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Posts posted by QansaxMeygaag

  1. Alpha Blondy;921128 wrote:
    Nin Yaban,


    here's all my post counts under all my previous names.


    Maximus Powers -1,969 - BANNED

    Alpha Blondy - 5,059 - ACTIVE LOL

    Mr. Gello - The proud Somali Man - 92 - BANNED

    B - 643 -BANNED

    Queen Arawello -390 - BANNED

    Peacenow - 924 - BANNED


    12th in the all time list




  2. Haatu;920998 wrote:
    What's the iSelector saying today? GoT is the bomb man, a bit too explicit but not bad.


    QansaxQaxooti, maxaad leedahey?

    kkk QansaxQaxooti? Are you giving me a new naaneys abti? I will stick to my trees thank you very much ;) Pick garas, mareer, falay, qudhac (Acacia senegal), etc....

  3. Alpha Blondy;920994 wrote:
    ^ Abdi Holland's twin brother is NOT as funny as other vloggers on youtube. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL



    Lol this Abdi kid looks like one of my cousins, right down to the smile, it is uncanny. Where is he from anyways?

  4. Alpha Blondy;920979 wrote:


    i asked the Big SIL-any-oo-one once where the name came from? and do you know what he said....''when i was younger, i had an uncanny ability to follow those who can satisfy my desires. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

    Get out of town; you are KIDDING loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll

  5. Alpha Blondy;920826 wrote:
    Fridays are MOVIE nights! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


    watched couple of movies.


    tonight's selections were:

    1. horrible bosses. quite funny. check it out. P.S - Qansax, a MUST watch for you. kill the cheshire cat sxb.

    2. the squid and the whale. good drama.

    Will go hunting for it asap!