LayZie G.

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Posts posted by LayZie G.

  1. Yes to Arab Revolution and ouster of Gaddaffi , but no to morrran Sarkozy (Hungarian/ Jew) playing neo-con war games with the lives of Libyan citizens just so that he can boost his dwindling poll numbers in France.


    if not Sarkozy, who? Surely not the Arab league as they turned to the United Nations body for Arab solutions, so who else can spread head the efforts to stop Gaddafi? Not some of the Arab leaders themselves? oh no, where are they? they are nowhere to be who else? do we stand idle and not response to possible genocidal actions by Gaddafi? What do you have the world do?


    You dont want Sarkozy and surely, you are disappointed with your main man, Obama, so what else is there to do and who should be in charge?



    While Sanka's emotionally charged response addresses only one of many problems, he fails to address the question of HUMAN RIGHTS and protection for the living.


    The British, French and United States effort may not even deter Gaddafi but atleast attempts would be made in the right direction and the world will know that Arab leaders can not under any circumstance continue to act on their own without consequence.


    Gaddafi is a lose canon and with him gripping to power, it is no where that the UNSC took action, while China and Russia got out of the way of the Americans, British and French administrations to do what is necessary to oust that nutcase.


    Gaddafi is the unknown factor and the fact that he is certifiable that makes the Libyan case special interest and I would support similar effort on Iran.


    With Egypt, atleast you had faithful obedient soldiers, who knew their place and who could control their society when the call for law and order came knocking on their doorstep. And in the case of Yemen, as long as they allow their airspaces to be used for drone attacks they can pretty much do whatever they want with their population, as that scenario has been proven time in and time out.


    If Arab states are cooperating, there will be no invasion but the day they pretend to exercise autonomy, when in fact they are useless arabs as someone mentioned earlier and start threatening the civilized world with death and destruction, it is no wonder that the world will unite to force the nutcases out. Frankly speaking, nothing short of death will be enough where Gaddafi is concerned. No man deserves the world's sympathy if all he does is who use airstrike to wipe out a segment his population and for that Gaddafi will be killed, not captured, but killed.


    and as for sanka, calm your nerves eedo. :D Gather your composure and if you decide to be honest with yourself, you will know your problem is not with Sarkozy.


    Sarkozy was never your problem. On the other hand, Obama has been and continuous to be a problem, maybe even a disappointment, so why dont you admit it to yourself? (OBama is after American interest, so what is your interest adeerow?)


    LAstly, the so called free-spirited group are emotional basket case. Reactive group. They are what I call, scripted mannequins, incapable of judgement and totally without rational thought. Therefore, it is no wonder that their first objection to invasion was on religious grounds.


    Yes, we support the prevention of mass atrocities but for as long as gaalo's are not spread heading the about a flawed logic ya mannequins


    You should be less concerned with what France, Britain and United States are doing to help prevent genocide in Libya and instead ask yourselves, where do the Arab Leaders stand? Why is the Arab league inactive and ineffective?


    What is the role of the Arab league? Isn't the organization build to address the concerns and aspirations of the Arab people? and more importantly, why were the Arab League largely absent in the last 2 and a half months, almost three months? Do they not form as a collective body who can exercises greater power as an autonomous organization, who have the well being of the Arab masses? Are they not more relevant than Sarkozy?


    and lastly @sanka, where Sarkozy lacks in height, he makes up in wit.........:cool::cool::cool:

  2. ^nuune, you have lost all perspective.


    Marka kale, I find you to be at odds with your other personality, nuune the hoooooooooovah. Waayo, 0ne day you are calling for Mubarak's head, the next, you are pretending to care for Gaddafi, indiscriminately killing his people and who you probably belief to be committing a real genocide, far worse than silaanyo's criminality against SSC.


    I would like to know when Nuune A will reconcile with Nuune B and if & when Nuune A and B will get on board and side with the SSC?


    We have our hands full as is ya Nuune, lets shift our focus on the dilemma that is Silaanyo, now there is a man indeed of shelling.

