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Posts posted by nemo

  1. Originally posted by Khalaf:

    Nameless-Department of State

    Thanks for the offer but I would prefer to be Treasure of Somalia :D imagine with my future "business skills" how Somalia could be rich. With some females in the government Somalia could be a changed country for the better of course. :D

  2. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

    quote:Originally posted by Nameless Chick:

    . Last thing we need is a nation with bad teeth.

    Don't worry sister, I am going to dental school, I am hoping for nation with bad teeth, so I can collect the cash or shillings.

    So this is Red Sea saying chew it up Somalis and dropped down at my office for an appoinment on 2020 street down town Berbera, near Xalaf restraunt.
    LOOOL well if you want elderly guys with bad teeth and smelling then go for it mate. :D:D Because you will indeed find a lot in Somalia and you won’t be out of job. Good luck in your career path as we will be needed a lot of dentist to re-build Somalia

  3. Originally posted by Hijabified Sista:

    Salam Aleykum


    Hey brother Nur i'm a bit confused are you using two different accounts here on somaliaonline.. :confused: just wondering

    Same I am kinda confused here I hardly come to this place. :confused: But love the posts I have read so far. So let me see Br. Nur and Nur are the same person? Anywaz Brother/s keep it up. :D

  4. Well said with your speech Khalf, but for second there I thought you were speaking in another language. But then realized was all the qabils names. :D

    Originally posted by Khalaf:

    chew some Khat in peace……………..take it away yo

    But this part I was traumatized with the thought. Last thing we need is a nation with bad teeth.

  5. Excuse me? I am not crazy; I don’t know where you get your sources from. But you are certainly not looking at my directions. Which I prefer it that way because a person with the name scarface is a bit unsettling. Imagine their image. :D

    Originally posted by ViBe:

    Soma_Inc what exactly are u implying? nothing wrong with being aussies. comes with its cons though, which is offcourse being so well recognised.
    , yes pain of being famous

    LOOOL I could not have agreed with you even more. So this is how it feels to be famous, tell ya it's not easy it comes with hard work and a lot of garbage from others. ;)

  6. Originally posted by ScarFace:

    ^^^^ your bloody nameless_ whats unique about that?


    Well how many people you came a cross with a name nameless? That answers your question mate. Pretty unique if I might say so. Better than xalima or farah, but got to admit Farah Blue is funny. :D

  7. Originally posted by WaTerLily:

    that no matter how many ppl diss or praise your tribe, it takes nothing away from you nor does it add anything to your life/tribe. Finally, practise what you preach. The evil of pride creaps into all of our hearts from time to time.

    Best thing you can do is get on with it and treat everyone with respect and equality.

    Mashallah mashallah once again mashallah you have taken the words out of my mouth. Well their were in the back of my mind just couldn't get them out when I replied first :D The Haters the brother is talking about should just take your advice and we can all live in peace as SOMALIS and at the same time know are ancestors. As Allah has divided us into nations and tribes therefore we can recognise our family and ancestors.

  8. Well people I see there are different and interesting names in this place. What’s your favorite?

    Can I say I LOVE my name "nameless_chick" serious. Think it's different and unique, people had a lot of questions with my name but I still think it's the best. Other names I like is "Thepoint" what a name straight to the point I say. :D Farah Blue, ViBe, rokko, General Duke (made me laugh) :D

  9. I agree with you brother, it's a great dream and only going to be a dream for a while. It's sad so much hate for one another. Where every somalis are the is going to be this hate in the communities. :( And thanks for the qabil teachering serious, I wrote it down in my somali book. :D

    In my whole life on one has asked my qabil

    LOOL maybe because your only half. :D Well my first time I got asked was when I came to this bloody country, NZ was so much better no qabil asking (maybe was cos I was younger than but still). :D IB sister I hate you too :D

  10. Originally posted by rudy:

    i believe this dude (captian cook) was trying to discover america... he went the opposite of columbus (east to west) and ended in cook islands!! fyi...!

    Sorry mate your wrong, Captian Cook was actaully looking for Australia not America. By then they already discovered America mate.

