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Posts posted by ferocious

  1. salaam caleykom


    how is school going for u guys . :D


    me it sucks big time walahi.


    hardest semester ever for me :mad:


    i have not have had a break all this semester


    it not like i will do it but i even thought of quiting school redface.gif


    y'll wont beleive i havent seen my family for 3 months now cuz of this st*pid school. :mad:


    express ur anger at ur school hurr , dont think of positivity just think of its negative parts .release it all ladies and gents

  2. seriously u guys have to consider this if the man provides for his family entirely he would want her to to stay at home and clean and cook for him, he basically will think low of her , and this is human nature that am bringing up, we all know if someone is dependent on us we take them for granted and we dont respect them the way we are supposed to ,yet we wont notice it because it a human nature.


    as a woman i want to have kids and a family but i want to have a career too, being a mother is full time job and am willing to take the first five years off,(if i dont have islamic baby sitter) and if i have muslims person that wants to take care of my child in my absence(of course i will pay to baby sit) i will work part for a while and when the kids are older enough , i basically cant sit at home and wait for my husband and kids to come back from school/work smile.gif

  3. smith my question to u is.the presidental terms is always 4 years and he got elected in 2000 so why say his term ended am still confused , and do u have a real fact that says he is a killer ,i talked to a couple elders after my last post to find that this yosuf guy hates people of central somalia and he was stated to have said to want to kill all "moryan" in central somalia and the only "moryans" in central somalia are of a certain tribe we all know that , so tell me once again y this killer is better than the guy who didnt end his term and tell me once again y he is being criticised for having muuse suudi as a friend. :confused: i dont see no difference btw muuse and yosuf .

  4. i am seriously confused , about hornafri and moob deeps argument, to me it sounds like two puntilanders fighting what is cabdilahi qasim and cabdilahi yosuf are they the same person walaahi am confused someone explain this somali politics to me redface.gif

  5. me 50/50 i got all of it .........


    sorry i disagree with u lexus one can have religion, career and family at once ,


    example is my sister she works as a nurse(full time) is a mother of four beaufifull kids and has her husband ...she has a somali lady baby sit the kids , there will always be a somali mother on welfare who wants to baby sit to get the money :D

  6. salaam caleykom


    how about we share childhood stories with one another


    my mom used to tell me the dag-dheer story,

    and there was the bur-kadood story , i still think about them upto this day:


    the burkadood went like this


    there was this niriq and its mother boqol nasleed, one day boqol nasleed and its niriq dispeared so the owners send their two children to get it , the kids went to the burkadood(a beast) and they said


    burgadoodow boqol nasleed ma aragtay niriqteedi ma aragtey

    burgadood said " boqol nasleed yamyoloq nirigteedi yamyolog adinkana yamyulug"(excuse my somali), the other two kids would be send and they would ask for the niriq and boqol nasley they would be told the same thing , they would ask about their brother and sister he would tell them what he did and would eat them too, soon the entire town would be eaten..


    it used to scare me alot redface.gif


    time to share ur childhood stories

  7. salam caleykom

    i read a few of his books the man is a sexist pigg, he talks about women as if they are objects no wonder he is married to a niggerian cuz they are the only women(i know of) in this world that bow down for a man(litterally)


    i personaly would not vote for him , but and my reason has been stated above,


    to all those that say he is a good writer but not a good leader please state ur reasons? u guys have to inform the other to y? mizz unique u would not like him if u read his books walaalo redface.gif

  8. asalaam caleykom



    qac qac kadar u dibi dal aa la yari, sounds like u really really is in need of some attention, got fired? wifey left ya? there must be something that is bothering ya :eek:


    allah help us all :( ameen