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Posts posted by Zafir

  1. Originally posted by Ghanima:

    loool^^^ HAHAH
    thanks for the laugh!! hehe


    Ngonge, I know you are bored...but seriously :rolleyes: It did not annoy me, I just thought been shouted at made him extra paranoid and sensitive. I fear some tears on the bus to be honest
    @ zafir

    Did I mention I was 15 then, one of life's pain full lessons indeed and by defoult; it turned me into this person. :(


    I gotu go do some work now.

  2. Originally posted by Kashafa:

    quote:Originally posted by Zafir:

    ^You mean Mohamed?

    Tryna be 'witty', yaa kalab ? I mean, you may be aiming for clever repartee but you're actually closer to a blasphemous SOB. Repeat that line at your nearest Masjid, and I promise you, you'll be gathering your teeth off the ground in no time.


    Heer waxay gaartay 'ilbax-nimada' la iska raad-raadinaayo in Nabiyul Islaam horteena lagu caayo. Ar Internet-ka dad geesi maxuu ka dhigay, lol.


    Anyway, you may be a lost basket-case, laakin it's always good not to give up on people, which is why I'm prescribing the following book for required reading: al-Saarim al-Maslool calaa Shaatim ar-Rasool.(The unsheathed Sword upon the Insulter of the Messenger). Ibn Taymiyah's magnum opus. Title says it all.




    Props for the look-out. I missed the veiled insult to the Prophet(PBUH) on the first go but doubled back after reading your post. Aygaan yuusan kaa waalin. Nooceesa waalaguu yaqaan. What this ignorant schmuck does not realise is that Ilaahay(SWT) inoo awoodo to change him into a panting dog the second he finished typing his blasphemy. Picture the dazed look on his face, with his paws on the keyboard, dripping saliva all over it.


    Kalab(formerly known as Zafir): Woof, Woof, Woof(What da heck just happened?)

    (looks at himself in the mirror)

    Kalab: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooof(Noooooooooooooooooooo)

    (starts whimpering)

    Kalab: Howwwwwwwwwl, Howwwwwwl. Wooooof(People use to call me dog-face before, but now look at me.)

    (remembers the ayaah " Abillaahi waa ayaatihii wa rasoolihi kuntum tas'tah'zi'uun, laa tactathiroo gad kafartum bacda iimaanikum)

    Kalab: Bark, Bark. Woooofity Howwwl.(Why oh why did I open my big mouth(turned muzzle) and vulgarly blaspheme at the man who brought Islam and salvation to humanity. What good will regret do for me now ?)


    Ka dhabaalo hee.
    :D The last bit sounded alot like a scene from that cats and dogs movie.


    To the folks, who have insinuated that I get lectured and warmings of some sort, what ever happened to benefit of the doubt? There could have been a pool of possibilities to my statement, why assume the worst? After all Nabi Muxamed (SCW) is my nabi too.



    Khashafa, if only you were little more emotional, I would have entertained the thought of taking you up as a passionate minyar. (No pun intended)

  3. ^So do Chihuahuas lady.



    Originally posted by Khayr:





    Akhiridha, ya Al-Aziz wa shadidul ceeqab kaa cilin dona! (Pardon the spelling)


    Erase that comment of yours!

    How about I appoint you as my savior yaa kheyr.

  4. ‘Get out,’ Hajir ordered, ‘you filthy b.astard!’

    ‘What!?’ Diiriye cried.

    ‘Just get out before I kill you!’ Haajir repeated.

    What a shame.


    He seated himself on the deck’s front seats, grabbed onto the edge of the seat in front of his, and
    broke down into tears. These were tears rolling down for many reasons.
    He was equally as relieved as he was worried of future consequences.

    I cries once in a city bus on my way home, but it wasn't because I got called names or got scared of that girl's brothers. It was because I was dumped and it was painfull. That was the only time I can recall crying, however diiriye's reasons are confusing and sad, he cries whenever Nimo crys. I mean what the freak is that?

  5. I don't understand all the guys here talking about gadgets and all these other crap, except for Xiin's at least his was reasonable. Umu, listen to me, do it with him early in the morning.

  6. Naden, Have your credit card company do the fighting for you. or perhaps try saying all those previous charges were made with out your consent and have them conduct and investigation of some sort. Madaxa isku wada gali all of them.

  7. ^^Exactamundo, I find that their priorities are not valuable in terms of dignity, commitment, stability, responsibility and etc. I do however understand that this generalization has both extremes in the margin. Do you guys think that our generation won’t replace it self, was what I meant to ask earlier.


    They say there are about 5 to 6 more years left of the baby boomers era; it just makes you wonder the significant impact generation Y is going to have on the world.

  8. Gen Y I caught this clip the past Sunday and thought it was really interesting. The impact Gen Y is creating in the business world is staggering to say the least. I think most of us in some ways relate to what’s being portrayed in this video however way we slice it.


    In a world that was up worldly mobile, I think we are being represented as a generation that won’t be replacing it. Mainly because of the “Me or I come first factor”, not getting married to more divorce rate, fever kids to none at all and etc.


    I am not saying baby boomers were/are right, but what do you guys think of Gen Y?