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Posts posted by Naden

  1. if Africa was populated by Asians would it be in the same condition? Allah knows best, but i dont think they will kill each other like animals.


    If Africa was populated by Asians, it would be called Asia :D . On a more serious note, here are a few stats to show that Asians do and have killed each other like Animals:


    1)Indonesia: Approx. 500,000 killed in Indonesia, 500,000 arrested; 200-300,000 killed in East Timor


    2)Cambodia and the Khymer Rouge: Approx. 1-3 million killed in Cambodia.


    3)The Japanese Invasion of China: About 300,000 people, hundreds of thousands of women raped and brutalized in Camps.


    History books vary a little in the numbers but they are good approximations. These happened between 1937 and the end of the century and do not include the messes in Vietnam and the Koreas.

  2. What's there not to fear? If the doctor comes into the room and doesn't wash his/her grubby paws infront of you, RUN, RUN as fast and far as your skinny nomad legs will take you. They're known for suspect hygiene and giving people infections :( .

  3. ThePoint,


    Nothing in my post or the topic is especially funny. If you reread it, I said Africans reaching Arab shores. I look at the tens of thousands of muslims living in Italy and Australia who are granted citizenship rights and hold these Arab countries to that standard..


    few countries give blanket asylum to illegals. In fact, the standard practice in the west is to deport them.


    No one is advocating blanket asylum. In any case, there would have to be a system in place to decide who is an illegal, a refugee claimant, an immigrant and so on. Western countries do deport, often after a lengthy legal process and people area allowed to work in the interim.


    I do agree that countries largely inhabited by immigrants are more likely to open their doors to refugees but many western European countries are a clear exception.

  4. ^^ Exactly!


    The two-day meeting is expected to form a general body to implement the decisions and resolutions moved at the end of its sessions. It will be geared toward creating an understanding between the Muslims and non-Muslims


    What I would really like to see is a creation of an understanding between Muslims and basic human rights of amnesty, tolerance and extension of helping hands to others. This applies to us Muslim Africans as well despite our desolate state.

  5. “The forthcoming conference will request an assurance from the European Union to improve the situations of Muslim minorities in Europe, Denmark in particular. And we want Europe to respect the rights of Muslims and understand the values of their faith.â€


    This is well and good. I wonder if they would bother themselves to request from their own assurances that:


    1) A muslim reaching Arab shores from a poor/war-zone will not be left to drown.


    2) African Muslims from unstable areas and those who have lived in Gulf nations for years would be given asylum or at least temporary working/studying papers to support their families.


    This is would protect the muslim faith as well.

  6. An Experiment in Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Arab Racism


    Imagine if an Arab spiritual leader referred to Jews as "foul", a

    "disease" or as a "devil". What if he called them "asses" and asked "why did

    God not create them walking on their fours?" In reply to his own

    rhetorical question, the imaginary Arab spiritual leader then coolly replies,

    "The answer is that they need to build and wash." You would be right to

    be angry and disgusted by such vile racism. And you would be right to

    wonder what institutional and cultural influences help create,

    perpetuate and sustain such anti-Semitic garbage.


    But would you feel and think the same way if it was a Jewish spiritual

    leader targeting Arabs with this hateful, racist nonsense? We certainly

    hear, see and read both genuine and exaggerated claims of anti-Semitism

    almost daily in radio, T.V. and newspaper reports. But we don't see

    balanced attention given to anti-Arab racism. If we had the resources to

    conduct a methodical and systematic study documenting the discrepancy

    between media coverage of anti-Semitism and media coverage of anti-Arab

    racism I'm willing to bet that we'd find conclusive evidence of a

    profound neglect. And the source of this neglect can be found in the

    hesitation and fear of criticizing the state of Israel's policies and illegal

    occupation; the fear of being called an anti-Semite. Since all Jews do

    not identify with the state of Israel, or Zionism, despite Zionism's

    claim to act on behalf of all Jews, the accusation of anti-Semitism is of

    course nonsense.


