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Posts posted by son_of_eve

  1. There's something I want you to know

    Matter of fact I won't even waste my tight flow

    So I'll just spit a verse for you

    I'm pissed off with the things you do

    About thirty years old if I may recall?

    Each year you seem to lose a little soul

    A struggle evolved into your destined birth

    Resulting in your own identity here on earth

    Your daughters and sons derive their livelihood watching you

    Now they turned their backs and you allow them to screw you

    Pardon my French, but I'm ****in' angry

    Everything you say there days revolves around money

    All you talk about is bling - bling, ballers and tricks

    I've even forgotten that you have the ability to think

    You're so blinded by evil

    You've forgotten that we're still one people!

    I'm ashamed of what you've become

    I write to you now because I'm still your son

    What happened to teaching the kids?

    Reminiscing about all the things we did?

    Now you hang with a totally different crew

    I find myself constantly asking questions like 50 Cents who?

    And what's he really saying in that song `wangsta'?

    And these fake ass emcees trying to be gangstas

    Mademoiselle your real son died in 96

    Since then a few actually make any sense

    Nas, X, the Roots, Common, Lauryn Hill to name a few

    The others I'm afraid still ain't got no clue

    They must be giving free record deals if Fabulous can rap

    If I were in charge, we wouldn't go out like that

    Nah I'll stop here before I continue dissing

    My point is simple - something's missing

    We're neglecting the real truth

    And constantly poisoning our youth

    How many pregnant teens you know or heard?

    How many emcees really embrace God's word?

    I see the cross they normally wear all iced out

    How many actually know what that's about?

    I'm ****in tried of the bling-bling

    I ain't buying your product till you start saying something

    So Mademoiselle I hope now you understand why

    And in time you might send me a brief reply.


    One love always


    Your son

  2. When I look at your skin tis me I see

    Yet I realise we don’t share the same vocabulary

    Perhaps that explains why you’re trying to kill me

    Black on Black and that’s your reality

    As a minority we should learn to love each other

    I can’t understand why we hate one another

    We spend more time trying to hinder our own progress

    Instead of uniting as we deal with the daily stress

    We plot and plan our final revenge

    Without realising we won’t win in the end

    Let’s unite so we can all beat the system

    Bridge the gap by helping the poor for instance

    Look what we did, created a whole industry

    ‘Hip hop for life’ and I know you’re all feeling me!


    Imagine if we all united and left Babylon

    To a place called Africa where it all begun

    Where we’d wake up and actually notice the sunrise

    The freshness of the air is your daily prize

    Great minds enraptured as one to create unity

    Using our God given gifts to provide for the community

    But that’s just a dream; it would never work

    Dreaming is free, plus it doesn’t hurt


    This Black on Black mentality doesn’t just exist on the block

    Even in the office as we compete to reach the top

    Gunning each other down with our verbal onslaught

    Ignoring our conscious and the many lessons taught

    Inferiority complex is one the traits

    Identity crisis is yet another mistake

    You see me and somehow we’re not equal

    Our skin colour tells me we’re one people

    Do you think they see the difference between us?

    Do you think they care whether it’s us killing us?


    Breaks my heart as I watch the news

    Makes me feel like we will always lose

    In my heart I know we’re bigger than this

    I truly believe we can all co-exist

    Look what we did Hip-hop went global

    Soared to new heights over a billion dollars in total

    Prime example we can do this together

    I’m proud of you all – Hip-hop forever!


    Above all else, let’s seek mutual respect

    This is all I ask, this is what I expect

    You don’t have to greet each other every time you meet

    Just acknowledge one another when you’re walking down the street

    Irrespective of your status quo, our roots bond us as one

    Through time zones when the world begun

    I believe love will carry us through the bad weather

    One love my people, let’s do this together.


    A_nigelmugamu_verse copyright 2003.

  3. You know I was enjoying this, but you are right...I do have something I want to say... I just came here to learn about you...and maybe you can learn about me....there's nothing sad like an ignorant person I tell you....keep it real and keep posted....I'll be love

  4. I see you want to battle me?

    You game to battle against son_of_eve?

    I told you I’m here to feed your mental

    Don’t be defensive and don’t hide behind your ego

    I’m your brother in reality

    It’s okay if you want to share with me

    I was serious when I said we’re the same

    My soul cries out coz I really feel your pain

    I know I’m studying your cause and your truth

    In my teachings I admit I’m still a youth

    But I want to embrace as we both learn

    Teach you about my faith as we take it turns

    I don’t understand why we have to fight

    Knowledge is power and creates a little insight


    You say Islam is too profound to share with me?

    Your whole verse illustrates a high level of insecurity

    My brother I came to embrace you and show love

    I came here to show you that it was you I was thinking of

    I told you I am a poet scribing my reality

    I sense a deeper fear and down deep you’re so angry

    I won’t lie 9/11 changed the whole globe

    I came here to show you I'm also involved

    Admittedly I don’t know much about your faith

    But I can tell these days you feel unsafe

    You’re blinded by pain, ego and pride

    My arms wide open, you no longer have to hide

    God blessed me with a gift I intend to use

    Spread my message of tolerance less mental abuse

    I too see what they do

    Believe me I know what you’re going through

    No need for this verbal attack

    In the end they still regard us niggers & blacks

    I’m here to teach about life complexities.

