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Posts posted by Ismahaan

  1. Washignton (AllPuntlad)- Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa ka hadashey in Aqoonsi la siiyo Maamulka la baxay Somaliland, waxa ayna ku tilmaameen in ay tahay wax laga xumaado in Soomaaliya lakala gooyo.



    Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa sheegtay in aysan marnba Ogolaaneyn Somaliland in ay ka go'odo Soomaaliya intee kale ,waxa ayna Sheegeen in Soomaaliya laga dhigo nabadgalyo isla markaana ay Soomaalidu isku tashan doonto.


    Xukuumadu waxa ay sheegtay in ay Washinton dooneyso aqoonsan taheyna dowlada Faderaalka ee uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ,ayna taageero walba ay siineyso si ay Soomaaliya oo dhan gaanta ugu dhigto.


    Sarkaalad sare oo ka mid ah Laanta uqaabilsan Mareykanka arimaha Africa ayaa sheegtay in la kulankii ay la kulmeen Madaxweynaha Somaliland ,ayna aheyn mid aqoonsi balse ay ahayd in lays dhaafsado Sida ugu bahoon ee Soomaalidu umidoowbi karto.


    " Waxaan usheegnay Wafdiga Maamulka Somaliland in ay iska daayeen Warkooda ah in ay ka go'een Soomaaliya inteeda kale waxa ayna nala tahay in Soomaaliya ay tahay dal leg Baaxad weyn ,ayna ka jiraan Maamulo la mid ah Somaliland ,sida Puntland iyo Kuwa kale dhamaantoodna waxa ay raadinayaan Midnimada Umada Soomaaliyeed ,ayagoo qeyb ka ah dowlada uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed" Ayay tiri Xogheynta Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha arimaha dibada Mareykanka ee Arimaha Africa.


    Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa sheegtay in dagaaladii Sokeeye ee dalka Soomaaliya ka dhacay ay sababeen in ay Soomaaliya ,gobaleedeedu kala yeeshaan Calaamado iyo Maamul kala duwan oo qaarkood ka talinaya Aayaha Umada Soomaaliyeed.


    Faarax Cabdulqaadir Geylan



    Halkaan ka Daawo Afhayeenka Xafiiska Arimaha Dibada Maraykanka oo ka Hadlaya arinka Somaliya.




    I think this is good news. Somalia4life. No division. The enemies are the people who want to divide us into groups and clan units. Let's stay together qaxoontiyoos for the sake of our country and people. May Allah unite our whole nation and save our country from this wickedness. May He direct the minds and hearts of our leaders and our people to recognize the abyss into which they are about to hurl themselves. (Amiin).

  2. Subhan Allah this is very sad. I wonder why those kids placed in foster care in the first place. Where are their parents and relatives? I wouldn’t mind adopting those children but unfortunately I’m under 25 and student so I’m not permitted to adopt. In order to adopt children you have to be 25 or over, married, has your own house, fulltime job or waa in aa family tahey ciyaal leh. Familyga ciyaalka leh oo dagan UK should take care of ilmahaan ajar badan baa ugu jiree. Also I think setting up a Somali foster care agency would be very useful.

  3. Originally posted by marcassmith:

    those simple minded 'somalians' who demostrated last week, lacked the simple notion of democracy. if they understood what true democracy stood for they would respect somaliland and its seccessist agenda. Also most of the words on the poorly presented A4 size paper plackards has racist overtones. I truly wonder if those men and women holding the plackard understood what was written on them. these innocent people were manipulated by people with a deep hatred of somaliland and its achievements.

    Talk about deja vu all over again. Mr marcassmith … seriously I thought you were better than this.


    Somaliland has always been the clergy who have imposed their will on people (especially people who live in SSC region) & the society. Since gaining political power, through brutality & the suffocation of the society, they continue to further impose their will, keeping people indoctrinated and ignorant in order to maintain their so called independent.


    No matter how many times you deny reality, obfuscate or sneer at people's opinion about Somaliland, the problems remain and are growing. Also no doubt the Laascaanood attack will accelerate the problem in Somaliland. Latest estimates suggest many people have died violent deaths as a result of the occupation of Laascanood. Somaliland" continues its aggression and illegal occupation in Northern Regions of SSC, but the question is who benefits from this war? In my opinion Dahir Riyaale did not make the rational choice, he instead takes advantage of diversionary assumption of war by misleading his own people in order to extend his political role in Somaliland. This war between puntland and Somaliland is indeed inappropriate, illegal, worthless, unnecessary, and misleading.