    But end up in New Zealand, then finally find Australia after New Zealand because he new that NZ was too small and not the country they were looking for.Man didn't know was going to need history classes back at the days in Primary School. :D

  11. Originally posted by Azmaya:

    where do you think the young will get their information?

    Well at school and other kids that’s the best place I reckon. That’s where most of the young feel more comfortable talking about than to their parents. Even the west that’s where most get their information, either school or other kids and you can add siblings but hardly. Well sadly I was exposed to such thing at a young age 12 at school and I could not have learnt at a worst place. Where we are mixed with boys and girls. If we were separated I am cool but still I think 12 was a bit too young. My little sister was even worse at 10 because she was at a higher level than her age. And I think that’s when I started hanging out with only girls; it took my innocents I tell you.

    Originally posted by Azmaya:

    I plan to be an ob/gyn, therefore the human anatomy or sex is no big deal to me to discuss, even with the opposite sex. What’s the big deal I ask you?

    Are you guys brave enough to talk about sex?

    First of all why the hell you want to discuss such thing with the opposite sex? You one hell brave and crazy one, I can’t even talk to my cousins FEMALES about it. And what is there to discuss about it we know it so. That’s the end of story unless you want to go all nasty and stuff.

  12. Originally posted by Azmaya:

    Walaalo Jay, what is wrong with Somalia is division, qabilnimo. I am 200% against it because I believe in unity not division. I don’t agree with saying Somaliland, Djibouti or what have u, but Hargesya Somalia, Djibouti Somalia, that’s my outlook. I have nothing against the North all Somalis are the same to me I am against dividing Somalia and making nation states out of it, which is continually pushed in here n elsewhere. No one is hating, God knows I want all somalian people to succeed, stop the killing & qabilnimo and build so we can return to wadankaani hooyo.

    Oh is that what they are talking about qabil when they say Somaliland. I was always lost, since my stay in SOL I keep seeing it and ignored it as I couldn’t understand what it meant. I 100% agree with sister Azmaya stop trying to divide the country what’s already left of it (as some are in Ethiopia and Kenya). I am actually surprised and sadden at the same time to see Red Sea continue talk about qabil. My first impression of him was religist and a good mannered person. But a religist person won’t worship qabil like this always talking about it. Now look people I am not attacking him I still think he is a top person don’t get me wrong but brother and others as sister Azmaya said stop dividing the country. If that’s what you’re aim is as I’m no condition to be giving advice because my background in Somalia aren’t that good. :D

    Other than that nice pictures, does Somalia look lik this, I can't beleive. I might after all go holidaying there. ;)

  13. Thanks Ahura and IB indeed I will forget about these losers because I'm so done with them ALL. They are just a waste of time......yea I think I will write something like that in my next diary entry. :D

    Originally posted by ScarFace:

    Dear Diary

    I see that nameless_chick has a lot of fans :eek: :eek: :eek: Since She's famous I need To get HER Autograph......

    LOOOOOOOOOOOL don't worry I will sent your's to London when I find time. :D

  14. Originally posted by rudy:

    what ppl are saying to u is that you is fake! u r one person with 2 names! how come u aint getting it!! :confused:

    How the hell am I fake? Last time I checked no one really tells their name becuase of stalkers like you. Rudy you saying that's your name? I smell a FAKER in the room.....and that's your picture. Right. Sorry mate don't insult the poor guy in the picture.

  15. Originally posted by ThePoint:

    ^People seriously! If some individuals want to post a diary here - let them be. If you don't like it - don't read it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Thank Allah there is still someone decent left in this place. The message people if you still don't understand is "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T BOTHER READING IT". But it clearly shows that you enjoy my diary entry or as I said to Didi you want to make conversation with me. :rolleyes:

    Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

    Nameless, sweetie, for a second there, I was about to come to your defense after reading one or two of your replies and that of your critics, but then I went back to reading Page 1, and I realized the thread doesn't even belong to you yet you are the center of it all.


    I'm a little confused, I want to know why it bothers you so much what these pple have to say about this topic, when the topic isn't even yours?

    Why can't the poster of the topic explain to pple why she posted this nonsense, why do you have to come to her defense?

