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Posts posted by Jamilah

  1. sofine,


    What you are saying I can completely relate to. I do feel that I can accomplish something that may potentially change status quo. Although I am no Napoleon I think my level of determination and intellect (not intending to sound so immodest) can achieve things beyond my already wild imagination.


    I am the kind of person who will strive to make my dreams a reality. My teacher in primary/elementary must have also felt something too as she informed my mother at the age of six that she believes I am capable of achieving anything.


    Here I am today and INSHALLAH my dreams will come true , I am sixteen years old and doing my final year of school two years younger than most of my fellow students.


    Words cannot express how much I really could relate to what you were saying....but I tried.

  2. MVP,


    I understand what you are trying to say and the things you said are logical. Women do tend to think with their hearts and thus a man is needed to lead in such instances. However, don't you think that most of the things you said is based on the assumption every woman is married to the ideal man.

    A man, therefore, should have a clear idea of what he wants, and the role he wants a woman to play

    The thing is your suggestions does not seem to cater for those who lets say are married to a man with no sense of direction and simply does not know what he wants for himself let alone his wife. You also have to acknowledge that many woman are prepared to lead their household and if things get difficult are not just going to call the police around the corner.


    The essence of femininity is for a woman to depend on the man she loves

    At the risk of sounding like a feminist I admitt I will never depend on a man. But with that having been said, does not mean I will not obey my husband it just means depending on anyone for anything is something I cannot imagine myself to do. If that means my femininity is questionable so be it.

  3. LayZieGirl,


    You have just changed the nature of your argument from baseless to plain pathetic.

    Did the prophet also say that women ought to be stoned to death because they had pre-marital sex, yet the man can stand there and watch while the woman is beat to death?

    Let me do the honours of disabusing you. The man and woman who adultered are the those who are stoned. You obviously do not know what the word adultery means because you incorrectly stated that those stones had intercourse prior to marriage. Fornication is what you meant and there is a different punishment for that which due to its severity can also lead to death. The mere fact you were ignorant of this fact and continued to imply the man always gets away really makes your argument lose what little credibility was left.


    Please, practice what you preach. I do fear Allah which is what prompted me to show my dispproval. If I were you I would be worrying about myself and the fact you seem to condole such behaviour.


    rest assured, no one will hear u

    Conversly, I will be rest assured that everyone but you of course heard me considering silence is an agreement. Which would have been exactly what I would have been doing had I not voiced my opinion.

  4. You know what LayZieGirl I shall and will always express my disapproval towards anything and anyone. The mere fact she was involved in this whole little drama doesn't affect that.

    All you somali pple talk about is other pple's business?


    This has nothing to do with Somali people as our prophet PBUH encouraged us to display our disapproval towards anything that our Religion frowns upon, if not through action through words. I am ultilizing this holy recommendation and ain't nobody is going to stop me.

  5. Underdog.........LOL

    That fact that she's illegitimatly shacked up with some guy for years is more interesting than the hostage drama.


    I wonder how common that is?

    That's exactly what I was thinking. I guess I wounld not have had enough courage to be so blunt. In regards to how common it is, here in Australia from stories we get the impression everything and anything happens among the Somali community in America.

  6. STOIC,

    Despite the fact we are non Americans Terry Schiavo's case has been bombarded through the media here in Australia. I really do think she should be kept alive or as you put it in a "vegeatative" state. Inconsiderate of any personal ideas she had prior to the accident regarding euthanasia the fact that her parents are willing to care for her automatically dismisses any other concerns. I think the government do not have the right to interfere since her family do not want her murdered and are prepared to look after her.



  7. Asalamu Alaykum all,


    Most of the things that motivates me have been mentioned the biggest one being the religion. Another was also mentioned earlier "why stop now? when i have gone so far?".

    Next year is my final year of high school and obviously the most important and losing motivation is just simply not an option.


    What really motivates is competition. I am so used getting the top mark (alxamduilah) that i practically welcome anyone who dares challenges me.


    If somebody gets a higher mark than me in a particular test,essay or exam i will try will every ounce of energy to make sure that never occurs again.


    Salaam...best wishes to everyone throughtout your studying days

  8. Asalamu Calaykum underdog,


    I do not think this story is exaggerated at all, i always wondered how a whole nation of people could be ruthless. I once asked my aunty that, and she replied that have been nurtured that way from childhood which your story displays.


    They are like vampires who cannot live from the blood of a fellow vampire but from the blood of others.



  9. Asalamu Calaykum,


    Ameenah mentioned earlier that if it was not for the extremists we would not be in this situation we are in, with the police brutalities and etc.


    I disagree with this perception greatly; the hatred the Kufars’ possess towards us is unimaginable and these cases of brutality were inevitable.


    Why is it some Muslim people actually consider other Muslims “terrorists”? , The contemplation is thought provoking, some Muslims’ seem to forget or don’t even realize that this is a war waged on us (i.e. every single Muslim on the face of this earth) and one continued by Al-Qaeda. You may argue there were innocents killed but there was also innocent Muslims killed around the world. Muslims have been terrorized in Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Iraq.

    Undoubtably the attacks on NYC, Indonesia and Kenya were an act of retaliation towards the countries America, Australia and Israel.