    I’m just a conscious poet and they call me son_of_eve


    One love

    Her Son

  5. mz-alpha-soup - I understand where you're coming from. You are allowed to air your views by all means. This is indeed a forum after all. What I said was really simple....we all need to respect each other that's all. This part was out of line and indicated a lack of brethen respect in my eyes:"acudhu bilaahi mina sheydhani rajiim...plz delete that from your poem"...and like you mentioned it is your view, but perhaps you should learn to respect mine too.


    Since 9/11 the world has changed and the world seems angrier than ever with the muslim world. I feel for you and I came here to learn about your me see the other side that I never saw before. Irrespective of our different beliefs we're think they look at us as if we're different? I doubt that very much...


    As for for your skills, I don't doubt them at all. I don't write to the fame either. I write coz I have something to say, something to teach. If you re-read this piece, you will see what I'm talking about....particularly the 5th stanza.

  6. I don't know if you're a poet or an emcee

    What I know is your style makes me sorry

    Bottomline, what are you trying to say?

    Do you think you're that good at creative word play?

    Look at your work - eighth and nineth line

    I hate to tell you this, but you can't rhyme

    I asked for 5 mics and I made it really simple

    Food for the soul as I educate all my people

    I write floetry for them to assist in today's reality

    I write about life and its usual complexities

    I write because I can

    I don't do this so you can call me the man

    I try to avoid the spotlight and vainty

    Conscious thoughts and love are my speciality

    I'm trying to plant seeds for you mental

    Spit something so I can strenghthen you as an individual.

    So next time you want to battle like this?

    Come back with something that actually makes sense....



  7. Muslim or not, we're still one people, all equal....looking at today's world I would have thought that was very evident. I have nothing against your faith, what you do in your house is your for my name? I am son of Eve. Eve being my mothers name...and if you want to spit next, the floor is all warned spit something worth spittin'....



    Originally posted by mz-alpha-soup:

    Son of eve..good one...but.."u believe jesus is the son of GOD??????and that he will b resurrecting?????" acudhu bilaahi mina sheydhani rajiim...plz delete that from your poem , before my eyes burn to this notion of chrisitianity that makes our muslim faith beg to differ...

    Do that and ima spit mine next....

  8. The idea originated from reading the album reviews in 'The Source' magazine.


    Gimme my 5 mics


    Verbally profound

    How does that sound?

    Am I a poet or an emcee?

    No - I'm just son_of_eve



    Stories untold

    As I teach while the truth is unfold

    I write because I can

    Preaching so you all understand

    My message for the youth

    My version of the truth


    Gimme one mic at least

    Prolific words without a beat

    As I attempt to bond all my people

    I keep my message clear and simple

    I'm not trying to divide or segregate

    I'm trying to feed you as you contemplate

    Thought process in constant motion

    As I spread love like smooth body lotion

    Challenge me if you will

    Gimme one mic at least for my creative skill


    My futuristic rhymes deserve two mics

    Holding my own opinion and avoiding the hype

    Not to mention my own creative flow

    I warned you before I must let them know

    Rhymes intertwining depending on each scenario

    Adjusting casually from corporate to ghetto

    Speed it up a little bit then suddenly take it slow

    Rhyme-slaying as we both enjoy the change in tempo

    As I attempt to make it unique

    I try to represent for my people on the street


    Three mics just for the versatility

    Home-grown for the masses plus you and me

    Switching styles, themes and energy

    As I slowly increase your vocabulary

    Spitting issues on consciousness and good old-fashioned love

    To the greatest Himself, God up above

    However versatility comes with responsibility

    Responsibility for the gift presented to me

    You see I really believe I was born to teach

    There are issues I need to discuss and people I need to reach


    Four mics for keeping it real

    Laying it down and telling you how I feel

    I believe in God and Jesus His Son

    I believe in the end we shall overcome

    I believe He will come back one day

    Where are you going to be at and will He come round your way?

    Racism still exists in this world

    Not everyone believes in nice boys and girls

    We have grown so suspicious of one another

    Pre-nuptials and all, see you can't even trust your lover

    Capitalism I fear will never work

    Why don't we care whether the world still hurts?

    I believe the world is undergoing human genocide

    Why are so many kids committing suicide?

    See I ask questions most people will

    I just do it with a certain floetic skill


    Gimme 5 mics and I'll add a hook

    Matter of fact, let me first finish my book

    "Verses from the heart"

    Thoughts now turned to art

    Influenced by what I see

    Tupac, my upbringing and my whole entire family

    5 mics for just being son_of_eve

    5 mics for describing life's complexities

    5 mics for overdue respect

    5 mics is all I expect

    5 mics for giving you food for the soul

    Just gimme the whole 5 mics in total


    A_nigelmugamu_verse copyright 2003.

  9. Tis me, son_of_eve...thank you for following my work. I am honoured. I will post here as well....



    Originally posted by Fouzia_Bella:

    WHOA!! this must be an extremly small world....i neva imagined i'd see you here on somaliaonline son of eve. well, if this is really you and it aint some low life who has extra tyme on his/her hands let me just say you are 1 hella talented brotha and i was feeling every single poem you wrote.....keep it up, stay positive!!!