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Posts posted by Mujahida

  1. Najma u jumped to a conclusion Missy Instead of trying to emberrass a brotha, he actually never said I am mixed, he said for those who think that mixed somalians aren't somali think again, because I am standing up for them! that's what he said! Can u read that? Now go on and say sorry to him, because u owe him!


    Issa whoever you are, I personaly want to thank you for what u said I mostly Appreciate that ur standing up for Us Mixed SoMaLiAnS. smile.gif


    With true Love


    Ur Sista In Islam

  2. SiStA that was very Interesting! cheers..


    "If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now,

    Learn to Let Go"! that makes sense ;)



  3. Asalama-alay-Kum


    I'm not really sure where u got that from but I've never heard of it. Brotha But there could be anotha logic reason for it, I mean if you love eachother and You can afford to support eachother financially and you truly think u want a future together! then what is the point of not getting married anyway? To waste some time? Then definitely in my view it's best to stay away from eachother. If you don't have no money to support the person your intending to marry and the same thing from her side, or maybe anotha reason " maybe you wish to wait alittle longer to know eachother better... then You should do that.

    Narrated Jabir ibn Abdullah:


    The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: When one of you asked a woman in marriage, if he is able to look at what will induce him to marry her, he should do so. He (Jabir) said: I asked a girl in marriage, I used to look at her secretly, until I looked at what induced me to marry her. I, therefore, married her.


    Very Important:


    Narrated Buraydah ibn al-Hasib:


    The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: to Ali: Do not give a second look, Ali, (because) while you are not to blame for the first, you have no right to the second.


    This clear hadeeth's makes it all clear... as you can see there is absolutely no way that you can be in a womens presence for a sec or 6 month's without a Mahram or Wali! having feelings for her, with or without intending of marrrying her.


    Good Luck!

  4. Asalama-alay-Kum Brothas & Sistas In Islam


    Islam does not teach terrorism , or any other wrong against any body Muslim or Non Muslims.


    Islam is a religion of PEACE. The people who carried out those 9-11 attacks Were not Real Muslims - They're Racist Fanatics who did what they did for their own names and Financial gain Whoeva belief's or thinks that they've done that for Muslims or for Islams sake Ur more than just Wrong.


    This misconception is one of the most widely held misconceptions about Islam today. And yet in the Qur'an, the Creator unambiguously states (translation),:


    [17:33] Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand retaliation or to forgive): but let him not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life, for he is helped (by the Law)

    Based on this verse, it is Islamically unlawful to murder anyone who is innocent of certain crimes. It is well to remember at this point the distinction made above between Qur'an and Sunnah, and the Muslims: only the Qur'an and Sunnah are guaranteed to be in accordance with what the Creator desires, whereas the Muslims may possibly deviate. Hence, if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin, and certainly the action cannot be claimed to have been done "in the name of Islam."


    It should be clear To u now > That Islam does not support terrorism under any circumstances. Terrorism goes against every principle in Islam. If a Muslim engages in terrorism, he is not following Islam. He may be wrongly using the name of Islam for political or financial gain.


    One more thing! Brothas and Sistas this ain't a Muslim Vs Usa Or Muslims against other Religions thing, This is An Arab Issue! People who follow the Islamic faith come from all over the world. No more than 20% of Muslims live in the Arabic-speaking world. The country with the largest Muslim population is Indonesia and still isn't it Strange how they still manage to give us Muslims a bad name? That's because People like u and me give them that chance! :confused:


    May Allah protect the ummah ameen!

  5. SALAM


    hey brotha In islam good points u made there, and jezekelah kheeran for tha dua We all appreciate it. Your right we should seek a better way to strengthen our Imaan and somehow be the Muslims we're supposed to be, but then again it's all in Allah's hands " Allah Guides whom he wills" & When u say " is it safe to say somali ppl are 100% You have actually no right to say that because you need to speak for urself, if you really are good person than u don't judge people " and brotha in Islam u know better that You personaly don't know much about where u'll end up either..right? Allah knows Best! & There is no such thing as being a 100% Muslim, We all make mistakes, even the Prophets made mistakes who were considered 2be serious in Allah's eyes " what do you think about Muslims of today"? May Allah protect us from the hell fire & the day that is ever near... ameen


    Ur sista In Islam

  6. Salam


    Sista Naziha hey I respect ur Opinion "Different People have different ways of seeing things Differently ;) Still plz do not over look the fact that I was speaking from my own experience & background and the fact that I was Quoting Islam! It doesn't really matter what you think or what I think " what matters is only what Islam says about this" and from what I've been taught Its right & that's what I follow, Not my somali culture or Any other history! Sista don't feel free to walk with me ;) !