    P.S Well said Geel-Jire, i agree with you 100%

  10. Asalamu Calykum,


    Wow, I am impressed I would have never thought a Jew could think like that. This gesture of goodness could really be a door to freedom and justice to the poor people of Palestine who have to endure daily tyranny.


    I really do not mean to be rude but to the naive people who do not realise the signifigance of such an article and how it really affects us as Muslims should really be ashamed redface.gif



  11. Asalamu Calykum,


    Brother I will have to disagree with you, undoubtedly there are many people who judge others in groups rather than individuals but they does not permit us to form our own conclusions, such as prejudice being in our DNA. Things like prejudice all come down to our personality and how we see life. A strong Muslim never judges others from what he has seen from a member of that particular race or group.




  12. Asalamu Calykum,



    Why would you think i am too old for Harry Potter?


    If Harry Potter even existed he would be older than me, walahi. He is fifteen and i am fourteen turing fifteen at the end of the year. (His birthday is July 31st to be percise)



  13. Asalamu Calykum,


    what will be the future of somalia ?

    Easy, there is no future.


    Ok that is a bit harsh but serioulsy speaking Africa on general seem to have increasing problems and when i consult Somali elders in the issue of permanent peace in Somalia they all are convinced that peace in Somalia will never take place. So, being optimistic is very rare in this case. Anyway back to your topic...dying breed, eh?


    Well i do not have much to say about that if they are so "wise" then how come there is no peace in Somalia?



  14. Asalamu Calykum my fellow nomads,


    "Siamese twins die


    Neurosurgeons separated 29-year-old Iranian twins born joined at the head after two days of delicate surgery, but both sisters died shortly after their parting.


    The hospital announced Ladan Bijani's death, then, a few hours later, a nurse involved in the surgery said her sister Lelah had died.


    "Everyone upstairs is crying," said the nurse, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We treated them like family because they had been here for seven months."


    Hospital officials did not immediately officially announce the second death.


    Earlier, doctors said Ladan died after they were unable to stabilise her condition.



    "As the separation was coming to a close, a lot of blood was lost. The twins were subsequently in a critical state," said Raffles hospital spokesman Dr Prem Kumar.


    The risky, marathon separation procedure began on Sunday. Before the operation, doctors had warned that the surgery could kill one or both of the twins, or leave them brain-dead.


    The brains of Ladan and Laleh Bijani were separate, but were nonetheless stuck together after years lying alongside each other.


    Kumar had warned that controlling the bleeding and moving the twins from a seated position onto separate beds would be a big challenge, and that the condition of either twin would remain largely unknown until they wake up after surgery. The twins were seated during the operation.


    As one of the final points of the separation procedure, surgeons cut a finger-thick shared vein from Ladan - leaving her to rely on a similar-sized vein taken from her right thigh that was grafted to her brain.


    Rerouting the shared vein, which drained blood to their hearts, was considered one of the biggest obstacles in the surgery. German doctors told the twins in 1996 that shared vein made surgery too dangerous.


    The team of doctors had to contend with unstable pressure levels inside the twins' brains just before they worked to uncouple the sisters' brains and cut through the last bit of skull joining them, Kumar said.


    The sisters' brains had "to be teased apart very slowly," Kumar said. "Cut. Teased apart. Cut. Teased apart. In the process, you encounter a lot of blood vessels and other tissues."


    He said surgeon worked "millimetre by millimetre."


    Although the sisters knew the operation could kill one or both of them, they decided to face those dangers after a lifetime of living conjoined and compromising on everything from when to wake up to what career to pursue."



    My Opinion and thoughts in this case:


    As you all may be aware of the tearful journey family members and friends have faced. The two courageous sisters both with dreams and goals died. After closely following this case it came as a shock to me but i knew deep inside my heart there was no hope. After 29 years of being joined and having a shared vein the risks outnumbered advantages in the operation. I am no surgeon but it is obvious that they did not consider the risks throughly and when i say "they" i am referring to the surgeons. The vein in which was taken from Laden's thigh and that was inserted in her head was blocked and surely they had two distinct brians but they were 'stuck together".


    These two points are great factors to the causes of the death of these women. I am not pointing fingers at people but this certainly could of been avoided. Sure, the sisters did want to go ahead with the operation but they probably were not aware of the risks on the same degree as the surgeons. Nevertheless what happend happend but i still pray for them and may they go to heaven.



    p.s Please feel free to share any of your opinions and thoughts on this matter.

  15. Asalamu Calykum,


    I just finsihed the book today!


    It's kind of ironic how the goblet of fire ended in the beginning of a controversy and everyone suspected the order of the pheonix would conclude it yet it did not :eek:


    By the way can somebody tell me why Dumbledore did not chose Harry as a prefect...did i miss something?



  16. Asalamu Calykum,


    I am on the final chapters where Voldemort and Dumbledore meet face to face at last, yet i have not disovered what it is that Dumbledore should of told harry five years ago.


    Still reading anxiously...



    The book has deepened my casual dislike for Percy Weasly to extreme hate!

    I agree 100%


    By the way Pixie, what wrong with Dumbledore's speeches it always answers my unanswered questions :D