    About the demonstration; I do think the demonstration against Somaliland had much to do with the principle of democracy. To me democracy is democracy …Somaliland democracy is not and so far as I know, does not exist. The demonstrators were against the invasion of Somaliland in Sool, violent and humiliating force on their own people (Somalis). The people of Somalia’s Northern Regions of SSC demanded immediate withdrawal of Somaliland’s militia from their territory. Unlike Somaliland, People in SSC regions clearly don’t want Somalia to broken up into clan units just like most Somalis. All they want is Somalia to be united. The people of SSC have spoken loud and clear and have shown the whole world that they are part of Somalia and not Somaliland. Thus if you want to create your own country or want split from the rest of Somalia, please feel free, but not on other people’s territory . :D

  4. Asc wr br all muslimin!

    Salanta islamka ka dib waxaan rabey in aan idin la socod siiyo intiina aan ogeeyn arin aan malin dhaweeyd ka aqriyey Medical journal ka soo baxa dalka Uk. Kaas oo ciwaan kiisu ahaa ‘’the Green tea could help protect against the damage caused by heart attacks and strokes‘’. Hada waxaan ka helay web web yada somalida ka mid ah sheekadii oo Somali ku turjuman. Marka madama aan nahay Somali inagu waxaan aad u cabnaa shaaha madow oo aan cafimaadka jirka u fiicneeyn. Marka waxaan kula talin lahaa walaalahayga somaliyeed in aay iska yareeyaan shaaha madow (the black tea) oo ku badashaan shaaha cagaaran (the green tea).


    Sheekadiina waa tan hoos ku qoran:



    Khasnad Caafimaad oo lagu magacaabo Shaaha Cagaaran

    (Somalia, January 15, 2008 Ceegaag Online)

    Sideedaba sida aynu ka daalacanay Reports badan oo Caafimaadka la xidhiidha beryahan dambe waxaa la ogaaday in Shaahu guud ahaan leeyahay faa'iidooyin aad u fara badan oo daruuri u ah Jidhka Bini Aadamka taas oo ka gedisan Reports kii hore oo lagu sheegi jiray in Shaahu wax yeelo u leeyahay Jidhka Bani Aadamka


    Saddex ama Afar Koob oo Shaah ah Maalin walba ayaa waxa ku sugan faa'iidooyin fara badan


    Waxay yidhaahdeen Khubaro Britain ah oo baadhitaan ku samayay Caleenta Shaaha inaad cabto Saddex ama Afar Koob oo Shaah ah Maalin walba ama ka badan waxay u keenaysaa Nafta isla faa'iidada ay u keento inuu Qofku cabo Qadara badan oo Biya ah iyo weliba faa'iidooyin kale sida inuu ka ilaaliyo Jidhka dhibta Wadna Istaaga (Heart Attack)iyo qaar ka mid ah noocyada Kudka(Cancer),Baadhitaankan waxaa lagu beeniyay Ictiqaad hore oo aad loo aaminsanaa oo ah in Shaahu uu keeno in uu hoos u dhaco Dheecaanka (Liquid) ka Jidka ku jira


    Waxayna u arkaan Culimadu in Maadad ku jirta Caleenta Shaaha ee Flavonids uu yahay Masuulka aasaasiga ah ee faa'iidooyinka Caafimaad ee uu leeyahay,waxa kaloo ku jira Caleenta Shaaha Madooyin kale uu Baadhitaanku cadayay in ay ka qayb qaataan ka ilaalinta Cells ka Jidka inuu telfo,waxayna ka heleen Kooxdan Baadhayaasha ahi daliila Cilmi ah oo cad in cabitaanka Saddex ama Afar Koob oo Shaah ah Maalin walba ay tahay suura gal in ay yarayso Suura galka ah inuu Qofku qaado Wadna xanuun keena Wadnaha oo istaaga


