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Everything posted by guillaume

  1. Par les quels commencer? Merci bonjour quels sont les mots importants lors d'une présentation? Thank you again.
  2. Thank you for your answers, I deeply regret that some of you felt offended and distrust towards this kind of research. But, I understand it. I am not an official France representative and as a citizen, I have my oxn opinions. My thought process is inspired by science and more specifically by anthropology. My political opinions on my cuontry policy don't matter. Why anthropology? My scientific aspirations lead me to go beyond divides. It is obvious, today Somalia is in the lights, but for some reasons which are connected to the violence shown by unanimous medias. Yet, with the help of a little curiosity, thank to means like forums, some medias and moreover with specific researches, one can understand things underneath the surface. As ever, reality is much more complex. I chosed Anthropoly because of richness of this subject. This subect overlaps on other subject like Geography, to know about habitats and settlements, like Ethnology, to know civilizations and History obviously! This subject, bringing out differences allows us to enrich human heritage. Thus, anthropology participates to protect heritage and establish links and bridges (let's be optimistic!) between people. Anthropology is a way to get interested in one's another, to step back from common point of view in order to find an objective and detached method to scrutinize. Anthropology searches differences so as to better bring out human richness and diversity. That is the reason why, standing from my point of view, I can admit and understand mistrust. Why Somalia? I am not the first to get interested in this complex country. French speaking authors are numerous, ranging from Perouse de Monclos, Christian Bader, Yusuf Karieh, Piguet, Gascon, Prunier...only for the living ones. English speaking authors are even more numerous and I consider Ioan Lewis as a reference. Nurredin Farrah participate to a better understanding by his novels and articles. Did they hurt anyone? Somalia has been studied and examined for decades, years before the 90's starvation and before UN intervention. We have not waited pirates in Somalia to start examining horn of Africa. Have you ever heard of Henry de Monfreid, a French adventurer who selled weapons and drugs, smuggled many things accross Red Sea during the XIX° century and made dream generations of French youths? Further more, Somalia is a unique coplex of example of country without state (some may say failed state!) Somali population is ethnically homogeneous but state structures developed in a single way, looking for its own way. In western countries, Somali migrants are essentially in USA, UK, Netherland and Norway. Understanding of individual and group behaviours is necessary. Many parameters amonwhich behaviours induced by customs, traditions, cultural heritage, initial way of life are to be taken into account. To my eyes, beyond pure academic knowledge, those studies must allow us to a better integration. I sincerly think this is not only whishfull thinking! In my studies frame, I came to be interested to nomadic civilizations, to their ability to adapt and to "civilization friction area", between people having different ways of life. Nomadic civilizations are very rich but let only few traces and it is so easy to rebuild afterwards their process only with intellectual conjectures! I rather confront myself with reality and thus contact. I don't make illusions on my possibility to travel soon to Somalia, but I know diaspora has something very rich to be tought. I hope that those few indications and remarks to be useful. I hope I haven't detered or discourage anyone to answer muy questions and my will of knowledge. In the readings I had lastly, I came to notice opinions on clans role were divided. Some think it generated a blocked situation in which only strengh prevails, but some others (Blache and Pinault) explain the positive role or potential positive role clanism play or could play for stability. Studies about Somali diaspora in Netherland led Pinault to estimate the new role of clan in diaspora could favour end of violent relations! I think that with such a wide panel of previous studies and statements, there is enough room for other studies! What do you think of it. Did clanism played a specific role for you in the diaspora? Concerning coming to London, I consider this seriously but taking into account money is not granted so easy in French Universities (just have a look in french news today!). Than you again. Guillaume.
  3. Hello, my name is Guillaume, I work as scholar in French Geography Institute (Paris Sorbonne). My reasearch is about impact of clanism structure on social and economic development in Somalia and in its diasporas. To do so, I intend to meet some Somalis to gather their testimonies about their own experiences in Somalia and abroad. I would wish to focus more specifically in France diaspora, but as you may know, Somalis en France are few! So, does anyone could give me a tip, adresses, mail to get in contact with some Somalis accepting to testimony (for a scholar!) in France or/and in Europe? Thank you by advance. Sincerly. Guillaume.