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Posts posted by Freedom

  1. ^^^ Are you on something loool butchering people in daylight were is that, i went online and saw know news saying somaliland is killing people in Adwal and if you are referring to the sad killing of the father and son, the whole people of Somaliland is aganist that, the President stated his support for justice, so please stop with the lies a blind person can see right through it old boy lol

  2. Music who out know in the hip hop scene that is doing his or her thing. Tell me popular tv shows teens love or Movies; give me something to prove in what you say is true cause you can be some old dude acting like a young guy lol

  3. ^^^^ Keep dreaming your hate for X clan is showing. But you and your kind shows the world that even though we speak the same language worship the same God That we are totally different people. IF Adwal wants to be with Somalia then we should not force them to stay, but dont use that as a reason for the rest of NW Somalia AKA somaliland to be with Somalia. If you can agree on that fine lol.