    I opened this commentary with "Imagine if an Arab spiritual leader...".

    There is in fact no real person as such. However, all the insults and

    vitriol spewed in this hypothetical anti-Semitism are the real words of

    a Jewish spiritual leader, Rabbi David Bazri, directed at Palestinians.

    His racist attack comes in the wake of a very sane, reasonable and

    necessary proposal for the establishment of a mixed Arab-Jewish school in

    Pat, Jerusalem.


    Now it is true that anti-Semitism exists in the Arab World, just as

    anti-Arab racism exits among Jews. But not all Arabs are anti-Semites,

    just as not all Jews are racist. But it is not true, as the well

    documented daily humiliations of occupied Palestinian lives testify, that these

    forms of racism are given equal attention and consequently have equal

    outcomes. If the particular hypothetical anti-Semitism used here were a

    real incident, you can be sure it would receive wide spread media and

    political attention, used to justify Israel's illegal occupation - more

    rational to reign collective punishment down upon the Palestinians.


    But the opposite is true; a particularly nasty anti-Arab racism was

    expressed. Will we see newspaper, T.V. or radio reports covering these

    extremely hysteric remarks? Why not? Do we even care? Can we even begin to

    ask what institutional and cultural influences help create, perpetuate

    and sustain such anti-Arab garbage? Would equal attention and

    examination of these issues illuminate the failings of a flawed ideology -

    Zionism, or the brutalities of Israel's occupation? In contrast to the

    hypothetical anti-Semitism above, the response to real anti-Arab racism

    directed at Palestinians from a Jewish spiritual leader is a vacuum of

    silence from our political leaders and dominant media institutions.


    Walla!News (Haaretz) reported on Jan. 10, in a news item appearing only

    in Hebrew (see here for an unofficial English translation), that "Today

    the school is running in a temporary building and is looking for a

    permanentresidence in the Pat neighborhood of Jerusalem. The municipality

    assigned a territory for the school but because of repeating appeals to

    court the process isdelayed. Today [Jan 10.] the matter is scheduled

    for a debate in the High Court."


    A Rabbi named Yehuda Der'i also participated in the conference against

    the school and said that "this is a thing that the Jewish mind, logic

    and soul cannot tolerate. We have to go from house to house and raise

    supporters in the neighborhood to prevent this horrid punishment."


    More vacuous comments, and the news item quoted here is actually worse

    than I've let on...


    Here are Rabbi David Bazri's words, in full, which I quoted above for

    the hypothetical anti-Semitism, "The establishment of such a school is a

    foul, disgraceful deed. You can't mix pure and foul. They are a

    disease, a disaster, a devil. The Arabs are asses, and the question must be

    asked, why did God not create them walking on their fours? The answer is

    that they need to build and wash. They have no place in our school".


    This gross racist assault against a proposed school provides one window

    peering into the daily humiliations that Palestinians suffer in Israel.

    It is the foundation for the belief that there are "pure" and "foul"

    races, ethnic groups and cultures; and in the particular case of Israel,

    that there can be a "pure" "Jewish State". It enables the existence of

    second class citizenship for Palestinians in Israel, identification

    cards for Palestinians, checkpoints for Palestinians, systematic house

    demolitions for Palestinians, extra judicial executions and assassinations

    for Palestinians, an Apartheid Wall for Palestinians, a brutal military

    occupation which has practiced ethnic cleansing and denied Palestinians

    their Right of Return. It is a backward and insipid thinking that

    belongs to the Stone Age.


    Sadly, anti-Arab racism is not confined to Israel alone. The US and

    Canada are both engaged in the illegal detention, deportation and torture

    of Arabs. As Noam Chomsky has noted "Anti-Arab racism in the US has

    long been extreme, the last "legitimate" form of racism in that one

    doesn't even have to pretend to conceal it. That's long before 9-11, and a

    deep problem in the society, which can't be ignored, any more than other

    forms of racism can." But that will have to be the topic of another



    Chris Spannos is an anti-war activist, anti-capitalist, ZNet volunteer

    and member of the Vancouver Participatory Economics Collective.