    The reason it brothers me so much is it’s not what they said about the topic but what they are saying about my diary entry. I have no idea what they really dislike about it and when I ask them WHY there is no reason justified. I don’t know if they read the same diary entry I wrote at the start. Because clearly there wasn’t anything bad or rude to anyone said. However what I have wrote in my first diary entry was I want to become a shikhad and at the same time want to graduate from university but don’t want to study for a long time. Why are they angry I ask myself? Don’t they want a Muslim sister to succeed? What are they so scared or terrifies about? Pour jealousy I say. Cacuudo bilaah menashaydaani rajeem

  16. Originally posted by Didi Kong:

    Allah describes athiests and disbelievers as being animals or even worse. So metaphorically they are not human and according to you non-humans do not have a purpose. So there! Athiests and disbelievers have lives devoid of purpose and higher goals, this means their lives are empty like Sheikh Nur said! We don't need to know about your connections or who you know because simply we don't care about them and we certainly do not care about you! So why don't you stop being bigoted toward sheikh Nur and let everyone benifit from his wisdom! okaaaaay! I don't want to have to remind you about this again. you have been warned! [/QB]

    Maashallah mashallah that is the smartest thing I ever heard from you Sister Didi Kong, you should keep it up. This religist side of you really brings out your personality. Waxaan socod badanaa, brother Homer Simpson WHY are you always so quick to defend non-believers? Why are you so annoying and question what our religion says? Wasn’t you who said I am westernised, we can now see who is westernised. I will pray for you Homer Simpson inshallah you will return to the right path again.

  17. Dear Diary


    Why can’t Didi Kong learn that I don’t want to make any friendship with her? The reason I make such decision is that she is not someone who I will have a normal or intelligent conversation with. She will be one of those friends that put you down when they see you want something better in life. She seems to be those girls that would rather put people down than work for their future. Why can’t she learn that this is not good for her nor for those around her? Wonder how far she really goes with her friends, when they tell her their goals or achievements. Is she those girls that laugh at your face when you tell them your goals in life?


    And one more thing I will continue my diary entries and no one is going to stop me. Call me white rich girl or inana whatever I will by writing my thoughts in here when I feel like it. Man where’s that sister who started this thread it’s a great one, really brings people’s true colours.

  18. Originally posted by rudy:

    now this gettin tight! she is a an african, she thinks talking like white is cool! she thinks proper grammer is white grammer! ok, i betchya u, u is dreaming of white wedding too!! lool.. peace orio!! lol......!

    what the hell is gone wrong down under!!

    gotta be that kangru burger!! lady u some like some 1 else in here though!! smell u later..!

    OH my gosh, did I say proper grammar is white grammar? People, read what’s on the screen serious. Now you just getting lame, no jokes (hate to insult but its true). The reason we are talking about colour at the first place, is Rudy you are the one who started it NOT me. :eek:

    You are the one who said:

    Originally posted by rudy:

    well diary is 4 lil white rich gals!! yall aint, so whats the problem!! may be yall should start something like garbasaar diary! namean, write your stuff there!

    flight 13 is getting clueless!!

    I just said would rather imitate a white rich girl than a gangster, as she is rich and not trying to survive what's on the streets. Stop trying to put words in my mouth (now are you going to quote me and say I didn't physically put words on your mouth) which is only an expression.

  19. Originally posted by Khalaf:

    ^^^^w/salaam sis. Do u know what they mean is more important. and don't quote me yet

    I have no idea what you meant by the bolded words and am just going to ignore it. But other than that good on you for trying and inshallah you will one point master it. And thats my goal aswell which I see a lot of improvement with my reading. But where do you get somali articles? The somali radio BBC (mummy listens to it while on the computer). :D

  20. Originally posted by Khalaf:

    baayo nameless looooool
    . I was making a point my sister, which u failed to see. U asked brotha Rudy to stop acting “black†thus my first piece was using slang “acting blackâ€, second piece “acting whiteâ€(according to popular opinion). And I asked u is this how we should talk like the “proper†people which according to many means “acting whiteâ€. My sister u should know I would never call a sister dawg or talk like that I was making a point, and it went through your head, which is cool. The “moral of my pointâ€, we shouldn’t act “black†or “white†or like any other people, but behave like our Rasul (saw) and his companions:
    Al-Tirmidhi reported that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah beupon him) said, "He is not one of us who imitates people other than us.â€