  3. nuune;702921 wrote:
    Approved to invade yet another

    oh, the horror, iqabo, oo imadadaadi, teeda kale, waaw, waaw invasion imaqashii oo ii waali, waaw, waaw.


    What if Saudia Arabia, instead of the United States, France would take upon themselves to shoot down all fire jets and maybe even shell the crazy man's camp-ground, that would have made all the difference in the world, soo maaha??? I think so@nuune and co.

  4. Hi Dukey,


    I concur with Oba Hiloowlow, well put, all around great effort@dukey.


    Our inability to recognize the common threat put barriers that divided us along region lines, sometimes clan plays into a factor in the case of SIILAANYOLAND.


    Our deficiency is not something to dismiss or pin a Somali over another Somali, nor is it an opportunity to be ceased by our common enemy, stated Dukey.


    Why o Why do we hear from the same crowd, the spoilers, the geeljires, the fuundis who have very little to contribute to any number of issues and who actually believe they are political pundits when in real life they have never opened a textbook. The very same spoilers who devalue human life are the same ones who have no common decency. Cheerleaders who call al shabaab assaults on ordinary people. Is a person's life in xamar worth less than your life in qurbaha?


    What is wrong with what Dukey stated on his first post? Page 1, anyone read it?


    What about you Ibti, did you read post 1 of page 1?


    You characterized the thread as being one of choosing between the lesser of two evils when in reality, the choice is simple and obvious for anyone willing to confront his own biases and demons.


    By you stating that the choice is between two entities, you are equating TFG with the likes of SHABAAB when your only objection to the TFG their method of approach on these latest assaults and generally speaking, on their dependence on outside forces, in the form of AMISOM, UN/US support. For one to support the government(TFG) one must also support, AMISOM, ETHIOPIA, which is really a political endeavour not to mention lacking substance. You might not see it this way, most people who equate the TFG with Shabaab do. Moreover, you might not support them because you do not see them as a credible source, who represent Somalis of all creed. (abti johnny included) A legitimate government commands the respect of its subjects and we know the situation in south Somalia is not ideal for any government to undertake , much less a government who is on life support as is the case of the TFG.


    Ibti, you probably would never come to terms with your own distaste for imported goods, namely TFG but it doesn't mean that you have to liken them to an internationally recognized mafia ring in the form of Al-Qaeda, who espouse the views of their messiah aka bin laden, and who probably dont lose sleep over a loss of human life, killing and maiming hundreds of ordinary Somalis on a daily, weekly basis.


    You might disagree with the opposing ideologies of both groups, tfg and Al shabaab alike but atleast the former does not have pakis in their midst.


    As far as sweet pie Ngonge is concerned, he is all bark and no bite, which is why all of our imams(yes governors, with the exception of old man silaanyo) are on the side of the blue flag. At the risk of sounding an enthusiastic secessioner-basher, no imam is on the side of SILAANYOLAND.


    When ngonge reflects on the old days and thinks about riyaale's muggings, you can see why he sees Silaanyo as the old woman that keeps giving. The family, under riyaale were starved but under Silaanyo, they are being fattened up.


    To all the rational nationalists, what is wrong with putting your eggs in the TFG bag? What is wrong with taking chances? What is wrong with wishing death on GODANE AND CO?


    We have to start somewhere........ Carpe diem....

    lasty, it is dukey who should be commended for his outstanding contribution to all things Somali, yes, I said it, all things Somali.




    yours always(one country, one soul),



  5. ^Bihi seems to be tied lipped about his upcoming showdown with Rep. Keith Ellison. He truly wants to go head to head with the congressman' over the handling of the missing boys case, reported some media outlets. Perhaps, Minnesotans can shed light on what Bihi is truly afteR? exposure, more funding for his organization or does he really have an axe to grind with the congressman?


    Salaam Che,

    yo ayuda usted, not the far as whether or not I support this latest debacle, I would have to pass.....or else, I wouldn't have made light of the issue as far as it making good tv. (remember, if I support something, you will know about it, no need to ask)


    I believe that the whole hearing is a waste of time and to top it all off, the move is more political than anything.


