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  1. The future of our country lies behind every individual that's Somali explore new worlds with an open mind. 

  2. Somali people need to invest in the growth of big companies. Join the initial somtel offering Dabshill. And also other investments like farming companies own some shares to build your community up and your wealth. think it's a great opportunity for allot of individual's who see the benefit to take part of building themselves up by partnering up with big companies.... Soon I will be lunching a digital currency on the blockchain! For Somaliland Hopefully looking to partner with Somtel and Dabshill It's great idea to for the big companies like somtel and Dabshill to have more via fiat currency. Then just U.S paper backed dollars... U.S dollar will soon reach it's all time low.. We as Somalis can't afford to live in recession again.. The future to explore a new worlds lies on a strong frontier. Big investors I call on you to keep your eyes open to growing change that's coming.