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Posts posted by Allyourbase

  1. Somalia has lost a whole lot more over the last 25 years, this recent dispute is pretty much meaningless to the common Somali living there today. Oil would only add to our problems for we seem not capable of getting along ourselves, without the added complications of oil money.

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    Waaryaa just because I question anything and have my own strong opinions about everything including my religion does not mean I have joined you in the hell-bound infidel camp, acuudu billah :-D


    Good on you, its exactly how you should be! I take what I said back.


    (I will save you a spot in our camp though, just in case :D )

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    You make up things as you go along, and then ask me "Why am I so obsessed with them" as if it's a fact


    Niiyow, I'm not obsessed with anyone. Now get out of my face.


    Sxb waad isku yaacday.


    You bring up the point that I dont care about Arabs as if that is some crime. Clearly you associate with desert bedouins and expect everyone else to do so. You must admit that was a non point, perhaps you need someone inuu Quraan kugu tufo? :D

  4. Sxb I do not give two shiits about Arabs, I am Somali therefore I join discussions with Somalis. Not everyone here is an Arab worshiper like you thus you need to understand that though Arabs may seem important and the centre of the universe to you that does not apply to other sane people.


    Your turn:


    Why are you so obsessed with Arabs? Why do you love them so much?


    Its bizarre!

  5. AllYourBase infamously said that he was only interested in targeting Somalis and bombarding them with his “copy/paste” arguments against Islam–that he wasn’t interested in finding out the truth. How’s that for honesty.


    Kani xaguu kusocdaa?


    When did I say that? :D


    Sources please, when did I say I love bombarding Somali with copy/paste material? otherwise an apology is in order.

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    Athiesim is bathed in the blood of humanity


    Islam is and I repeat historically and at present te most humane, practical and progressive in human history


    Atheism is not a religion, there isn't a unified ideology that all atheists follow, thus if an atheist lunatic goes on a killing spree I do not quite understand how that could be traced back to his renouncing of organised religion.


    Religious folk on the other hand, and Muslims specifically do follow this one single ideology, one that informs much of their worldview, and it so happens that their history is as violent and treacherous and could be seen to cause some of the most devastation in all human history, up there with the Hitlers and Stalins of the world. What is worse, much of the violent committed by muslims is one done backed by Quranic verses and Islamic rhetoric.


    Your own leader and dear Prophet was one to commit genocide on whole peoples, to order the assassination of those who recited poetry against him (dissed him basically). He took children to his bed and had allowed himself unlimited number of wives when he restricted everyone else to just four. He continued the practice of slavery and in fact revitalised that particular trade contrary to what many muslims say. He empowered his own people and declared numerous times that his tribe is superior to others, that Arabs are superior to others and that he was best of all.


    In this day and age, believing in that sort of person, and taking this for a religion, you have no excuse, none whatsoever.

  7. Dude wtf are you on about, two companions of your beloved prophet, living in what you consider to be the best times of Islam opposed one another, and fought against each other. Seventy THOUSAND muslims that were companions of the beloved prophet died that day.


    That is your best generation, slaughtering each other and fighting like barbarians over control.


    Seeing ISIS today, they were not that different at all :(

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    BTW even if it was true that the Office of the Caliphate should be restricted only to select members of the Quraysh tribe (and its not true. There have been Kurdish, Turkish and Persian Caliphs)....but even if it was true. So what? Is the Caliph not the servant of his people? Is the Office of the Caliphate something to be sought after, especially since the early Caliphs all refused to be appointed Caliph but were finally forced to accept the position of Caliph by their peers. Only one man is able to be Caliph at any given time, but for this Atheist to argue that this somehow means that so-and-so is superior is a desperate argument and he knows it. This guy looks at leadership as if its something to seek, as if its something to brag about. Leadership is a burden and not an accolade you're going for. And the Prophet's successors were Abu Bakr and Umar because they were his closest companions and the ones who had the most right to lead the community after his death. Al Mamun was Caliph during the 9th century, but Imam Shafii lived during the same time and he wasnt Caliph. So is Al Mamun (who was actually Persian/Arab) suddenly superior to Shafii or ibn Hanbal or any other righteous person simply by virtue of the Office he holds?


    In Islam leadership is a test and the burden of leadership often leads to the leaders committing the worst acts, earning them a place in Hell.


    What is wrong with him? Like I really don't understand



    Oh spare me the 'burden' chat.


    If it was a burden indeed they would not have fought over the seat of Caliph amongst themselves.