    If the congressman was genuinely concerned for the well being of the American-Muslim communities(I highly doubt it), he would engage them directly instead of bringing people like Bihi as a witness to the hearings and some other man whose family member was victimized by radicalization and another creature from a different state standing as an expert witness for the republicans in the committee. (there is nothing to be gained over listening to moans and cries of families, this hearing has no meat)


    Sure enough, the list of witnesses from the democrats in the committee are more credible than King's witnesses. That said, we should not minimize the threat your boys ( shabaab) pose... Nor should we allow Imams who sympathize with such groups get away with murder.(figuratively) We should condemn radicalization and any recruiting effort thats underway, wherever they may exist and however long it takes, Peter King should engage community leaders(imams) and should encourage law enforcement to strenght these relationships. Alliances, real alliances ought to be formed, between local officials, local enforcement and community leaders(imams etc) but not the BIHI's of the world and while his heart might be in the right place, he is the wrong man to lead this campaign.(on the surface, he appears to be a softy and does not come with an impressive resume. More importantly, I am not fond of community organizers)


    That said, I can't help the backlash this would have on both congress and popular opinion but Peter King truly believes that he is serving his constituency, so why should we object if his own constituency are not making noise with specific to future hearings he may hold? He is a public official and he feels like he is doing the job he was elected to do and there is nothing anybody can do about it, least of all me or you.(atleast for the time being)


    We can disagree with him, hold protests as some groups have held in NYC this past monday. If I am not mistaken, the name of the rally was something like" "We are all Muslims today" or something close to that....Russell simmons and others called the congressman out with respect to his previous positions and his involvement and support for the IRA. King seems to hold his ground and this hearing is a go, he will not be deterred.


    I only called out folks to dvr, as most of us are working with the exception of Jacpher. I wanted folks to pay close attention to the BIHI testimony and the hearing because like it or not the Somali name will be dragged to the headlines in the coming hours, days, weeks and specific to BIHI , HE WILL BE FRONT AND CENTER. Atleast with AYAN HIRSI, we would have brought the popcorn....



    yours truly,


    LayZie G

  6. The title of the congressional hearings:Radicalization in American Muslim Community


    When: Thursday, March 9th, 2011, sponsored by the new Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Peter King


    Scheduled Time: 9:30am-12:30pm


    Possible witnesses: Ayan Hirsi(reports said the chairman changed his mind but he wanted to summon her to washington DC in order to testify over radicalization of Somali youths and the threat it presents to Somali-Americans and how to curb the threats. However, Abdirizak Bihi of Minnesota, a somali community leader will instead testify on behalf of the Somali diaspora. He will discuss his own personal experiences and narrate the story of his nephew and how he was radicalized in local Masjid, under the watchful eye of the Imam and perhaps rebuke American-Muslim leaders(i.e Imams) for failing to protect the somali youths while going head-to head with congressman keith Ellison of Minnesota, the first Muslim congressman.




    Who will be on trial: CAIR, possibly(council on American-Islamic Relation), Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota(he says he is a participant but really, King is putting all of his eggs on the BIHI basket), and "80% of American Imams", stated Chairman King.


    This will make good TV, so set your DVRS: Some of the keywords you should pay attention to are, Islamism, radicalization of SOMALI YOUTH and Al Shabaab.


    Peter King's position: "Islam is not on trial, militant Islam or Islamism is....."

  7. ^lol@as usual waan iska booday.


    Maya maya, aniga ma boodin.


    ha, half-breed wa iska dhal.


    Marka kale, aniga ma iska boodin. I only restated what others have stated thus far. You so much as accused them of sabotaging the thread and I only pointed out why a somali would reach some of the conclusions they reached at the expense of this thread but it doesn't mean that I do not take at your word. contrary to what others may say about people in general, if someone says my intention is this and that, I TAKE AT THEIR WORD and I TAKE AT YOUR WORD. I know you mean well but some people dont agree and I just highlighted some of their reasoning. So you see, aniga ma boodin, lol


    BTW, when will you tally up the old age people like ngonge an Co.?

  8. Salaam Ibti,


    I don't think anyone should doubt your sincerity, nor should they question your unwavering support for local community in and outside the country, thy region (somaliland). That said, I do want to state the following, by highlighting your own words:



    Quote #1:

    There is a campaign to make sure that you record and identify yourself as a Somalilander.

    Quote #2:

    There is a large community of Somalilanders in the UK and considering they make up to almost 60% of Somaliland's income it is vital and important for practical reason and for academic reasons that we know how many in numbers are here.



    When Val queried about the dual nationality section, your first response was:


    Val: Country of origin

    then you followed with:


    It says Burco on my country of origin on my passport- when I was asked in India where the Country Burco is, I told them an island off England.

    the topic of the thread is:




    so you see why a SOmali or a half-breed would reach the following conclusion:


    -The thread is divisive

    -the thread has qabiil undertone

    -the thread is political because it sympathizes with a secessionist administration of the "CLAN ENCLAVE' of the northwest territories of SOmalia

    - no such thing as a burco being a country of origin.

    -BURCO is a tuulo, therefore, if the field asks one to check the degmo/tuulo/village then yes, one should write down burco/boroma/gaalkacyo/banaadir/garoowe/kismaayo, etc

    -Burco has never been a country of origin, burco will never be a country of origin and if burco was written down as country of origin, all of the somali cities, villages and somali provinces will all be partitioned and become a sovereign country of origin by your own estimations.


    I normally dont agree with half-breeds and emotional nationalists but in this case, Zacky aka half breed makes total sense because he of all people understands, since he is from a country that compromises of numerous ethnicities.


    So you see why this thread does not belong in the general section. Matter of fact, it doesn't belong in this forum but ofcourse, we can agree to disagree.


    yours truly,



  9. ^what is troubling to me is that you finding the above news 'troubling'....


    first, you were shocked that Tunisia fell, now you are shocked that Gaddafi is holding on, atleast for the time being and worse, you are troubled by the news that Obama is protecting the interest of his country...


    It makes good headlines, seeing as how Anderson Cooper's vains pop up whenever he mentions Mubarak's name and now Gadaffi's name seems to have created an ulcer problem for him, so we ultimately belief what we are fed, which is that the middle east was swept by a wave of revolutionary, when in fact, reality is far from it.


    Contrary to popular believe, Obama never once abandoned Mubarak, Mubarak abandoned Mubarak.


    Obama was very much in tune with whatever came out of Cairo, that being said, it was he, along with his allies in the Egyptian military who felt the trouble and noise coming out of naar square was not worth risking the military' prestige and risk civil war or prolonged unrest, hence why he stepped down.



    Bahrain is reported to have bought its citizens, is that surprising? Not really, these regimes have long been buying political support(case example, Saudia Arabia, since 1920s, they have been buying support and legitimacy), from one faction or another, so all of a sudden, this is unfolding in real time and somehow we are let to people that these wolves are worse today than they were yesterday, why?because al jazeera and co are reporting the atrocities going on in the cities in real time etc....(they were always monsters, they didnt become monsters overnight, Obama knew this, which is why he comes across as very timid when issuing press releases or taking a stand, as he is on just about anything, domestic or foreign. Wherever the wind blows, thats the direction Obama takes but somehow that shocks supporters, they forget that he is a politician first)





    So, again, I ask, what is more troubling, the news or that you find the news troubling?

  10. ^dont worry Somalina, his statement is there for all to read.


    Maadey, mark my words eedo, your days here are numbered and this time, no amount of reconstruction surgery will safe you, tick tock, tick tock@maadey.


    Your statement is beyond reprehensible and you are despicable. and you should be ashamed of yourself My cat(Abu ceyrow) frowns upon you. (I call him abu ceyroow, in honor of the late messiah who died on the cross, RIP ceyrow)


    Since I love animals and ceyroow is getting lonely and needs a companion. I should get a bulldog and maybe name him Abu Mansuur Robow.