  7. ^ Okay. I'm not really sure there are any disagreements or agreement given that we're not defining any terms and exploring their examples.


    This is what I refer to; sexually liberal feminism: socialist feminism: liberal feminism: and separatist feminism


    I've always thought the basic foundations of feminism were entrenched in liberal and socialist ideals but all that is not important if no definitions/examples are being discussed. I gather these types of feminism exist left of a more conservative (traditional or orthodox?) feminism? In any case, my ideals are left of the left as a libertarian and anything that protects all my rights, including (especially) sexual freedom, ALL access to what society offers, and protects me from oppression is cool with me. It would be feminism, humanism, social justice or all as long as it protects my rights.


    I disagree with you about women ruling the world. I think a woman will become President of the US but I've always thought it was a ceremonial position, reserved for those highly backed by financial and industrial interests. In general, they tend to be men of suspect intelligence (Bush, Reagan, Nixon?). When a woman is fit enough to be backed, she will become president. In the mean time, it is the wealthy/powerful women, albeit the few, who co-run the world.

  8. ^ I did not miss your agreement with the basic foundations of feminism. I do comprehend much of what is written. What I don't understand is the feminism/feminists that you refer to and that are so hideous they deserve to be detested. This is the part of your post that people responded to. The modern day feminists that I read for are not the militant minority that many use to turn feminism into an f-word. This despite the work the is being done by feminists (who are mostly humanists) for equality in pay and social justice.


    You don't have to answer any questions but a right guaranteed and a right garnered are two different things.

  9. Jimca Lee,


    No one is going to blow a gasket, but kindly explain how the rights guaranteed by Allah have been physically granted to women and please put some thought into it. As for the 'ruler the world' statement, I understood what you alluded to but my examples were to show that the seat is not that far away for a woman.

  10. I have no hope of war criminals being brought to justice in Somalia. I wonder how any clan-based society could possibly bypass clan allegiance and bring their murderous ilk to prosecution. Maybe the cure for us is to have people (expatriates and immigrants) move to Somalia so we become a multicultural society. I'd rather have ethnic strife than endless tribal crap.

  11. Sure, I will share the link when I find it.


    Not sure what you mean by the 'quoting mechanism'. Did I misquote someone or is my placement of the quote at the bottom of the post irritating you?


    Originally posted by Castro:

    And one day I pray you will figure out the whole sol (bulletin board/forum) quoting mechanism.

    Edit: Castro, you could've just as easily pointed out the bulletin board shortcut/etiquette to me. Using the big grin emoticon doesn't make the comment less snide.

  12. A most thorough coverage of the topic.


    Just a few questions for anyone:


    1) Isn't the meaning of the word 'nushuz' closer to 'deviant behaviour/deviance' than rebellion which is generally used to mean 'tamarud'?


    In movies, for example, one often sees the following type of scene: a man and a woman love each other but in some matter the woman simply does not want to listen to the man even though she realizes deep down that he is thinking for the good of both of them. The man tries all the tender ways to bring the woman around to his point of view without any success. Frustrated, the man at last bursts into anger and gives the woman a slap. This shakes the woman out of her mood and she falls on his shoulders, with both happier than before. Of course, movies are no guide for us but sometimes they do represent human nature and life as it is.


    One partner knowingly behaves or continues to behave in a way which seriously disturbs the other partner. In this case there is obviously an ill-will on the part of the first partner towards the second.


    2) I get how this analogy can be used to refer to the issue of 'dharb' in dealing with nushuz. I'm curious about a different scenario: let's say a man simply does not want to listen to his wife (say about their finances, his fidelity, what schools are good for the kids, should they take in his senile father, all those life issues). And say deep down inside he knows that it is good for both of them. Is the slapping allowed to bring senses to the discussion? I would imagine if it works with one partner in a marriage, it should work with the other. I'm not trying to be facetious but 'nushuz' does and will happen from the man's side. What recourse (short of divorce) is open to the woman? Mind you, I am aware of Surat 65 (Divorce) and god's merciful instructions with regards to divorce.