    Well I see your point brother, but you misunderstood me. I said proper English not proper people. And when I said stop acting like an African American I meant gangster and stuff. Not black people (which I didn’t say) because we Somalis are too black. However proper people I didn’t mean by acting all white, because white people indeed are bad people (those misguided individual the ones with no religion). The reason I said I will rather imitate a white rich girl than African American, is Rudy said that diary is for white rich girl which indeed got to me and his filthy language. I was trying to give the brother some advice which was STOP talking like you are not educating, which indeed the so call gangsters in America do. Not that every African Americans is, as you started and am aware of, that there a lot that are Muslims. Alxamduallah. My point was talk proper English which means NO slang, which in fact points the brother down.

    Originally posted by Didi Kong:

    Apologies to my sister nameless chick! a little constructive criticism for you you graduated from high school not elementary school or junior high. Stop being immature!

    What me immature, I can’t believe what I’m reading seriously. I am really getting fid up replaying to you, so please stop trying to make conversation with me. I think there are sad individuals out there who will be happy to be friends with you Didi. I certainly am not. I will not be put down to your level sister unless you change.

  21. Assamu Calaykum


    Brother Khalaf that was great I actually learnt some new words or words that I don't use in my somali vocabulary often. I think that's my next target to try to increase my somali vocabulary. Man where would I start on that one? :confused:

    These words I was impressed with:

    Nolaa, nolosha, barkansantay, wadamada, bathana, rajaynayaa, qalan jabiyayo, jamacada.

    Keep up the good work now will let the teachers to grade you. :D

  22. Originally posted by Khalaf:

    (This is how to talk, no?)

    Brother it is kinda sad how you want to impersonate someone that appears to be lacking any morals aswell as education. But if you want to be like an African American be my guest because it was just an friendly advice.

    Please next time can you refrain from calling me a DOG as I am clearly not a four legged animal. You can talk however you please to, but don’t call me such filthy names.

  23. Originally posted by Didi Kong:


    Does that mean you are a dhocilo since you act like a little girl and write like one. I seriouly do not enjoy writing back to your nonsense at ALL. Please do not talk to me directly, as I really don't enjoy writing back to YOU. And I will say it once again get your own words I mean "PLEASE INANTAN NAGA QABTA" wasn't that exactly written by another sister (same IQ as you) :rolleyes:

    Originally posted by Didi Kong:

    ps. nayaa lucky for you this the computer because I swear to god ju don't know me!!!

    Thank Allah I don't know you. I would not want to associate with someone like you. If you make friends they have to be an asset in your life and not a liability. You would only try to put me down to your level.

  24. Dear Diary


    Where do I start without people attacking me? Don't you wonder WHY that everytime you post something or reply to a post there's always someone who will attack you. I personally don't mind differences of opinion. I mean we are humans and are entitle to our own opinions. But why do people always try to put others down in this site? Are they getting something out of it? Is there an award I’m not aware of? Even if you write something that is good or beneficial to you there’s someone who has to say something negative about it. Argument I am not subjecting to it but name calling and always finding the other persons faults really gets to me. For the love of Allah we should try to get along as much as possible and STOP putting others down. I think that’s a lot to ask for SOME people in this place. Great quote I saw the other day in this site I will use, originally posted by Khalaf.


    “The best amongst you are those who have the best manners and characterâ€

    "Nor defame one another" (49:11), "Do not spend your time finding fault with one another."


    Now let’s see who will be the first to start the name calling in here. I will conduct a test and see how long it stays that way.



    Salam everyone

  25. Originally posted by rudy:

    well diary is 4 lil white rich gals!! yall aint, so whats the problem!! may be yall should start something like garbasaar diary! namean, write your stuff there!

    flight 13 is getting clueless!! :confused:

    Assalamu Calaykum brother

    First of all if you think diary is for a white rich girls then WHY did you come to this thread? I would rather imitate a white rich girl than an African American. I mean by your words "yall aint and namean". Whats with that, hate guys that imitate African Americans. Why not be your self? You will make more sense, and please use proper english brother, just an advice. ;)