  11. Poster, focus less on Janet's love life and more on yourself. It is obvious that you are bitter, why else is this story worthy of a thread, why would Janet's new boy toy, a nobody arab be news? Thats becuz you are unhappy with your life and perhaps, you should take a lead from janet that if you have a name and you take care of yourself, you too will end up with a nobody arab as your boy toy? What do you think?

  12. What is fascinating about Amanpour's tripoli visit is her sit down with handsome Harry. Here is a young, educated Saif, knowing full well that his good looks and charms will not sell the narrative that his family still in control of the country, he resorts to threats and falsehoods. Instead of articulating his position or dare I say, his father's position that Libya is Gaddafi and Gaddafi is Libya, he invites the press in which he ridicules the opposition with garbled tirades , while all along humiliating himself in the process. All of which show that A) the number of deaths continue to tally up at a significant proportion B) family is buying time as the government collapses both here and abroad C) how his role is marginalized to one of boyish looks and charms that strips the panties off the models that he dates.


    All in all, one can reach the conclusion that A) Saif is mad or B) Saif is a strategist who will pull the unstable card at IC hearings.....





    This morning while watching the interview, I couldn't help notice the tough exterior he attempted to show, he tried to play the machismo card, unfaced by the events, dismissing the protesters and denying the reports of mass scale deaths while admitting the air about confusion, he is purposely misleading the media to buy more time, its the one conclusion I did reach for I do not buy that handsome harry is mad(he is just too good looking to be mad, mad people are ugly and handsome harry is not an ugly duckly)...I think handsome harry is up to something, along with his father and his other brothers.....










    Saif Al-Islam pictures courtesy of Saif's facebook page and Esquire

  13. Good day Ya Nuuriini,


    Your timing is impeccable as always and your thoughts on Egypt are noteworthy Senor. That being said, let me have an opportunity to patch the holes in the dry wall in order for you to finish the product with a premium paint, prefably American or Israeli color.



    Item #1 on the Agenda:

    I would like to share a quote from the Al-Kingpin himself, his honorable Husni Mubarak on February 8th, 1982.


    this speech was translated from Arabic text as it appeared in the newspaper Al Ahram and its as follows:


    The object of economic development is not only a general increase in production but also, and no less important, raising the standard of living and improving the quality of life for every citizen. This requires that the size of the population should be compatible with the volume of goods and services produced, assuming optimal use of available resources. The rate of population growth is therefore important, in both the short and long run".


    He adds:


    It is inescapable fact that the current population growth rate impedes development efforts and frustrates our hopes for improving the quality of life for every Egyptian. It confines our ambitions to preventing further deterioration in living standards, and that is unacceptable......

    You can accuse Mubarak of almost anything, from being an enabler of systematic corruption to social injustice and his inability to promote sound economic growth.. However, what you can not accuse Mubarak is incompetency. On the eve of Sadat's assassination, Egypt's economy was deteriorating, its food import, especially grain was skyrocketing, its dependency and the neglect of farmers and lack of substantial agrarian reform was non-existent.(AUSTRALIA, behind united states was EGYPTs biggest supplier of food for heaven's sake) Its foreign debt, brought on by Sadat's "Open policy" put Egypt's sovereignty on shaky grounds .


    All of the above mentioned crisis coupled with a growing population, a growth which was unsustainable confronted Al-Kingpin.



    A month after taking office, Mubarak was reported to have addressed the privileged few who had their hands on the cookie jar by stating:


    Egypt is for all
    -it is not a community of the privileged few who would monopolize influence and impose a guardianship on the people.

    As you can see, Mubarak attempted to set the tone for reform but the corruption was too big of a problem for one military man to change. Calling on the courts to take action against the few who abused the system, curtail corruption and investigate individuals for tax evasion.


    By the time the IMF sat him down in the early 90s to address the economic crisis of Egypt, he had to sign the dotted line, no questions asked...


    So you see ya Nuuriini, things are not as black and white as you make it out to be.


    While you and I disagree on many issues, we can agree on the need to give fair and balanced representation of Egypt.....