    Waxay kaloo tilmaamtay Diraasadanu in cabtaanka Shaahu uu yarayo fursadaha ah in Qofku qaado Xanuunka Kudka (Cancer)hase yeeshee arintan iyaduna wanaagsan ee Shaahu leeyahay way ka yara daliil yartahay Cilmi ahaan arinta hore ee Wadna Xanuunka


    Dhakhtarad u Madax ahayd Kooxda baadhitaankan samaysay baa waxay tidhi cabitaanka Shaahu waa ka mudan yahay cabitaanka Biyaha waayo Biyuhu waxay kordhiyaan oo bedelaan Dheecaanka (Liquids)Jidka Shaahuna sidoo kale ayuu u bedelaa Dheecaanka Jidka wuxuuna dheer yahay faa'iidooyinka aan soo xusnay


    Waxayna diiday Dhakhtaradu Fikradii hore aadka loogu haystay ee ahayd inuu Shaahu qalajiyo Jidka,waxayna tidhi Dirasado lagu samayay Maadada Coffayin waxay muujisay in hadii la cabo Qadar aad u badan oo iyada ah uu yaraynaayo Dheecaanka Jidka hase yeeshee waxay u aragtaa in aan taas ku dabaqmayn cabitaanka Saddex ama Afar Koob oo Shaah ah.

    waxana tilmaam mudan in Diraasado hore cadayeen in Shaahu Carqaladayo nuugista Jidka ee Iron ka markaa taas waxa weeye macnaheedu in Dadka qaba Xanuunka Anemia ha ay ka fogaadaan cabida Shaaha markay Cuntada cunaan dabadeed si toos ah


    Shaaha Cagaaran


    Iyada oo Shaahu guud ahaan uu leeyahay faa'iidooyinka aan soo xusnay ayaa hadana waxa lagu tilmaamay noocan cagaaran Khasnad Caafimaad faa'iidooyinka balaadhan ee uu leeyahay awgeed.


    Waxa lagu ogaaday Diraasado Cilmi baadhis cusub ah dhowaan in Shaaha cagaarani leeyahay faa'iidooyin wayn oo ilaalinaya Caafimaadka waxaana ka mid ah kuwan:


    1-Shaaha cagaaran wuxuu saacidaa in ay yaraato heerka Protien ka Xaydha ah ee loo yaqaano Cholestrol ka ee xun markaas wuxuu kaa ilaaliyaa inaad qaado Xanuunada Wadnaha iyo Sanbabada


    2-wuxuu aad hodon ugu yahay Maadadaha ka ilaaliya Jidhka Xanuunada guud ahaan


    3-mida ugu xooga badan Maadadahaa oo loo yaqaano EGCG taas oo ka caawisa Jidhka inuu iska ilaaliyo wax yeelada kaga imanaysa Shucaaca Qoraxda iyo noocya kala gedisan oo ka mid ah Kudka (Cancer)


    4-wuxuu kale oo ka ilaaliyaa Jidhka hadii la mariyo Dubka Dildilaaca iyo inay kala qaybsanto Cells ka aan caadiga ahayn kaas oo soo baxa sababta Kulka Qoraxda ee dhibta leh


    5-wuxuu midab u yeelaa Ilkaha hase yeeshee wuxuu ka ilaaliyaa Suuska waayo waxa ku jira Maadada la yidhaahdo Floride wuxuuna ilaaliyaa Ciridka wuxuuna la dagaalama Becteria da dhibta leh iyo weliba wuxuu la dagaalamaa urta neefsiga ee la karahsado


    6-wuxuu wanaajiyaa shaqada Kelyaha wuxuu ka ilaaliyaa Fashilka Kelyaha wuxuuna nadaamiyaa Dhaqdhaqaaqa Caloosha


    7-wuxuu ka ilaaliyaa Maskaxda shooga wuxuuna hagaajiyaa Xusuusta iyo u Fiirsiga iyo Garashada


    8-wuxuu la dagaalamaa inay Sonkortu kor u kacdo wuxuuna kaa caawiyaa dhimista Miisaanka hadaad cabtid Cuntada dabadeeda


    Wabillaahi atowfiiq


    Waxaa soo ururiyay oo soo guuriyay: Essa Mohamoud


    Ps: Madama hada ka hor aay researchers badan beeniyeen arinkaan in the green tea cafimaad yahay see adi fekrad ahaayn u aragtaa ama hadaba tahey medicinest or researcher maxaa ka qabtaa fekradaan?? Anigu koleyba hada laga bilaabo waxaan cabayaa 5 cups of green tea malin kasta.

