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Posts posted by SuNsHyNe

  1. Hey guys!! I have been away on holiday for a while, but its good to be back again!


    One famous remedy back in the day was to burn over sizing limbs with a burning metal rod!!


    I remeber some of my cousins having it done, coz she used to have an over gorwing head that was twice as bid as her tiny body!! She had her head burned with a burnig metal rod from the four sides. This did control the growing!! However she does have a scar to this day!!


    Has anyone heard of this?

  2. LOL!!! we considor somali girls that dyed their hair blond and then turn out like this yellow burned custard coloud as blonds!! lol!!


    Are they just as dumb!!

  3. I wanna congratulate my little sister who has just completed her AS Level exams this week, I am soo proud of her!!


    Well done Najmah_03 sand everyone who has completed their exams and those that are still undergoing theirs!!! Keep up the good work!!


    MAKE US PROUD!! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif