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Posts posted by Gar_maqaate

  1. He was found not guilty! and still you call him pirate.

    First of all i did not calling him a pirate, i said he was on trial for piracy.You ought read things before you comment!. Besides the jurors are still "deliberating on two remaining charges of hostage-taking and conspiracy to commit hostage-taking"

    He was not minster but siilanyo named shortly after the election win as general director of MoE.

    and shortly after he dismiss due this allegation and even some time jailed by secret service in Hargeisa

    According to what i have read he was still the Education Minister when he was arrested, that is why "To lure him back to the US, the FBI created a fake charitable foundation, supposedly backed by four wealthy American donors who were seeking to invest in education in Somalia". If you have evidence contrary to this then i would like to see it.

  2. "Somaliland, has kept both piracy and Islamic extremism at bay"

    And yet there is a farmer Somaliland Minster on trial in the USA for Piracy and the head of al shaabab is a Somalilander. The statement I just made is factual correct but it is not a fair assessment of Somaliland and it still tells you more about Somaliland then the article above. It is also more than the Economist Journalists know about Somaliland.

  3. xiinfaniin;991796 wrote:
    It is clash between armed nomadic migrants from Central regions vs local communities with long history of political conscious. On another level, it is violent manifestation of the inherent bottom up approach of federal framework. Those who ruled the region for half a century are now finding themselves under the wrath of local communities uprising against them. Somalis are clans, and clans can never be defeated in their home turf.

    What you say is true. However, your sense of moral outrage here is not guided by an innate sense of right and wrong but by the opportunistic offering to piggyback on the injuctice inflicted on the people of Shabeele to make some sort of moral grandstanding or tribal moral relativism.

  4. ;)

    xiinfaniin;991810 wrote:
    No candidate in current election can dare question whether these 17 MPs from Sool and Sanaag have the right to participate in the election. This issue is a structural one and it does go beyond opposition soundbites .

    ceydhin iyo xaraan ninkii u badheedh calooshisa uun bey Ku maqantahay.

  5. Suldaanka;991809 wrote:


    There are potential flash points among which include the legitimacy of the 19 MPs from Khaatumo clan. Almost all the traditional leaders of Khaatumo, ,with the sole exception of the Garaad of Taleex, do not support and will not participate the selection process of the MPs. So the question remains, will these MPs be excluded from the next parliament or will Faroole hand pick them from the streets?

    The 17 xildhibaans from khaatumo mps will determine the outcome of this election. Both Faroole and his adversaries are aware of this fact and hence the dispute about this so called commission. All of the Khaatumo Garaads apart from one manor insignificant boqor have categorically stated that they will not send any xildhibaans to puntland. This is a major stumbling block since every xildhibaan has to be nominated by his Isim. Therefore the appointment of any xildhibaan from khaatumo will be illegitimate. Faroole is hoping to engineer the selection of the khaatumo xildhibaans and if he succeeds he will be reelected without any problem whatsoever, since the 17 mps are more enough to push him through the threshold. But his opponents will not accept the appointment of any xildhibaan who is nominated without the consent of his Isim and they have legal right to do so. The other candidates cannot compromise on this issue because to do so will effectively ensure their defeat. This will be source of conflict and the defining factor this election.

  6. The only reason why i posted the picture is because you tried to give the whole thing a postive spin. Actually i would have had more respect for somaliland if they rejected to attended that degrading 'celebration'. It is telling how they reject to attend International meetings in London and Turkey with the goverment of Somalia but they are willing to attend the celebrations of the Ethiopian provincial and ethnic diversity day and be happily seated next to the two month old Jubbaland.


    BTW Culusow should be commended for not attending.