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Posts posted by Lefty

  1. Hold up folks!


    By giving a closure observation and analysis, The original picture is been changed with power-point programs and there are strong proof to that. There's a question mark on the shadows, the background, the color of the flame, the intention of the picture and how and what is been tried to change, and many other things.


    This doesn't need a scientific formula to figure out, it's a very basic fabrication and manipulated picture. If you still oppose that, then you need and should be ready to answer alot of questions about that picture.!



  2. I agree with Clown....although there's a good list, The possibility of these are very hard.. They are human being too and you can expect them all time to be perfect and clean!..EAch side is capable of error...However, If girls follow or atleast focus more only #3 and #4, that's fair enough!LOL


    Nice advice though!



  3. This is one of those never ending resentment!


    Personally, I don't have regard of the idea of one gender's superiority than another but a problem always arises when one feels the other gender is acting or thinking they're superior. Women are better than men in some area such as cooking and many others, and Men are vice versa like heavy lifting and others. Males hold some advantage so do females but Because how we think about and evaluate each side psychologically shapes our response to them. It is based in deep-seated cultural beliefs in male superiority in every society but that's matter of no important as long as women belief they're superior too in their own unique way. In my personal opinion, Sexual (Gender) identity is responsible for genderized power and each side is superior in their own way. Plain and simple!


    However, If women belief male domination will be eliminated by challenge them and trying to do everything they can like most feminist do in most cases, they would definately end up disaster. Each gender should stick to their own power gender and let loose focusing what the other gender is cooking. females should focus on beauty emotional, and seduction as their source of feminine power..male superiority linked to male physical strength and power. Ladies don't think about Power if you think it's the theme of superiority cause it belongs to male.LOL

    Smartness, lets not bother, it's a long story!LOL


    By the way, superiority has nothing to do with dark ages. It's just never ending human nature!


    I've a question though, why do girls care more talking and debating about gender superiority ???



  4. Miskiin


    I agree with the premise of each side fulfilling his obligation before anything else. However, as I previously mentioned, sometimes it doesn't go as it expected and interference occurs. However, the most important thing is how it's been handled and finding out a positive solution for it. I personaly like the idea of blaming yourself (in this case men) in order to make things easier and Of-course every women doesn't deserve to be blamed for men's fault but they should be when they're truly those who are behind recent break-ups.



    Mango Madness


    Actually, I didn't say always but mostly and it's true if we are referring to Somali divorce cases in Western countries. Besides I'm not asking anyone to follow the past heydays at the same time you don't have to go ahead of yourself. This doesn't mean that you have no side rather, it means that you have to figure and work out the best and the accurate available solution for your needs which will lead you to happy, smoother, simpler, and much less controversy marriage.


    By the way, I'm not into blaming all Women but lately higher number of them are doing backward decisions and consequently got divorced. That's why we have higher number of single mothers!



  5. Generally, people should uphold the principle that leaders should be given a reasonable opportunity to pursue their leadership careers even when it differs your point view and the way you want. If you are serious about challenging and opposing any administration, you have to have legitimate reasonings which emphasizing the better service you're capable of given. Majority of Somalis lack the essential way of calculating anything that relates to their politican Arena. The only thing they're really good at is obstruction by any means with no longer and positive vision behind it. That's what happened and still is the major obstacle facing the Somalia trauma.


    in an interesting example at the extreme margins of this issue, how each and majority of all Somalis eager and ready to blame the past regime without bringing up any alternative and better solution except making it worse than before. Who are we kidding to and How could you blame anyone who worked with the past regime ?..As some have put it, every well-known Somali Politician worked with Siyaad Barre one time or another. Having said that, there are other possible ways to fall into and create scapegoat situation other than sitting down and always blaming everyone who try to make something different other than your own kind.


    Somalia today exist in a kind of limbo situation and the worst case scenerio is by initialy finger pointing others and not daring to correct your own mistakes first. That's why I still don't see anything wrong with the likes of past Cali Samatar, C/Qasim, Xasan Abshir, Gaani, C/aalhi Caddow, buluq-buluq, and etc until better administrate arrive and prove them their wrong doings if they had any.


    as far as C/raxman jamac Barre is concerned, I personaly don't think he's capable of presidency but why not allowing him to run when the rest candidates are more likely worst than him. There's only one individual who's ahead of the rest and perfect suited for presidency of Somalia right at this time but he declared he doesn't interest it. Until that person is absent from the show, let the rest give their best shot for better and perpicacious.



  6. You have tried blaming men for single mother problems but you haven't come up with one legitimate reason. The high rate of Somali diaspora divorce caused by the imitation of a new culture. IF you give a closer look to those who got divorced, you will atleast find majority of women motivated for challenging their men or men doing the other way around. That's where the whole phenomenon starts and mostly caused by women!


    If they had sticked to their own culture and family heritages, these high number of divorces wouldn't have happened. Choosing not to, The saga will continue!

  7. Che_Guevera


    The current ratio of men/women in the world is 1:6 and Asia should be holding its fair-share.


    About the Dowry!


    if it ain't about financially, then what do you personaly think the main purpose why indian females make the pay of Dowry?. It's weird and I haven't asked yet any indian peeps.

  8. s.o.s


    You know what I'm exactly referring to myths and it's ok for you to bring up well-fabricated myths but luckly you didn't go too far with it. Remember you can fool other younger ones therefore despise the anger. ;)


    Che..I thought I was the only oppossing these fabricated theories but nice seeing you collaborating.

  9. The main reason that they're getting rid off girls is because girls over-populated than boys and it ain't about terminating all of them.

    Maybe, Chinese government should sent these kids to places like Somalia where fresh people is needed.


    I always heard the indian prides' pay of Dowry but I'm wondering what's the logic purpose behind that method except if their females aren't wealthier than their males.

  10. s.o.s


    I won't ask anyone since I'm already experienced with that but your excuses were all myths. I was curious of how far you can make them look an ordinary.



    Kickassprincess.. No graphic were needed but only back up evidences. :cool: