to get God’s mercy

    and [the gift] to see the prophets face?


    It is important that the to take lines 1 and 6 together, as they so eloquently reveal the Mullah’s twin concerns thought the long Dervish struggle, God and Country, or freedom and faith in Allah.


    In 1960, after the Somali Youth League successfully led northern and southern Somalis to independence and immediate union, an inspired poet, looking back to decades of strenuous Somali resistance to colonial rule, sang the following stiiring lines:


    O Lord, who could convey gracious salutations to the great Dervish,

    Who may tell him that his land is free at last.




    Divine Madness

    Mohammed Abdulle Hassan


    By Abdi Sheikh Abdi

  2. By Sayid Maxamed


    In ‘Hiin fiin’ the Mullah is as much concerned with showing off his poetic talent as he is with getting his message across. Ostensibly, the poem is a celebration of the poets love for a favourite horse, Hiin finiin; it is a pointed demonstration of the Mullah’s poetic skills and brilliant discourse on tribal politics.


    The Mullah, for political consideration as well as for love’s sake, had asked the hand of a high-born ********* woman belonging to the ‘Omar Mahmud', an important ********* sub-clan, but put in a serious quandary when her kinsmen, to block the proposed political marriage (which they considered the kiss of death), ask for the impossible as part of the standard bride-price – the Mullah’s favourite horse.


    So, in spite of its superficial playfulness and surface brilliance, the poem is filled with sadness and longing.


    As in the case of with many of the Mullah’s poems ‘Hiin Fiin’ starts off with a long and involved ‘preamble', in which the poet discusses at length, tribal hospitality (what should and should not be asked and/or offered) and inter-tribal politics, including betrayal and perceived cowardice in the fight against infidels. For, in the Somali imagination, the horse is primarily associated with war and with manly pride.



    Hiin Finiin


    My dear Farah, the words of [consequential] men

    Deserve seldom consideration

    That I am of dignity and of honour,

    no one can deny,

    and I was kind and compassionate before I was abandoned

    [by you, Somalis] to my solitary fate in the hands of

    the Christian infidels.


    Now you have come to me,

    bearing a letter from an important ruler ;

    Yet had you asked of me any number of goodly flocks,

    or any other worldly thing.

    I would have held back nothing [from you or your master]


    I had intended to give you a goodly share

    of my multitudinous camel-herd;

    I had wanted to select for you a thousand choice camels;

    but when you asked for Hiin Finiin, of all creatures,

    I was hurt to the quick!


    O my brother, certain demands can lead

    to a man’s perdition;

    but I pardon you, for you are a kinsman.


    I may accuse others [of wrong-doing]

    but you, I hold you blameless.

    Yet had the nearest of kin, clansman, or in-law

    asked me [of my beloved horse] ,

    had they adjured me with mention of the Living One,

    the Ever-Lasting,

    I would never have consented to part with my

    beloved Hiisow.


    It is chestnut, the most befitting of colours for a horse.

    In movement, it is best-siuted for the full gallop,

    the trot, the canter or the easy gait-

    whichever way you ride, it has no equal among horses1


    O Hiin Finiin,

    as I think of you

    my fondness for you surges forth afresh;

    so dear are you to me

    that only the letter of the faith

    rivals my love for you.

    All creatures in God’s creation

    esteem the spirit of this sacred horse.


    But since a sultan,

    [who is related to me by marriage]

    has set his heart upon it,

    Then, I surrender its reins to you, O Farah,

    though I would have not honoured the request

    of anyone else, among Adam’s progeny,

    for possession of Hiin Finiin.

  3. -------------------------------------------------

    great cadaan guy is showing us...about our heritage.. and how we should be divided more..is just another thing.. were the cadaan ppl divide more into peaces of africa... we should congratualte the guy.. for deviding us more.. wuuhiiii...



    You seem to be well acquainted with the white man's ways. Divide and rule is well tried method and has worked most of the times except in Vietnamn. The people were clever enough to refuse this north/south division so much so that they paid with their lives and wealth.


    The white man has many tricks under his sleeve.

  4. MMA

    Waad ku mahadsantahay masawiradaas weliba abtigay cabdulahi ciise waan heystaa masiwaradiisa oo kale. Runtii masawir oo adeerkayna waan heystaa maliintaas weyn uu joogay.