    What I am trying to say is that civilization ( at least the material one), can not stand on top of a pile of stolen money, like the case of President Mubarak's looted
    $70 Billion
    in Western banks

    Please show me the evidence that backs the above figure?

    The numbers I have been reading were $3 billion to as high as 40 billion but $70 is news to me....especially when we can't even prove he took out anything more than $1 billion to $14 billion, which he deservingly earned...(thats a discussion for another day)


    The US formulates the policy and if this policy is like cash, it can be redeemed at local groceries ( sorry I meant Governments) in the rough neighborhood Israel finds itself, you can call it hush money,
    paid to presidents who are willing to work as US Governors in their countries

    I think I addressed this claim of yours above......but giving you the benefit of the doubt, when the arab world reproached sadat's Regime for signing the peace treaty with Israel, they withrew their 2billion annual support, which means that United States filled the void and as they should...Looking back, we can both agree that sadat was on the right side of history.



    Whats is interesting is that corruption is unsustainable business, after thirty years in power, in which Mubarak was receiving $ 3 Billion yearly from the US, Egypt's external debt has grown probably equal to the stolen US aid money, which explains how Western Aid Money is like a rubber ball, it just bounces back to their own banks after their own appointed tyrants collect their commissions and a huge National Debt is left for the poor nation to bear.


    3 billion yearly? I think you meant to use the recent figure that has been reported by all major news outlets, which is about 1.3 billion annually on military aid....(you are throwing numbers like you are having a food fight or something)

  any case, you are overstating Jewish power and giving credit were credit is not due in the case of Jewish lobby groups in America......


    Israeli lobby groups are the new giant monster, be scared, be very scareddddddddddd of AIPAC....

  14. Lets hope for the best@Prometheus



    @nuune, how can I forget the arab's giant monster aka Israel?


    Remember, goldcoasts goons are not in charge and probably wont be in charge for sometime, so for you to speak about international treaties is a little premature at this stage.

  15. what comes next is whether or not the pew research will materialize in EGYPT...




    82% of Egyptians support stoning as a punishment for adultery, 84% favor the death penalty for Muslims who leave the religion, and in the struggle between "modernizers" and "fundamentalists," 59% identify with fundamentalists. (the last one is troubling)


    what is the military's role? Will they jump in bed with their brotherhood crowd or maintain order long after the transitional period?


    There are many unanswered questions ya Nuune.....but one thing is certain, goldie's goons will finally take a shower and sleep in a real bed tonight while al-kingpin boards his yacht and works on his tan....

  16. Nuune, your description of vices are not the british values that echoed in the PM's speech.....and how did you know that britons attend naked parties unless you were invited to one?;)(u must tell me more about the naked parties)


    going back to embracing british values in order to enhance british society, PM Cameron went on to add:


    All Britons should believe in basic values of freedom and equality, and actively promote them. That means ensuring that immigrants learn to speak English and that all schools teach “elements of a common culture and curriculum”.

    He discussed about the notion of separate spheres which Multiculturalism encouraged.


    He called on all britons to embrace liberty.


    That being said Nuune, it appears that you agree with him in context but failed to comprehend the values that he is championing.


    Your interpretation of his speech is that "Britishness" is about boozing on alcohol and partying ones life away has failed the British muslims, as thought thats something unique to britons.


    How do you explain the overwhelming majority of British muslims living in projects, collecting welfare or the presence in the correctional facilities?


    This isn't to say all british muslims are failures. There are success stories but

    according to abuu nuune, british values are all about drinking and partying away?


    Whatever happened to respecting the law, engaging in public dialogue, believing in equality of all humans, denouncing intolerance? Or did you watch a separate speech on the telly? LOL


    I think you need to take time to read the speech either in text or watch the video that I posted, only then can you comprehend what was said about multiculturalism by David Cameron.




    more excerpts of the speech:


    Frankly, we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism," the prime minister said.

    on Islam and Islamism:

    "We need to be clear: Islamist extremism and Islam are not the same thing," he said.

    on values:


    A genuinely liberal country "believes in certain values and actively promotes them", Mr Cameron said.


    "Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. Equal rights, regardless of race, sex or sexuality.