  5. Geedi (son) Vs. Faarax(dad)


    Geedi returns from his first day at school and immediately questions his Father.


    " Dad, today we had a Spelling Class - All the other kids could only say half the alphabet, but I knew the whole thing. Is that because I am a Somali?"


    "No son, that's because you are intelligent. " Gaawe seeming content with the answer, asks his father another question,


    "Dad, today we had Math class - All the other kids could only count from 1-10, I could count from 1 to 20. Is this because I am a Somali ??"

    "No son, that's because you are intelligent," replies his father. Happy with the answer! smile.gif


    Geedi poses another question to his father, "Dad, today we had Medical Examination, all the other boys were shorter than me, I was at least twice their height.

    Is that because I am a Somali ??"


    The father replies, "No son, that's because you are 31 years old." :Dsmile.gif ( I think the somalis on here will get this joke)

  6. Somali women are 22 times more likely to die in childbirth and pregnancy than European women , MSF reports. Source: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)



    The report says most deaths and disability result from delays in recognizing complications, reaching a medical facility or receiving quality care. :mad:


    Quite frankly, this is an unacceptably high number of women dying in childbirth and pregnancy. Roughly -one Somali woman every hour—die as a result of pregnancy complications and childbirth. Yet many of these women’s lives could be saved if they had access to basic health care services.


    So many women deliver their children without trained midwife, nurse or doctor. Therefore, there is a desperate need to train more doctors, nurses, Trained midwifes, primary healthcare workers, or trained traditional birth attendants.


    These issues are enormous challenge yet there are many special people dedicating their lives to make a difference. In my opinion, as nomads we can partner with them to save our peoples lives and improve health care for the women and children in our country. Our women, children and men are dying day after day in 17 years and the whole international community is standing helpless watching our country being destroyed. Let’s unite, forgive and move ahead. We are one Nation in one country. See our children’s and women’s eyes are teary not because they have been beaten no, they lack of food, water, health care, education and all essentials. Nomads of the land of Somalia lets all come together for the sake of our people and country. I know we will make it but it has to begin from you and me.


    Let’s pray and hope for a better future for our people and country.

  7. Originally posted by idil:


    3. Commensal bacteria (doesn't cause harm) e.g. of the gut...why does it only become harmful when the hosts immune system is weak and not othertimes?Questions I've always wondered about...

    This question is already covered pretty well by our sister Cara however let’s add some basic information to it.


    Friendly microorganisms also known as commensal bacteria or normal flora in our digestive tract, mouth, respiratory tract, skin are the basis for human existence. You respiratory and digestive tracts, mouth, and skin are home to more than thousand species of health bacteria or normal flora. In general the relationship between you and the normal flora is mutually beneficial. You provide nutrition, protection and transportation for them, while they stimulate your immune system, synthesize essential vitamins, and help your system digest food and absorb its nutrients.


    The immune system recognizes organisms that "don't belong" in the body, and effectively eliminates them. This process occurs thousands of times a day without us being aware of it. However, when the immune system is weakened, normal floras that usually are harmless can overwhelm the body and cause infection and disease particular when they gain access to an area of the body where they do not belong.These bacterial are called opportunistic because they cause disease only when an opportunity is presented (e.g. for example when the immune system is weak and the residents body cannot defend well against invading organisms).


    For instance, cuts or injuries to the skin and protective layers of the body permit health bacteria to enter the bloodstream or other sterile parts of the body and cause disease. Traumatic or surgical wounds may permit bacteria from one part of the body to reach another or to penetrate into deeper tissue, where they cause disease. A weakened immune system may not be able to prevent the rapid multiplication of bacteria :cool: .