    Imagine, the best generation of muslims went into two camps and killed one another over what you call a 'test' and a 'burden'. It is thought that the majority of Quranist of that period died over the seat of Caliph :(


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    I just wanted to make a point of clarification and contrast here:

    Just as there are different forms of governments in the Secular world (President and Senate (U.S.), Prime Minister and Parliment (England and most of Common Wealth); Monarchy (King or Queen by heriditary line); Communism and Dictatorship (see Sisi and most IMF run countries), so to does Islam have a comprehnsive system of governance. One that has its roots on the multipile schools of Jurisprudence/Fiqh.


    So you can have an Islamically governed region that applies Maliki Fiqh and another that applies Shafi fiqh.


    There maybe some extremes but extremes are not the norm because after all they are extremes and because they are extremes they are exceptions to the rule. Exceptions that people use (see Mainstream media) to put fear in peoples hearts.

    It is an appeal to emotion that wins most fickle hearts and the majority are indeed fickle.

    Why else would they announce the new Pope making a call to some no name ammericaan journalist's family. He never called one Palestinine when Palestinine blood has been flowing like a river (see Gaza August 2014).


    If you dispute the Fatwa quoted above then please state why otherwise inakadaa meermeereysiga sxb.

  10. As can be seen above, I have quoted a Fatwa from a trusted Islamic source (islamweb) citing the dear Prophet on record favouring his Arab tribe of Qureish above any other. The fatwa indicates an Islamic scholarly consensus that the Caliph can only be from Qureish. I even translated the Arabic to our dear Wahabi residents Khayr and DoctorKenny.


    Watch them do their dances and evade discussing the very issue at hand. Khayr will disappear as he always does, leaving DoctorKenny out to dry. DoctorKenny will always come back with the same line "you are beneath my contempt" :D and promises to never get into discussions again (he always does). We are so lucky that CiidanSuldan did not restart his spamming operations and youtube video ariel bombardment yet :D


    They are so predictable :(

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    Shut up AllYourBase. No one is gonna take your tired arguments very seriously, and since you always insist on having the last word, I expect some long-winded reply from you. You can't answer any of my questions yet you expect us to answer yours


    You're a joke saaxib. Get the hell outta my face


    Wahabi crybaby, dont hate the player sxb, it is your hirarchy-based religious dogma at fault here. All I am trying to do is free you.


    He is happy to say he is superior to Westerners but would never dare say he is superior to Arabs, his religion forbids it. Deep down he knows his place, a follower, a worshiper, a slave :(


    Help me help you dear Doctor



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    These guys will try anything and everything. Islam is not about race this is an ideology. This is a struggle for the political and social struggle of the muslim world. We have to opposing ideologies secularism that argues God has no part to play in society or government and the opposing side that argues God is at the centre of both society and government. This is not about Terorism this is about ideology. That's what these people can't understand. This has nothing to do with race. The most racist Arabs are the gulf and they are ruled and governed by monarchs who are subservient to the west. They are scared of their own people. Islam gave birth to modern day multiculturalism the west first learned about it in Islamic Spain were Muslims and Jews and Christiens lived in peace


    One thing that tells you all you need to know about your religion's stance on race is the scene when they were swearing allegiance to their new Caliph Abubaker al Baghdadi, everyone stressed that he was also from Qureish and clearly alluding to what the Prophet and the first Caliph Abubaker both said that the Caliphate could only be ruled by an Arab from Qureish.



    If you do not believe me and can read Arabic I would link you islamweb's fatwa below which I would quote parts of:





    هل صحيح أن أمير المسلمين أو الخليفة، يجب أن يكون قرشياً، وهل الخلفاء العثمانيون مذنبون لأنهم لم يولوا قرشياً؟




    Is it true that Amir ul Mu'minin must come from the tribe of Quresh, and are the Ottoman Caliphs sinners for not crowning a man from Qureish?


    The Answer:


    فجماهير أهل العلم على أن خليفة المسلمين يجب أن يكون من قريش، بل حكى غير واحد من أهل العلم الإجماع على ذلك، لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الأئمة من قريش. رواه أحمد، وقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: الناس تبع لقريش في هذا الشأن، مسلمهم تبع لمسلمهم، وكافرهم تبع لكافرهم. متفق عليه.


    The majority of Culima agree that the Muslim head of state (Caliph) should be from Qureish. In fact a number of them believe there to be ijmaac (consensus) on this issue. This is because of the Prophet's Xadiis: "Imaams are from Qureish" and also "The people follow Qureish, their muslims follow [Qureish's] muslims and their kaafirs follow [Qureish's] Kaafir's."


