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Posts posted by Tillamook

  1. 33 minutes ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Quick question folks,

    There's a confusion. Is this defense pact an actual agreement or a framework for collaboration?

    The Turks haven't put out any statements  yesterday or today.

    Turks are waiting to see which way Somali public opinion on this “Kheyraadka” business will blow.  

    I believe giving our national resources away on the pretext of defending us from a weak ass Abiy  is a bad deal.


  2. 4 hours ago, Tallaabo said:

    No one wants a war in the region. This craziness will hopefully go away when the crazy man in Hargeisa goes away. 

    Muse and his ilk will never go away politically because the two opposition parties that are supposed to be a check on their bad and foolish policies have been co-opted into Biixi’s administration. 

    For all intents and purposes; somaliland has three political parties that rule as one. Therefore, there will never be any new ideas to move the H@bros out of the mess they find themselves in at the moment.

  3. Good speech by the president and a very welcome move for the public who need to finally be able to choose their own representatives in parliament.

    Now all we need are viable and representative political parties that will actually give Deni a run for his money and that will challenge on the rules of the election.

    The article below raises good questions that Deni needs to be held accountable for if we are to ensure a free and fair election takes place on January 8th, 2024.

    Madaxweyne Deni TARTAN caynkee ah ayuu u diyaar yahay?

    Khudbaddii munaasabadda kowda Ogoosto Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu ku dhawaaqey in uu tartan diyaar u yahay doorashada 2024 xiligeedi ku qabanaayo taas oo lagu gelaayo nidaamka xisbiyada, shacabku soo dooranayaan Madaxweynaha iyo Xildhibaanada, haddaba su’aasha is weydiinta mudan ayaa ah muddo 150 maalmood ah laba doorasho oo is barkan ama la isku sidkey malagu qaban karaa? maxaa u diyaarsan doorashada? maxaa ku kalifey madaxweyne Deni in uu hadda yiraahdo hala ila tartamo.

    Ugu horreyn Madaxweynaha Puntland Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni waxa uu lee yahay taariikh xusuus mudan taas oo ahayd sida uu u maareeyey doorashadii Xildhibaanada federaalka oo dhamaantood uu ku qaatey dambiil si uu uga qaybgalo TARTAN ka dhacaayey magaalada Muqdisho taas oo calaamad u ahayd dimoqraadiyadda waxa uu ka aaminsan yahay, taasi waxay muujineysaa in TARTANKA uu isu diyaariyo sahaydiisana diyaarsado.

    Madaxweyne Deni waxa uu xariif ku yahay in uu jeexdo halka uu maraayo muddo dheer ayuu ka si shaqeeyaa, waxaa u soo baxdey si uu shanta sano ee soo socda ugu guuleysto mar kale in uu ku soo noqdo xafiiska Madaxweynaha, ugu horreyn waxa uu meesha ka saarey shuruucdii iyo dastuurkii bulshadu ku heshiisey waxaa loo beddalay dhamaan qodobadii caqabadda ku noqon karey damaciisa, waxaana uu gacanta ku dhigey awoodii oo dhan.


    Madaxweyne Deni si uu meesha uga saaro saddex xisbi oo ay dhici karto in labo kamid ah noqdaan mucaarad, waxa uu la yimid xisbiyo badan oo qaarkood ka helin doorashooyinkii 10 cod, Xisbiyada loo jebiyey dastuurka iyo shuruucda in badan oo ka mid ah kama tartamin 60% magaalooyinka Puntland, sababta ugu weyn ayaa ah sidii saameyn loogu yeelan lahaa dhismaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka ee Puntland ee loo yaqaan PEC. Maanta waxa uu naawilayaa in 14 ka xubnood oo guddi doorasho ah u ku yeelan karo ugu yaraan 11 ilaa 12 xubnood, 3 ka imaanaya golaha wakiilada, 4 uu Madaxweynuhu magacaabayo iyo qaar kale oo xisbiyada uu abaalka u dhigtey ay soo magacaabayaan kuwaas oo aan haysan codka dadweynaha.


    Maxkamadda sare iyo tan dastuuriga ah waa halka iska leh go’aanka u danbeeya, waxaa cad in uu meel dhigtey oo aysan ka hor imaan karin damaciisa, waxaana lagu ogaan doonaa sida ay ka yeelaan ku tumashada dastuurka iyo shuruucda kale ee ururada qaarkood u gudbiyeen sida ay ku dhameeyaan iyo jawaabta ay bixiyaan.