    "It says to its citizens: This is what defines us as a society. To belong here is to believe these things."




    PS: I wuv you more nuune (with a "u"), jehovah witness and all....:cool:

  17. Just as the labour party failed Britons, Multiculturalism as a state policy failed to deliver its promise of voluntary integration in place of forced assimilation of newcomers.


    If the idea of Multiculturalism is embedded in voluntary integration, where the immigrant becomes British in his/her terms without abandoning his/her culture, then Multiculturalism has failed to deliver on its promise of voluntarily integration. Under the multiculturalism policy, British Muslims became outsiders instead of insiders, says PM Cameron.



    Mr Cameron said. “We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong.”


    As stated by PM Cameron, acknowledging failure is the first, to which end he stated that the British government failed in delivering a sound integration policy for newcomers, instead they promoted isolationism as a case in point for Multiculturalism.


    Under multiculturalism, new comers were comfortable in defining their identity as "Pakistani first", British second or in the case of the Somali person, they can be "Muslim" first, "Somali" second and "British" last. It is no wonder that multiculturalism has turned the tide back, stated PM Cameron. Surely, the newcomer doesn't think there is anything wrong with continuity, why else would the government promote multiculturalism as a state policy? Karachi it is.



    As a result, small towns in the British isles were renamed "little karachi" and "lil Mumbai", or in the case of Somalis, "lil mogadishu" instead of being called its native names.



    Citizenry and multiculturalism could not be further apart, says PM Cameron. Under multiculturalism, British values and ideals of liberalism were lost forever, added PM Cameron.


    Is the PM right in reviving this age-old debate?



    ...filed by LayZieG.




    PS: What has Multiculturalism done for you lately, ooh ooh oooh, yeah....(remember the lyrics to the song: "What have you done for me lately?")


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  18. Quite hilarious how you mimick the state propaganda by shifting the blame of the chaos and insecurity on to the protesters.
    It will be quite amusing to see how you shift and squirm to transform your argument when the Western powers withdraw support for the regime.
    You suggest for me to pick up on my history, but its quite clear you have little to zero understanding of Egypt when minimizing the significance of these protests.


    I'm not mimicking anything. Matter of fact, I pointed out the obvious, which is why your beloved Arab media was sanctioned following my post. The Mubarak regime saw what hundreds if not millions of viewers saw in terms of how the Arab media was over-exaggerating the news.



    The foreign media is dictating what the Obama administration should and shouldnt say, so are you telling me that the foreign media is running the show? If yes, why doesn't the foreign media take over Egypt? I'm sure Mubarak is willing to concede power to Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya....oops, I forgot, they ceased to exit as of late.


    The relevance of the grievances of the "Naar Square" is matter to be determined in the future. You are not a historian, which means that it is not up to you what should be historical relevance or not. History will vindicate Mubarak and his followers(somalina lol).


    BTW, SOL is not "naar square". You do not need to attack members for voicing their opinion. Just a suggestion, why not take a charter flight and join the stone throwing movement.


    As for Dukey, you only need to dig the christian chronicle archives for Nuune's latest masterpiece. (NUUNE, I WUV YOU TOO):cool:

  19. GoldCoast;691548 wrote:
    Another pathetic cry for attention which I will refuse to entertain seriously for a third time. Its a fact that the revolution is popular in nature, and not the workings of the Muslim Brotherhood. They even admitted so themselves. The January 25th protests which started the uprising were solely the workings of the countrys network of secular activists and opposition leaders. They had a resonance and as a result have grew into the popular movement theyve become
    today which has gotten the support of all facets of society including the countrys
    Chrisitian minority.
    How is this narrative consistent with yours of thuggery and terrorism?

    GoldCoast, what is the population of Cairo? How many hooligans called "the naar square" home the last 10days? And are you going to come here and say the entire Cairo population are out there causing mayhem?


    Essentially, you are saying not all of Cairo(which is the current hotbed of chaos and a good reason for using the city as an example) but all of Egypt are out on the streets, throwing stones, bleeding to death and if thats not enough, they resort to looting and probably resort to setting vehicles and buildings on fire with a side dish of threats of beheadings.