  8. Hi all!

    The question of the eye and the brain is very interesting and extremely puzzling; I think you guys covered that pretty well. However when considering the evolution of the eye, it is extremely important to consider the evolution of the brain, which is very closely tied to the eyes. Also it is necessary to consider the single eye and the third eye theory. In the evolution of the theory our ancestors only posses one eye, which amazingly divided into separate left and right eyes. It is believed that an eye remained in the place where the original single eye had been, known as the ‘’parietal’’ eye or third eye. Have you ever guys come across the expression “the third eye’’?” It refers to an additional eye situated between the two eyes. Well theoretically our ancestors possessed a third eye, a trace of which still exists within our brain. Unlike the two other eyes, the third eye is not able to capture image but it is believed that it senses light and regulates body temperature and hormone balance. Also like other two eyes, the parietal eye has a crystalline lens and a retina. What is more interesting is the fact that the eye is divided into left and right, as did the brain. However, it is not recognized whether the brain divided because the eye required evolving or whether it was the other way round. Whatever the case may be the eye and the brain both divided into left and right parts in the course of evolution.


    For all the controversies over this issue, however, there is a basic philosophical point on which the evolutionary biologists all agree. The eye came first. In reasonably real sense, the brain is an outgrowth of the eye, and not the other way around.


    How the eye could have been formed before the brain is both fascinating and extremely confusing.

  9. Spectacular history: Review

    The Land of Punt, also called "Pwenet" by the ancient Egyptians, at times synonymous with Ta netjer, the 'land of the god' was a fabled site in eastern Africa and "was the source of many exotic products, such as gold, aromatic resins, African blackwood, ebony, ivory, slaves and wild animals" The most famous ancient Egyption expedition to Punt was conducted during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut in the 15th century BC to obtain myrrh.


    Geographic location of Punt

    The exact location of Punt was lost with time, yet we have been left with some clues as to its whereabouts, as well as intriguing stories from contact with the ancient Egyptians. Punt was long thought to have been in South Arabia, but when the Punt reliefs from Hatshetsup's temple (c. 1470 B.C.E.) were found showing African flora and fauna, the location was then thought to be in present-day Somalia. Most modern sources give Somalia as the probable location, but a lot of evidence still points to other regions (eg Ethiopia, eriteria or southeastern Beja lands of Sudan).


    Some argue that Punt was as far away as Puntland, a region of Somalia that adopted this name in the 20th century. Frankincense and myrrh, which were imported by the Egyptians from Punt, are still found in abundance in this region. In his translation of the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, G.W.B. Huntingford went so far as to claim that the name "Punt" lay behind the name of "Opone," a coastal marketplace located south of Cape Guardafui, and identified both Punt and Opone with Hafun.


    Similar history

    "Origins in Elam and Punt. The distinctive character of the 1st dynasty, which separates it from all that went before, is the conquest and union of the whole land of Egypt. It became thus subject to the falcon-bearing tribe of Horus, which was the natural enemy of the Aunu, the Set-bearing tribe. This falcon tribe had certainly originated in Elam, as indicated by the hero and lions on the "Araq knife handle". They went down the Persian Gulf and settled in the "horn of Africa." There they named the "Land of Punt," sacred to later Egyptians as the source of the race. The Pun people founded the island fortress of Ha-fun, which commands the whole of that coast, and hence came the Punic or Phoenic peoples of classical history. Those who went up the Red Sea formed the dynastic invaders of Egypt, entering by the Qocier-Koptos road. Others went on to Syria and founded Tyre, Sidon and Aradus, named after their home islands in the Persian Gulf (Strabo, XVI, iii, 4).


    There is still some debate regarding the precise location of the mythical land of Punt: but is was certainly in Africa, and probably was the Somali coast’’(4).


    According to the Ancient Egyptians, the second Egyptian ruling ethnic/class's ancestral homeland was Punt (Somalia). They referred to this land as "Ta Nteru" ('Land of the gods'). To emphasize their Puntite origins, the Egyptians portrayed the Puntites in the exact same manner in which they portrayed themselves. This new ruling ethnic/class called themselves "Mesnitu"('Metalworkers/blacksmiths'), and was also referred to as "Shemsu Hor" ('Followers of Horus'). These Mesnitu had overthrown the original ruling ethnic/class, the Anu (those belonging to Osiris's ethnic group; and yes, Osiris was a real life personage), who had previously established its domination over all of Egypt through military conquest and political unification. Their place of origin was "Ta Seti" ('Land of the Bow') in the Sudan. Gradually tradition would identify both Somalia and the Sudan as "Ta Khent" ('Land of the Beginning' or 'Ancestral land'). The answers to the questions "Where did the Ancient Egyptians come from?" or "What race were the Ancient Egyptians?" have already been given centuries ago, by the Ancient Egyptians themselves. It isn't a surprise, however, that such relevant information on Ancient Egypt by the Ancient Egyptians themselves, is never mentioned in contemporary books about Ancient Egypt (1).


    Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt from ca. 1503 to 1480 B.C. In contrast to the warlike temper of her dynasty, she devoted herself to administration and the encouragement of commerce. In the summer of 1493 B.C., she sent a fleet of five ships with thirty rowers each from Kosseir, on the Red Sea, to the Land of Punt, near present-day Somalia. It was primarily a trading expedition, for Punt, or God's Land, produced myrrh, frankincense, and fragrant ointments that the Egyptians used for religious purposes and cosmetics (3).


    LOCATED IN THE HORN OF AFRICA, adjacent to the Arabian Peninsula, Somalia is steeped in thousands of years of history. The ancient Egyptians spoke of it as "God’s Land" (the Land of Punt). Chinese merchants frequented the Somali coast in the tenth and fourteenth centuries and, according to tradition, returned home with giraffes, leopards, and tortoises to add color and variety to the imperial menagerie. Greek merchant ships and medieval Arab dhows plied the Somali coast; for them it formed the eastern fringe of Bilad as Sudan, "the Land of the Blacks." More specifically, medieval Arabs referred to the Somalis, along with related peoples, as the Berberi (5)


    Punt colonnade

    The Punt colonnade is on the left hand side of the ramp to the third level. Hathsepsut´s expedition to Punt was obviously a great success and so she included a series of depictions of the trip to commemorate it. The relief’s show the expedition leaving Egypt in two boats and arriving in the exotic land of Punt. A small force establishes a camp to protect the traders, but the people of Punt welcome them in friendship and so no fighting is necessary. The chief and his wife greet the Egyptians sying ...

    "How have you arrived at this land unknown to the men of Egypt? Have you come down from the roads of the Heavens? Or have you navigated the sea of Ta-nuter? You must have followed the path of the sun. As for the King of Egypt, there is no road which is inaccessible to His Majesty; we live by the breath he grants to us." (6).


    The Chief of Punt (named Parahu) and his wife (who is depicted as being extremely obese) are introduced to an Egyptian officer and then they visit their village in which the houses seem to sit on stilts. The Egyptians hold a feast for the people of Punt, who in turn given them incense, gold and precious gems. The Egyptians then return to their boats carrying all kinds of exotic and precious items described in the accompanying text as;

    "all goodly fragrant woods, heaps of myrrh-resin, with fresh myrrh trees, with ebony and pure ivory, green gold of Amu, cinnamon-wood, khesyt-wood, ahmut-incense, senter-incense, eye makeup, apes, monkeys, dogs, skins of the southern panther, and with natives and their children" (6).


    1458/1470...Joint queen Regnant itey the corpulent of punt (somalia).Sometimes in the 15th century she ruled the kingdom of punt together with king Parachute state was placed in the northeastern corner of the country, and today it forms part of self-proclaimed republic of puntoland (8).


    Have You ever heard of Hantile??

    I guess you know especially If You Belong to Dr......d (hart…i).

    ‘’ Married to king Hantile. The Queens, Tawannas, are believed to have been a kind of co-regents to their husbands and they possessed considerable influence. The dates of this period are not accurate’’ (8, 9,).



    Somalia was known to the ancient Egyptian as the land of punt. They valued its trees which produced the aromatic gum resins frankincense and myrrh. Punt is also mentioned in the Bible, and ancient Romans called it Cape Aromatica. Somalia is named for the legendary father of the Somali people, Samaal (or Samale). The fame of the ancient Somalians (ancient of Cushities) is widespread in ancient history. They are described as the tallest, most powerful, most beautiful of human race. Therefore there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn than that remote period of history, the leading race of Africa was somalis, Ethiopia and Egypt. These countries had a lot in common.