    Dadkaas inbadan way ka tageen aduunkaan. EEBBE Ha U Naxariisto dhamaantood

  5. -------------------------------------------------

    This is an image that is clearly understood by everyone who works in agriculture, and its nature of hard work that for a long while does not seem to be producing anything. A farmer works hard for months on end, weeding, preparing the land, plowing, cultivating the soil, seeding, adding fertilizers, and ensuring irrigation at regular intervals. If you look at his farm during the long winter months, you do not see the promise of any yield. Yet without such work no harvest would be forthcoming. The farm will be desolate, and the people who rely on it for their living will be in a miserable state of affairs.



    How accurate!

  6. -------------------------------------------------

    On a serious note, we should have some acquantence with the Hague and open a tribunal file with them.



    Guahaad Miyaa kaftamaysa? Hague miyaa naf ka raadisay? Cajaaib

  7. Northerner

    I am not saying you are condoning it but you take this email of yours to whatever region of Somalia you are from and watch the response!


    You will have khat chewing marqaan black teethed men using it as part of shukaansi because you know how naively they trust western scientists. They will probably hallucinate thinking they have become super lovers and continue with this menace! :mad:

  8. ----------------------------------------------

    I also can't help sniffing at petrol fumes. And new shoes. And babies.


    Yes, You are one bizzare lady!

  9. Lakkad


    My parents never cursed me so I am not able to give you any tips in that field. However if you realy want something more effective than habaar then supplicate against your boss during early morning hours. But be careful for this is a deadly weapon

  10. Some of us (praying, fasting) muslims will be transformed into animals.




    Hadhrat Anas (R.A.) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "In the last days before Qiyamah, the faces of certain people from my Ummah will be changed into that of pigs and monkeys".


    The Sahabah enquired, "Will such people believe in you and Allah?" Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "Not only will they affirm these things, but they will also perform Salaat, observe Fast and perform Hajj.


    The Sahabah asked, "Then why will such misfortune befall them?" Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "They will be addicted to dancing and singing girls, and musical instruments. They will consume liquor excessively.


    One night they will pass their time in the usual merriment and in the morning their faces will have been transformed into those of monkeys and swines".


    (Fathul Baari)

  11. Somaaliyey toos

    May ALLAAH Reward all of those heroes of the past and present who are working hard to make Soomaaliya are better place for Somalis.



    Can I get aamiin from my fellow country men and women?

  12. Modesty your title nearly gave me a heart attack because I remembered the below hadith. So whether this picture is fake or not some of us muslims will be transformed to animals! SUBXANALAH




    Hadhrat Anas (R.A.) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "In the last days before Qiyamah, the faces of certain people from my Ummah will be changed into that of pigs and monkeys". The Sahabah enquired, "Will such people believe in you and Allah?" Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "Not only will they affirm these things, but they will also perform Salaat, observe Fast and perform Hajj.


    The Sahabah asked, "Then why will such misfortune befall them?" Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) replied, "They will be addicted to dancing and singing girls, and musical instruments. They will consume liquor excessively.


    One night they will pass their time in the usual merriment and in the morning their faces will have been transformed into those of monkeys and swines".


    (Fathul Baari)

  13. ^ wrote;



    4) Acknowledge the fact that if Somalia divisible, as well so called Somaliland is divisible. If the people of Hargeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle have right of a self-determination and the right to secede, as well people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn were entitled the right of self-determination and the right to stay as part of Somalia, stay alone and form their own state, or join freely with any other Somali state like Puntland.




    A modest proposal


    That is true and fair. I would even go further and let these secessionists divide to their hearts conntent. Make each city a country and then when the city inhabitants feel they need to claim for independency let them. Then after a while perphaps each neighbourhood will feel the urge to be a country let them. So many countries would then emerge, the more the merrier eh?

  14. Underdog wrote;


    Do what you want REALLY MEANS You'll pay for this later.


    I'm not upset REALLY MEANS Of course I'm upset, you moron!





    If the female suspects the male knows all the rules, she must immediately change some or all the rules


    ^ some updating is now in order don't u think



    warya: Is not your mother a woman too? no offence but i found that joke vulgar

  15. Certainly ALLAAH Is No need of a rough draft. He Says Be and it becomes. That one dares joke at the Expense of ALLAAH is beyond my understanding. And since when did infidelity become a good comeback??