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Posts posted by Ducaysane

  1. Qhalib,

    why do you think is hilarious? weren't they leaders of the SNM? they were part of the conflict and can be accused of human rights violation. This seems tit for tat and I don't like it. Somalis should find some other venue to settle their issues

  2. Columbus Ohio,

    March 10, 2010,



    Waxaa si xawli ah uga socda wadanka maraykanka dacwad lagu soo oogi doono dambiilayaashii snm ee shacabka aan qabiilkooda u dhalan ku laayay magaalooyinka hargaysa, burco iyo barbara 1988. sida laga warqabo SNM waxay qaysatay xasuuq gobolada waqooyi galbeed iyo togdheer. waxaa la rumaysan yahay in xabaalo wadareedyada lagu sheego goboladaas ay SNM ku aastay dadkii ay ugu yeeri jireen *********. waxaa dacwadaan wada dad ehelkoodii ay SNM ku xasuuqday goboladaas. liika dadka la dacweynayo oo aad u dheer ayaa waxaa noo suurtogashay in aan helnay qaar ka mid ah magacyadooda. waana kuwan


    1.Axmed maxamed maxamuud Siilaanyo

    2. Ibraahim Dhagaweyne

    3. Maxamed Kaahin

    4. Cabdulaahi askar

  3. So, When the federal government re-takes the capital, we will end up Shariif, Indhocade and co to be our leaders? disaster walaahay. maraykan danta soomalida ma wado.

    In my opinion, shabaab should be given an oppurtunity to rule entire somalia. They are the only group capable bring SomaliLand and Puntand to the fold.

  4. So, When the federal government re-takes the capital, we will end up Shariif, Indhocade and co to be our leaders? disaster walaahay. maraykan danta soomalida ma wado.

    In my opinion, shabaab should be given an oppurtunity to rule entire somalia. They are the only group capable bring SomaliLand and Puntand to the fold.

  5. So, When the federal government re-takes the capital, we will end up Shariif, Indhocade and co to be our leaders? disaster walaahay. maraykan danta soomalida ma wado.

    In my opinion, shabaab should be given an oppurtunity to rule entire somalia. They are the only group capable bring SomaliLand and Puntand to the fold.

  6. As I was watching the TV tonight, there is a Boeing commercial every 10 minutes. what exactly do they want me to do. Buy an airplane? Some commercials do not make sense.