    3) My final question is this: A man follows god's commands and beats his wife for nushuz behaviour. She retaliates. We all know the common scenario. A discussion heats up, insults fly back and forth, shouts and screams follow very quickly. Before you know it, fists are flying and more than one person in that marriage is in a corner nursing some injury. This, I guess, is a bad situation all around. I get the multistep conflict resolution is meant to calm spirits down. What happens if a woman retaliates even when those steps are followed carefully? Say, she throws the punch or slap back. What do the hadiths say about that? I searched in the Quran and cannot find any instructions for a woman.


    In the Holy Qur'an "fearing" signifies subjective but certain, knowledge or judgment about something.


    I get this beating business is reserved for 'nushuz' behaviour and not your garden variety insolence. In this latter case, disputes are multilayered and prior ones are fair game in a present dispute. If a woman perceives a man to be not fair or fit to exact any punishment on her for a 'disobedience', can she retaliate/refuse without incurring wrath? What can she do within a marriage knowing a divorce is always within reach (though not always socially and economically viable)?

  13. Originally posted by AbdulNoor:

    [QB] Salaamu Lah

    How do u refute this claim though?

    You don't. For any comprehensive and complex examination of present day Africa to happen, it's best to steer clear of publications like the American Renaissance, an ultra-right wing source. Racist drivel is what they push. Just look at their site and the comments they garner.

  14. Originally posted by The Flipmode:

    We have realized many Morians have got their way to Dubai..No wonder
    UAE has problem arresting them..

    I'm not sure what a 'morian' is but I would remind all that God speaks of people seeking refuge from pain and dispossession in his book.


    "And (it is) for the poor fugitives who have been driven out from their homes and their belongings, who seek bounty from Allah and help Allah and His messenger. They are the loyal." (Sura 59, Aya 8).


    It's a sad state when people who are not Muslim open their doors for us while others turn them away to die in the sea or be desolate with no hope within their borders.


    Here's a question: what is the Islamic Council that meets every several moons say about the movement of Muslim refugees? How do they deal with the humanistic and economic impact of so many dispossessed? Is there a policy (even a hopeful wish) amongst them to have a unified manner in which to extend a helping hand? Will there be a decision in our lifetimes to give these people amnesty in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt...etc. or will the dirty work be left to the infidel? Is there really anything other than the effect of video clips on people or what a woman wears that captures the minds of the ummah?

  15. I don't know about rule the world but women are ruling countries from Liberia to Chile and are heads of ministries in countries like the Philippines & Germany. In the free world, they run multimillion dollar companies, graduate in droves from universities and have political and economic ambitions that will simply explode in the coming years. Not quite rule the world, but get dangerously close.


    In defense of feminism, basic rights like voting, access to medical care and education, and the inception of labour and family laws were championed by feminists among others. I'm not sure if they deserve to be detested as a lot of access we have as women was hard won by feminists.



    Originally posted by Jimca Lee:

    This type of mentality is the reason why a woman will never, ever, ever,
    and ever
    rule the free world. (Hil '08 anyone?) And why I strongly detest, though I agree with its basic foundation and objection, most forms of feminism and not to mention feminists. [/QB]

  16. Let's not sing the praises of our Muslim brethren yet. In 1992 and during the beginning of the massacre of Bosnian muslims (not to mention the global outcry for Somalis in Baidaba), the amir of Kuwait donated 1 million pounds to save the animals of the London Zoo. Primates of the muslim persuasion would have to fend for themselves for a bit longer :rolleyes: .

  17. I just order them over the net. The stores I go to only have the usual crap I've tried (Clinique, Prescriptives).


    Originally posted by WILDCAT:

    ... who stocks your
    moisturiser? [/QB]

  18. Stephen Burrows - spring 2006 (The brother does beautiful stuff!)







    Been using this moisturizer for a couple of weeks and just love it! Used to use Nivea/Clinique and so on but this is so muc nicer on the skin.