    Si loo xaqiijiyo riyada dib u doorashada Madaxweyne Deni waxaa la beddalay qodob dastuuri ah kaas oo dhigaayey in nidaamka Puntland uu yahay baarlamaani, ama baarlamaan la soo doorto in ay doortaan Madaxweynaha, waxaa lagu dhaqmaayey tan iyo sanadkii 1960, haddii nidaamkaas laga guuraayo waxay u baahan tahay shuruuc adag, dadweyne leh aqoonsi ee aan doorasho keliya loo diiwaan gelin, si loo yaqaano muwaadinka dhabta ah ee doorashada ka qaybgeli kara, waa nidaamka kelitaliyaasha Afrika ay doorashooyinka ku boobaan, dal aan shruuc adag lahayn, hubkuna baahsan yahay.

    Wakhtigan aan qoraalkan qoreyno Madaxweyne Deni waxa uu gacanta ku hayaa sharcigii doorashada Madaxweynaha iyo sharcigii Golaha Wakiilada ee Puntland, waa dawaarle ama kharkhaanle shaatigiisi tolanaya, mana jirto cid wax laga weydiiyey iyo Xisbiyo lagala tashtey, waxaa lagu wadaa maalmaha soo socda in Baarlamaanka loo gudbiyo si ay laxanka ansixinta u saaraan.

    Markii ay gacanta kuugu jiraan Xisbiyadii siyaasadda oo aysan jirin mucaarad xisbiyo ah, markii aad haysato aqlabiyadda guddiga doorashada ugu yaraan 90%, markii ay gacanta kuugu jirto maxkamddi sare ee kuu sharciyeyn lahayd waxaad rabto, markii aad adigu soo qoratey sharcigii doorashada lagu gelaayey, maxay tahay sababta aad TARTANKA uga cabsataa, taas waxaa u dheer, ma jiro ciidamo Boolis ah oo doorashooyinka awood u leh in ay ilaaliyaan, waxaana arintaas lagu bartey doorashadii goloyaasha deegaanka ee 30 degmo, waxa ilaalinaayey Ciidamada Badda ee Imaaraadka carabtu dhiseen ee loo yaqaan PMPF, kuwaas oo dastuuriyan meelna ka soo gelin in ay doorashooyinka ilaaliyaan, cidankaas oo xiriir dhaw la leh Madaxweynaha.

    Intaas oo dhan markii ay gacanta kuugu jirto, sow tartan diyaar uma tihid?

    Qore: Ismaacil Xaaji Siciid


    Khudbaddii munaasabadda kowda Ogoosto Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu ku dhawaaqey in uu tartan diyaar u yahay...


  4. On 6/8/2023 at 8:29 AM, Che -Guevara said:


    It is unfortunate that the leadership of the hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bro will not heed the Garaad’s guarantee of safe passage out of Sool.

    They are continue to remain victims to the phenomenon of “sunk costs” due to all the money, time, and nonsensical justifications over they years that they have invested into their wet dreams of secession.

    In particular, Muse Biixi and his venal cabal have made a significant investment in shaping the current situation of profiting from the disenfranchisement of SSC folks , and many more reer sheikh Ishak have learned to function and profit within it.

    They know nothing else, so they will continue to foolishly resist the new unstoppable reality in northern Somalia that the Garaads have ushered in.


    • Like 1

  5. 6 minutes ago, Game changer said:

    Lol , waar meesha adeer qabiil kayaga dega.   Weligeedna kismayo hoos tegi mayso   marka caday  baa la hoos geynayna.  Insha Allah.   You sound like sidii nin guri aanu lahayn igu soo dhawaynayna camal.  😄  



    Hey dummy, my intent was precisely that. Soomaaliya oo dhan ayaa ah gurigaaga. So get your head out you ass and smell the fresh air.

  6. 13 hours ago, Game changer said:

    Jamaame is going to be somaliland enclave.   We just don't have the right leadership.   The peaple of jamaame are exactly like the peaple of burao.   We must have our fair share of the jubba valley.   And that's the only place we can move in.   It's a paradise.  I don't mind to die there.  And I will definitely visit there one die 

    That’s the spirit! Awalba idinkaa bac is galiyey with that “waanu go’aynaa” nonsense….Laakin qof Soomaliya oo dhan habraha waqooyi ka xigaa majirto. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    tilamook  obliterated by who  by the like of u  


    oodweyne is a legend and will remain a legend


    and somaliland shall prevail and the terrorists will be destroyed


    Xaaji Maalaayacni, long time Saaxiib.

    Still chasing your tail like a rabid mutt, eh! 😂





  8. 4 hours ago, Game changer said:

    Guys I don't give shit of inclusivity or rights , no matter what ever we do theses fqsh  peaple  will always be against somaliland.   Even if we  turn lascaanod into lasvegas.  I would rather empower our Isq clans to   take Their land.  Dad inaad qanciso waxa Ka fudud inaad dhulka xoog Ku joogto.  

    Wax alaale waxan Ku dhaliiliyo madaxda somaliland ma jirto ,  cilladu yaga maaha ee waa dadka , bal kaa dhuxulaysatada maxaa lagu sameeyey nothing. Waxwalba fadhiga loogu geynayney lama dilin , magaaladii HY Ka saartay waa lagu soo celiyey.   Wixii la hayaba intiisu hela.  Hadana waakaa goojacade nagula dagaalamaya  ee leh hiil harti baan ahay 

     Hiilna ma jiree xoogaa  dbayacadu  soo siisay bay meesha Ku cunaan. Isaga iyo Reer kiisaba waa in hilfaha loo qaado oo hadaaftinimo lagu celiyo.  Qurjiilahana anaga Ku filan. Awalba intaanu layno baanu Dhulkana Ka qaadi jirnay.   Intii somaliland jirtay bay cidwalba kibirtay .   



    Lol @ “ bal kaa dhuxulaysata  maxaa lagu sameeyey?”  ha ha ha,  that shit cracked me up! 

    I’ve been on this forum for far too long and have witnessed many a base and effeminate diatribe, full of frustration and contradiction, from our resident h@bros of SOL…but you, sir, I dare say have taken being hapless, helpless and hopeless to a whole new level. Lol

    FYI…The Oodweyne of SOL that you are bleating after in here was long ago obliterated in an ignominious grave of inconsequentiality, and the cause I.

    So I doubt that that senile git will ever post on SOL ever again.

  9. 4 hours ago, Illyria said:

    I agree, and as you said that, I was reminded of that the old saying 'Dariskaa mar ku diin, mar ku dayo, marna ka darow'. Let us just say, the continuous bravado gets to one. I shall refrain from now on.

    On a serious note, Garaado want to minimise damage on both sides, with which I am in agreement, want to give negotiations a chance, whilst Commanders are putting final touches to their battle plan. According to the commanders, they have got more than the necessary muscle to frogmarch what is left of SL militias to Oog, and farther afield, but are listening to Garaado. Without divulging much, they are trying to avoid conflict amongst the ranks, and have the politics, diplomacy, and military efforts in sync.

    Forgive the manifestation of my unmistakable signs of impatience.

    There is wisdom in that approach and their judgment is well buttressed by the need for strong institutions in SSC.

  10. 3 hours ago, Illyria said:

    Too much pontification for my liking. On the SSC side, frogmarching SL militias unto their tribal demarcation shall settle the theorising.

    So what is the holdup?

    Illyria, as Sool’s rep on this forum, you are beginning to sound like Baalo Xoofto & Co who on a daily basis in here attempt to mask their hopeless political predicament with frequent braggadocio, but yet their results are limited and effeminate.

    Tell us when these riffraff h@bro militia will be cleansed from Sool?

    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

  11. 5 hours ago, Illyria said:

    It looks like Muse does not want to peacefully remove his militias to Oog, and with negotiations failed, it is time to apply force and kick secessionists out of  SSC.

    Like a cornered rat, Muse is desperate. He is looking for a face-saving way out of this mess, but I’m not sure that SSC community will be as generous given the brutality of his militia when they killed scores of innocent civilians in Las Caanood.

  12. 1 hour ago, baala xoofto said:

    Whoever they are, Laascaanood is probably the departing terminal to the next world for many of them. 

    Don't worry about the Bless Republic, we are a different kind. When our enemies think "That is it", is actually when we are making our greatest leap forward. :D 

    Just watch this space. 


    Baala Xoofto, lol 

    You crack me up dude.

    You remind me of the band who kept playing  after the Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink.

    Titanic: Blessed republic of Idoorland

    Iceberg: Daraawiish

    Band: Baala Xoofto


    Keep playing that tune Saaxiib. 

  13. 42 minutes ago, baala xoofto said:

    In my opinion, this is a good start for peace talks. The misunderstanding can be settled. 


    Lol … Baboon Xoofto is cackling about peace talks…lol 

    Why on earth would you wanna have peace talks with a community whose clan elders, youth, women and children you’ve been calling terrorists? Might it be the thrashing that this very same Darawiish community has been giving your hapless,helpless and hopeless h@bros that is making you change your tune?

    Waryaa, suunka dhuuqso, rag baa is guraya!

    • Like 1

  14. 36 minutes ago, baala xoofto said:

    Today was the first real military engagement. The combined Daarood melitia and Somaliland army engaged in one of the most fierce battles. 

    Urban warfare is a dirty war. Even if you win, you lose the moral high grounds. So it is only understandable, as much as many of us, pushed the army to take the fight to the streets, the wise heads in the army wanted to draw the melitia to the outskirts. 

    So that is what has happened today. No buildings to hide, no hospital to hide, just rocks and shrubs. 

    The Army engaged in many different battles and managed not only capture hardware and prisoners of war. This will be show cased soon on National TV.

    This is the type of war that the army was trained for. 

    LOL “ ..the wise heads in the army wanted to draw the militia to the outskirts” ha ha ha ha🤣🤣🤣

    Baalo Xoofto, we hope the “wise heads” won’t draw the Darawiish all the way to Hargaysa, since they are wise and all knowing…Ha ha ha ha

  15. While Somalis everywhere will forever be grateful to the SSC clans for bringing an ignominious end to the 30 year secessionist claptrap of the hapless, helpless and hopeless h@bros of northern Somalia and leave them atop the dustbin of history, this idea of Awdal going it alone is a nonstarter. Awdal’s political future will always be intertwined with the rest of north Somalia. 

    At the end of the day, when the dust finally settles and the false bravado of Biixi&Co is nipped in the bud— sanity will once again reign supreme in all of northern Somalia, and all northerners can once again work towards building a strong and unified Federal Somali Republic.



  16. 12 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Don’t worry about that the snm will always be victorious against the afweyne remnants ta ku biyo cab sxb. Dad an ka adagnahay oo ilaahay igu ogyahay wa reerkina. Somalinimada idinka ku so gabbada oo wa khiyaali qiiq isku qarin 

    So SSC are Afweyne remnants, miyaa?  Kkk

  17. 23 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

    Somali in la kala gooyo ma rabno but waxay rabaan in laascanood iyo caynaba la kala gooyo oo isku gobol. May Iska cadaystaan qabil baanu diidanahay  intay somali iyo wax aan loo joogin ku meereysanayan Ileen meesha Oromo majooogto iyo amxaaro eh

    Tollow maanta Xaaji Maalaayacni maxaa ku qasbay inuu ku ooyo : “Somali in la kala gooyo ma rabno”…waxaan umalaynayaa karbaashkii daraawiishta baa odeygii Somaalinimada ku soo hanuuniyo. LOL!!!

    SSC  9-0 vs SNM, if anyone is keeping score!

  18. 12 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    These boys apparently disappeared, died, and miraculously came back to life.

    Lol 😂 

    Let’s hope once they return home to their barracks, it won’t turn into some sort of place of pilgrimage for folks who believe in “miraculous coming back to life” business.

  19. This is totally uncalled for. 

    Lafta Gareen might have been Useless Farmaajo’s lap puppy these past few years but going after him like this is very detrimental to Somalia’s progress and will definitely set the Southwest State of Somalia back for the next few years.

    Gudhuu Gareen should be left alone until his term is over and only through the usual Somali style selection/election shenanigans should he be removed from office. All this nonsense about motions should not be accepted by Southwest folks and all other right thinking Somalis.

  20. Laftagareen oo mooshin laga wado & Xildhibaano ka hadlay

    Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda dalka waxaa ka billowday guux siyaasadeed iyo abaabul mooshin ka dhan ah Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Cabdicasiis Lafta Gareen, kadib markii ay soo dhammaatay doorashadii socotay.

    Xildhibaano katirsan Golaha Shacabka ee kasoo jeeda deegaanada maamulka Koonfur Galbeed oo uu kamid yahay Xildhibaan Mahad Cabdiraxmaan Aadan ayaa sheegay inay abaabulkaas wadaan siyaasiyiin iyo xildhibaano kasoo jeedo Koonfur Galbeed.

    “Madaxweynaha haddii la doortay dad annaga naga mid ah Digil iyo Mirifle ka mid ah ayaa system waxay wadaan inay burburiyaan maamulka inta ka jira maamul la burburiyeyna waxa uu leeyahay waa kaseynaa dhibaatuu leeyahay,” ayuu yiri Mahad Cabdiraxmaan.

    Taliyihii hore ee ciidamada Asluubta ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in arrintan ay tahay mid la doonayo in lagu burburiyo dhismaha dowlad goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya.

    Hadalka Taliyihii hore ee Ciidanka Asluubta Soomaaliyeed Xildhibaan Mahad Cabdiraxmaan ayaa kusoo aadaya xilli dalka loo doortay Madaxweyne Cusub oo shaley si rasmi ah xilka ula wareegay



    Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda dalka waxaa ka billowday guux siyaasadeed iyo abaabul mooshin ka dhan ah...

  21. Who do you think you dummies are whining to? 😂

    N&N, please spare us the crocodile tears. The Somali people and Somalia as a whole will do just fine.

    I know Useless Farmaajo's supporters sense of powerlessness and insignificance has quickly turned into self-indignation. 😂

    Everyone  knows that the expired Cheesy government had Qatar as its backers and the current group has the Emirates/Saudis as backers and it's no secret that "to the victor goes the spoils" and those closely allied with the in-coming administration tend to get the more high-profile meetings.