  7. The Woman I admire

    wearing her attire

    hiding her figure,

    thus, curbing my desire..


    The Woman I desire

    fearing the (hell) Fire

    is diligent in her prayers

    for the rewards of life hereafter...


    The Woman I encounter

    is beyond bother

    with the keen race

    to beautify the face!


    The Woman I ask

    from dawn to dusk

    is busy with ALLAH

    murmuring, subhan'allah, subhan'allah, subhana'allah


    The Woman I observe

    certainly deserves

    better respect

    than what she expects


    The Woman I listen

    is very, very stern

    for her it is a must

    to control one's lust


    But the Women I see

    sad to say, most wear "minis"

    alone I lament... "VIAGRA on heels"?

    though they are not made for this!


    The Woman I met

    boasting her beauty

    most probably by surgery?

    but does she know it is all temporary?



    Hence, the Woman I know

    is advised to follow

    the sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah

    from head to toe....


    The Woman I judge

    often bears a grudge

    EQUALITY, she requests (or rather protests)

    but please bear in mind ALLAH'S inquest!


    The Women I hurt (by this article)

    please do not curse or smut

    for it is better I warned

    before all is gone...


    Hey Sistaz i hope u found this as Inspiring and and Beautiful as I've found it. A brotha passed it on to me and thought to share it with u guys!

  8. Be Wise And Rise try to see through the hate


    Lucky, I don't see anything wrong with Intermarrying different races. I personaly come from a mixed

    Ancestry. I believe that being a Muslim is more important to me than anything else in me. In the End the only thing that will Stand beside me, in my lonely grave Is my faith,so how more grateful could I be if my 2 Blessed Parents Were the first Reason I even got that faith... Alhamdulilah, but brothas and Sistas the point I'm trying to make here is> My parent's are Muslims.... There is nothing wrong with Marrying a Muslim... if he be Black -white-chinese-Arab or Blue Don't worry Allah Made it Halal for u.

    Marriage is considered an 'ibaadah, an act that is pleasing to Allah SWT. It is in accordance with His commandments that husbands and wives love each other and help one another to rear their children as true servants of Allah SWT & if that can be attained through 2 Muslims with 2different races the only thing that is ahead of them is Beauty and blessingz.


    The halal is that which Allah has made lawful in His Book and haram is that which He has forbidden, and that concerning which He is silent He has permitted as a favour to you.

    (Reported in Al-Hakim, classified as sahih (sound), and quoted by al-Bazzar).(Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah).


    hope it'll be beneficial


    Allah hafiz all

  9. Salam and thanx for the Nice & Warm welcome..I appreciate it Brothas & Sistas Jezekelah Kheeran, Sista Naziha and Sista Jamila & brotha Mujahid I'm looking forward to get 2 know ya Kiwis In-shaAllah .... Maskiin-aw-macruuf My favorite Brotha here ... he's the one who has introduced me to this site 10x. Much Love 2 u all



  10. La hawla wala quwata ila bilah


    To be honest I'm absolutely out of words, I have absolutely no words nor no expressions that I can use to totally say or explain in words when it comes to how i felt the sec that i saw this. My soul is moved to tears. I cannot believe how humans with feelings and blood can be reciprocating this kind of Hate just because Ones Religion Is Islam.


    I hope that with ALLAH'S grace we shall over come this horrible misConceptionS about islam & Muslims. ameen Just Remember YA UMMAH this might be our fate Islam but islam is our only mate, and that the earth's is the kufars paradise and a hell for a Real Muslim. ALLAH is watching!

