Make a Wish

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Posts posted by Make a Wish

  1. I've done okay up til now without them so may that long continue... Sleeping helps too and the 5 daily recommendations of fruit/veg.


    I don't see the point in an annual check up, it's as though your wanting for the doctor to say 'oh, looks like you're suffering my asthma young man'. If you're feeling fine then what's the point in going?! I wouldn't waste my time.

  2. ^ LOL, Nin, ur a joker. You see it's all about their 'business' they WANT you to become reliant on them so you can keep returning back... Yes you said they're free but some organisation of somewhat will pay on your behalf and it's a way for your GP to keep you on their patient list 'oh, look how many aappointments I have today!'


    I self medicate personally...the drugs I use are called ' let your immune system deal with it' smile.gif

  3. Daaradonle- well said. In times of calamity, patience pays well....


    Savings is always good OR like in your case Kool Kat, if you're not good at it and as u live in Canada, just make sure u have enough to relocate to the UK- we have an AMAZIN welfare system.... :D

  4. ^ African, I think your a bit OTT about this. We understand your point, if it's bothering you THAT much, check the websites, jot a few notes, get your rear off this but some ingredients (if you don't already have it) and get in the kitchen- it's called Trial and Error sis!


    Enough already!

  5. ^ LOL @ Chris Brown her.


    African Queen you sound very similar to somebody I know. You're right, Ramadan is the BEST time to learn as you cook an array of things, more than the daily boring baasto and bariis.


    I would advise you to use the time productively. When your mum's cooking you should stand beside her and make the same product- perhaps a smaller quantity until you gain confidence to make enough for the whole family.


    When talking to guys don't use that cornflake joke again- it's a really bad one! And even i'd run a mile. Instead you should be quite vague and say yeah 'i'm not bad, indhaha ma'aalin aa' and swiftly move the conversation along.


    In future if you ever feel pressure to invite his family round for dinner, make sure you do it during Ramadan...everyone's hungry, they'll be MUCH more grateful and kill off the food licking their fingers :D


    Goodluck sis!

  6. ^^ G.G u joker- off on until 20th sept :D


    Fatboy, whatever you do remain civil and willing. For the time being, if you try making arrangements, adopt a good diplomatic stance- don't come across as though you're picking and choosing, your answer to everything should be 'haye haye.. waa runta... sax'


    Try fitting things around THAT schedule as much as possible- difficult yes, but inshallah it'll be worth the hassle.

