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Posts posted by Khayr

  1. The article is articulating

    the dominant worldview

    which is Secularism affords peace and prosperity[


    That is the greatest Lie of the dajjal. The idea of heaven on earth. If that assumption is true,

    then why are there american navy ships in the Chinese sea or

    French troops in Mali or Drone strikes or the Atom bomb.


    Unless a society adopts what the dominant global unpeaceful culture propagates, then that society is not given its due recognition and peace (no navy ships in their backyards).


    So cut the B.S. and go take a trip around the world and see the reality as it is.

  2. The model has paid off: Some 40 years after its founding in 1972, literacy levels, life expectancy, gender equality and economic growth in the village far exceed Ethiopia’s national averages.

    The Islamic paradigm for societal success is How many did we produce in terms of:


    1. Ulema

    2. Awliya

    3. Shuuhaada


    A total opposite of the myopic standards of measurements for the successful society.


    Two different directions and

    no, we don't stop trading

    and living just because we want the Akhira. Just incase any obtuse house Negreos wants to come to that conclusion.

  3. يُرِيدُونَ لِيُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَاللَّهُ مُتِمُّ نُورِهِ وَلَوْ كَرِهَ الْكَافِرُونَ


    They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse.



    This ayat was revealed when

    Kaab ibn Ashraf started to tell the jews that God had foresaken the Rasul (عليه السلام). This happened after a period of 40 days wherein Allahn did not send down any revelation. The jews were delighted at this and said that God's light has been dimmed and the revelation has ended.

    When this news spread around,

    it had bothered and sadened the

    rasul (علىه السلام).

    And so God revealed this verse as a rebuttal. The نور الله can not be dimmed.

  4. "Stuff white people like" is a good book.


    Here is a quote:

    "* Having black friends: " abundance of black fiends (defined in white culture as two) also enables a white person to be the resident expert on African-American issues when there are no black people around."

  5. I am suspecious of anything from that is accepted and posted by



    Having said that, it was a well written idea.


    If one disturbs these mechanisms, one is very swiftly “punished” by market perturbations, economic chaos, and the rest.

    So true!


    I can never trust someone that is praised by criminals and murderers. Evil does not praise goodness.


    Mandela was a hand picked alternative for South Africans.

    If I tell you that we are equals but that my clan will continue to own the largest homes and your clan can't have large homes - are we still equals?