    Please, put your glasses on, grab a pen and a paper and do some serious calculations, no cheating.(calculator is a big no no for you)


    I find it incredible that you would log in to SOL with a straight face and repeat some of the Arab media's talking points. Waxaan oo kale mar danbe meesha hala imaanin.


    Just like you, I tune to the same foreign coverage (yes, even arab media) and I see what you see. Few hundred(maybe thousands) of disgruntled youth, who have no future and probably have been sniffing glue the night before having a go at the middle age fadhi kudir crowd(you know the shiisha smoking, coffee drinking), while the overwhelming majority of Egyptians have been brought to their knees, cairo and else. Some locked in their homes, glued to their television sets and if they dont have television, those day labourers are putting their 2, 4 or 6 yr old son or daughter to bed not knowing if they will feed them little less than the day before or whether or not they have anything to feed them at all? This is the reality that faces many Egyptians...and especially CAIRO residents.


    BTW, the person who will never be somebody(directed at your last post) needs some serious history lessons if he thinks the Arab world and Egypt's history started in the 20th century. Maybe while you are crunching some of those numbers above , you might want to grab a book too.(just a sisterly advise)




    SANKA, don't turn this into a Forbes 100 list where it concerns the Al-Kingpin. Instead, ask yourself, is the enormous source of wealth warranted? It's a legitimate question, one that should be open to debate.

  20. GoldCoast;691174 wrote:
    How out of touch you are. 400 people injured scores murdered, a permanent tear gas cloud over Cairo, people being shot at while praying and you believe the protesters are at fault!?! You think the protesters are acting like savages, despite clear indications of brutal repression from the government.

    GoldCoast, if you take a look at your above quote, you will notice that I borrowed only 2 and a half lines and discarded the rest? You are probably wondering why, soo maaha? Because you have managed to dodge my earlier question, which asked you what your take was on the egyptian extravaganza as it was yesterday and as it is today? Not the headline take or the Al Jazeera TV version or the emotionally driven response you have plastered on the SOL walls. Instead, I want you to give me a simple hypothesis as a point of contention.

    Please try your best to just stick to current events and do your best to focus on EGYPT and maybe if it suits you you can draw contrast with Tunisia as that too is a recent event. In doing so, I expect you to uses the relevant history of the Mubarak Regime and the power vacuum in the case of our faithful "the muslim brotherhood" and perhaps and this is the most important ya GOLDCOAST, focus on past protests, the outcome of such protests and finally bring the bacon home ya gold coast.


    On a side note, I never imagined that the day would come when I would call on the praises on his highness, the devoted, the most loyal of all loyalties, the cult leader of wahhabiya, LORD of the lords, king among kings, the one and only King Abdullah Ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud much less expect to come out in full support of his condemnation.


    I dont care how many savages were injured or killed in the process of destroying their beloved homeland. They deserve every bit of pain and suffering thats coming to them because their pain and suffering is self- inflicted. That being the case, a legitimate protest should always be supported wherever it may take place but we should not, under any circumstance promote thievery and thuggery for the sake of appeasement and acceptance.



    PS:on a last note@GOLDIE, i am as serious as daylight, which is why I give people the benefit of the doubt, especially considering that some have more common sense than others. That being the case, talking about IRAN is a side attraction. Which is why you and others have a habit of creating diversions when it suits you, especially when you dont have the answer to my questions. Either that or engaging the person and not the subject, which is probably the oldest unwritten trick in the torah......(not quite literally ofcourse)


    ...LayZie G

  21. GoldCoast;691159 wrote:
    You do realize that they are clamoring for the same rights that your beloved Western model aspires to provide. .

    Are they know? Are you sure thats whats driving these goons to the streets? Dont give me the al jazeera version, just your raw, unedited version of what is happening in egypt?


    and dont forget," my so called secular paradise" does not aspire to bomb churches, namely the recent coptic church bombings". We do not behave like savages. on the streets in an attempt to topple a government without viable solutions in place.