    Laakiin still somalia badan waxaay ku doodaan Arab or oromo baan nahay. Honest how is this possible? Somalia has never been an Arabic country and until recent change in the name, it was known as the land of punt thousand of years. Somalian people have very strong ties to their history, culture and language, which are distinctively somalian or Somaal; most of them do not speak or even want to speak Arabic. In my opinion apart of islam we have nothing in common with the Arabs what so ever. But what do you think? Do you think that we belong to Arabs?


    Also Parahu was ethiopian marka see ku dhici kartaa in uu boqor noo ahaa /? Twisted history iga dheh. I think the king was hantile but instead they twisted the history, and said parahu :D





    4. Petrie, W.M. Flinders. The Making of Egypt, London. New York, Sheldon Press; Macmillan, 1939: page 77






  10. Gosh you really have some issues. I really don’t know why you are doing this, the guy is expressing himself. He is talking about his people (Somalis) and his country (Somalia) that need him most. In my opinion, when somebody criticizes someone it should be based on truth and not because you don’t like them or you simply want to hurt somebody’s feelings. I am saying this because; these issues that Mr marcsmith confronts are prominent in our community. The truth is this. Here we are at the beginning of 2008. Yet in poor country, drug addicted people, gangs and Lack of education etc. Our people are constantly suffering. They are suffering from war, abuse, injustice, natural disaster, starvation, mental health pandemic, and stress. Somalia continues to lose face and credit in the world no doubt. It's heartbreaking to witness what is happening to our society.


    The problems that we are facing are inherently becoming complex each day. This has eventually led us to think and behave in a more complex manner. There is a widespread desire across the community for more to be done to tackle these issues. We should all do something useful, Instead of criticizing everyone and complaining about everything.


    Ps: If you wish to make a positive contribution to your community and you have some time to do it, start volunteering today!

  11. Originally posted by Khalaf:

    ^^and u say 10%? lol..., Ismahan your estimates are closer to the truth walaleey. When i said the same thing while back, 90% i also got the same responses from other cats.

    Well I am glad at least you have the guts to admit this, real man iga dheh smile.gif


    Did they? So you knew this :(

    Why Didn’t You Warn Me earlier? :rolleyes: :D

  12. Originally posted by Emperor:

    NinBrown stay away, Will ya


    Ismahan, my dear sister I never meant to be Faarax, although Im one but I have all it takes to re-undo myslef should that makes me any better.


    You, my sister, may be right in your statistics or wrong, I could be wrong as well, I have presented my views, neither I, or you is wrong or right, no obvious right or wrong answer is out there, only staticts of some form...


    It's only a dicussion forum, I liked you and your character, and that's why I have personaly opted to comment your reply, nothing personal, I hope you take it as clean as it could get...


    Now you shouldn't rest you case, shed a light if you have more, it is as a discussion forum, it's fluid and has to be discussed in it otherwise It will shut down...

    No problem bro,thanks for you comments smile.gif

    I’m glad you dropped by to read this and post your comments.

  13. have you ever heard of Maryan Gaabo??


    Maryan Gabo waxeey aheeyd islaan somali eh oo dagan uk. Waxaay ka timi waageedii hore Scandinevia waliba DK. Maryan gabo markaay timi Uk waxaay laheeyd passa port Danish eh laakiin mar labaad beey is dhiibtey you know somalis.


    Maalin maal ma aha ka mid eh beey waxeeey qadatey trainka undergroundka maro. Marka marka trainku istaago waxuu dhahaa (as usually) mind the Gap. Marka islaantii dhegaha beey u sii dhigtey waxaay mind the gab ula ekaatey maryan gabo. Ka bacdina inteey musqusha gashey beey ID iyo waxaay wadatey oo dhan qashinka ku dartey. Kulahaa alla ba,aayey ma maanteey i ogaadeeen in aan 2 meelood ka dhiibnahay :D


    Islaantii habeenkii beey guriga timi iyadoo dalan oo naxsan. Waxaa la waaydiiyey edo manta intee adey ?? Waxaay dhahdey alla ma idinkaba war haya manta dhan in polise ku i raadinayey ma ogidin miyaa oo train mada dhex dooda xataa maryan gabo lagu hayey :D:D