    The Imam Nawawi in his explanation of this hadith stated: This Xadith and others like it clearly identifies that the seat of Caliphate is for Qureish, and could not be held by others. It was on this that the Saxaaba agreed consensus.


    (there are more in there which you could read in the link, I am just translating for the benefit of DoctorKenny who can not read Arabic)


    So your black futo is always second class to Qureish Arabs.


    Ask yourself why the first four Caliphs whom are thought to be the greatest all came from Qureish? When the muslims back then where based in Madinah, the city of Ansaar?


    Why was the top ten Muslims of all time, the ones foretold of their guarantee access to heaven all from Qureish?


    That was just to answer your point about race in Islam. If you want to discuss this further you should perhaps open a different discussion so we can really get into it. I digress :)



    We’re Muslims. We’re better than they are. We’re far superior to them, and that’s a fact.




    You're right. I don't go around school or work screaming "I'm Muslim, I'm better than you are!".....only a jackass would go around yelling something like that without reason. Not only is that un-Islamic, but it's extremely arrogant and off-putting.


    But yeah, I do make my pro-Islam views very public. But for you not to understand the difference shows to me you're trolling or you just don't understand human behavior.


    You really are brainwashed doctorKenny, how can someone say they are superior to others with a straight face on a public forum and expect to be taken seriously? And how exactly are you superior? Superior to people that picked you up when you and your family came as begging refugees (all Somalis did), clothed you, fed you, taught you and to whom you are indebted with the freedoms you have, including coming onto this forum to speak against them. How exactly can you claim your superiority when you still live there by choice, you ungrateful little Wahabi badow.


    Why did your family not claim asylum in a superior Muslim country?


    Because they would not take you.


    You are spent sxb, gtf out of here.

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    Believe me AllYourBase, I'm very very open with my pro-Islam views at school and at work. But you're a coward, who's unwilling to tell people in his personal life about his twisted views. I have more respect for my White-Supremacist coworker who openly tells me about his racist White views and how he wants America to be a "White-Only" country, because at least he's being honest. At least he isn't hiding his pro-White views and even though I might dislike it, I actually have far more respect for him than the likes of you, when you hide behind the keyboard and talk in a way you would NEVER do in real life.


    You're a child, with simplistic views, who thinks anyone who is "pro-Islam" must be part of some secret conspiracy to "hate the West" or to "support ISIS"....this is why people can't take you seriously. And then you seek to further insult me by associating me with those Al Qaeda or ISIS dogs.


    You little Wahabi wants us to believe you actually came out, that you go around spewing the same Wahabi dheecaan you try to spread here. Thats a lie and everyone can see that, for if you did your ass would be in Guantanamo bay this very second with your jihadi brothers. You absolutely do not go around telling White folk that you are superior to them because of Islam, waxaas hanoogu sheekayin beenlow yahow :D



    Try again, why do you stay in the West and go to school there when you hate it with such passion? Those who abandon this deceitful, hypocritical way of life and join their brothers in ISIS have the moral ground on you. a labowajiile like you who smiles every morning to your White classmates whilst secretly wishing for them to one day pay jizya to you and for their women to be your sex toys is sad existence.



  15. I am very open with my views and it so happens that my family are not brainwashed numpties wishing they were in medivel Arabia :D


    Now tell me why you wont leave the West that you detest so much? Go join your brethren, I dare you. You would be happier, and I would be thankful ;)




    In Essense if someone burns down your house and then refuses you to rebuild it and then you move in with him who is the hypocrite ??


    First of all CiidanSultan thank you for keeping your responses to single replies, and not spamming the thread.


    That is a non answer my friend. You live in a place you hate, you abhor every aspect of life here and long for an Islamic state. Fine. The answer is not to live in a society that is the antithesis of what you hold as ideal but to move to the closest thing you can get to your perfect Wahabi wetdream. Go to Saudi, at the very least you will hear the call to prayers 5 times a day, or perhaps Afghanistan is your place? ISIS, maybe?


    Anything would be better than the hell that is living amongst the kaafirs here :(

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    This extreme narative is being empowered by the wests blatant hypocrisy and double standards.



    No hypocrisy compares to that of you Wahabi keyboard warriors. It is actually insane that you are taking yourselves this seriously. You come here day and night to preach the Wahabi lifestyles of desert bedouins yet you refuse to join them in their Islamic way of living. You are happy to cheer them on from the sidelines, all whilst enjoying your Western freedoms and perks.


    If this is not hypocrisy of the highest order then I do not know what is :D