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Posts posted by BoiBoi

  1. Allamagan,


    Somaliland's Water, and Natural Resources minister is MISSING IN ACTION. So you can count him out of action, due to money received from a PRIVATE Company called Ophir Energy / Rover Energy.


    After all Range Resources is a Publicly Listed Company - Which requires accountability and reporting to the ASX, the Australian Government, and its shareholders.


    Further to this Range Resources is an Exploration company / NOT a mining company. Range Resources is doing the hard work to measure the resources. It will be years before ANY company can commence mining.

  2. I can't believe you guys find this funny at any level! How else will Puntland and Somalia come out of the endless cycle of poverty? Tourism? Technology?


    If Allah has blessed us with resources then we need to exploit them for the benefit of the people of Puntland and Somalia. The time for us to shine has finally come.


    No one has shown any interest in us, so I think we should give this Foreign company a chance to prove themself's

  3. Excellent Post General Duke.


    Somaliland's independece is nothing more than a Dream.


    Here is an example:


    Spain - Basque Country, Catalunya, are Autonomous states, which have claimed independence in past.


    Britain - Northern Ireland, Scotland, are also Autonomuos States, which have claimed independence in the past.


    Iraq - Northern state of Kurdistan, another Autonomous State, which is claiming independence.


    Cyprus - a small island in the mediterranian which is divided in 2


    One can go on and on...Somaliland is no exception. They will reatain a degree of autonomy, but they will NOT be independent. I'm not been harsh just realistict.

  4. PM calls for calm in RU486 debate


    February 14, 2006 - 8:34AM


    Prime Minister John Howard has warned government MPs to keep cool heads in the abortion pill debate after Liberal backbencher Danna Vale's latest gaffe.


    Mrs Vale, a former frontbencher who once called for an Anzac Cove-style theme park to be built on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, sparked outrage with her claim that Australia could become a Muslim nation if the abortion rate went unchecked.


    She said Australia was aborting itself out of existence and could be dominated by Muslims in 50 years' time unless parliament retained control over the controversial abortion-inducing drug RU486.


    MPs from all sides of politics labelled her views as dopey and offensive, with Australian Democrats leader Lyn Allison calling for Mr Howard to force her to apologise.


    Mr Howard issued a thinly-veiled warning to Mrs Vale at Tuesday morning's meeting of government MPs, asking members "to use measured statements" in the RU486 debate.


    "He said that a sensible, dignified exercise of a free vote would reflect well on everyone," a joint parties spokesman said.


    But senior government minister Amanda Vanstone didn't hold back, lambasting the dumped frontbencher.


    "Apart from them being completely ill-founded, that's just a complete misunderstanding of how our migration program works and where our source countries are," Senator Vanstone told ABC radio.


    "I think I'll invite Danna around for a cup of morning tea and perhaps a cucumber sandwich where I'll be able to point out to her that our intake at the moment, our source countries, are very much from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, India, South Africa and the Philippines."


    Labor backbencher Daryl Melham said Mrs Vale's comments reeked of prejudice and ignorance, while opposition frontbencher Kelvin Thomson said they could foster religious intolerance and misunderstanding.


    "There are people out there, fundamentalist zealots like Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda who are seeking to foment religious conflict and religious war," Mr Thomson said.


    "I think our task as political leaders is to do everything we can to prevent them from being successful, and I think Mrs Vale has taken us in precisely the opposite direction."


    Muslim leaders described the comments as irresponsible and racist.


    "This is the most racist comment I have ever seen," Australian Federation of Islamic Councils president Amir Ali said.


    "I think she has gone overboard, I think this should be condemned."


    The outrage over Mrs Vale's comments came as MPs began debating a private members' bill which will strip Health Minister Tony Abbott of his power of approval over RU486.


    Under the bill, Mr Abbott's ministerial control over the drug would be handed over to medical experts at the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).


    Queensland Liberal Andrew Laming has proposed an amendment to the bill that would give parliament the final say on any TGA decision to make the pill readily available in Australia.


    The Australian Democrats say support for the amendment in the lower house could be strong enough to quash the original proposal.


    Mr Laming, who has lobbied Labor MPs on the issue, says he may have enough support.


    "I would call it knife-edge at the moment," he told AAP.


    But at least one of his party colleagues is warning the move to grant parliament a say in the issue is "total insanity".


    Dr Mal Washer, a former GP, said no drug company would bother bringing the abortion-inducing drug into Australia if they knew each time it was approved for use, parliament had to sign off on it.


    "That, by the way, smacks of total insanity," he told AAP.


    He said any potential sponsor of RU486 would be deterred by the thought of a "bunch of control freaks in parliament" debating the issue.


    "If you're going to have parliament overturn the decision, no-one's going to fund it."


    The cross-party sponsored private members' bill passed the Senate last week and an amendment similar to Mr Laming's failed there.


    Liberal backbencher Jackie Kelly has also proposed an amendment which would retain Mr Abbott's veto but give parliament the final say.

  5. "Dana Vale's" Comments were vulgar & Ignorant, but the recent publication has been used out of context by an American, ultra conservative internet publication.


    The Declaration of Independence begins: "When in the course of HUMAN EVENTS. . . ." In reporting the news, HUMAN EVENTS is objective; it aims for accurate presentation of all the facts. But it is not impartial. It looks at events through eyes that favor limited constitutional government, local self-government, private enterprise and individual freedom. These are the principles that inspired our Founding Fathers. We think that today the same principles will preserve freedom in America.

  6. Alle-ubaahne,


    I always appreciate your points of view.


    Agree, but I feel that goverments who genuinely serve the people play an important role, in that each individual has a different level of faith. Governments help fill these gaps, between those who are purely devoted to the Quran and those unfortunate soles who aren't.


    IMHO - Religious leaders don't make good politions, and politions don't make good religous leaders.

  7. Somalieconomist,


    I'm not sure if the Topcat deal was ever put into action and whether is was for "oil Protection". Its an area that I don't know well.


    Somalia at present has no known oil reserves/discoveries, or does? I think it will be a long time before an empty oil tanker sets its course for Somalia.


    All we have is a few multinationals that peformed significant exploration, but came up empty handed? Strange? With all that promise and they found nothing?


    Then there is a number of articles that have circled the web for years detailing Somalia's potential for Oil & Gas. But it appears to be all talk, people looking for attention, and prompting false hopes for somalis concernced.