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Posts posted by Haashim

  1. Well done buubto you're trying sister, at the end we will collect the the best ones and most famous double words, so who know we may pick several from you try again and don't hesitate to ask any question about this subject.

    The only thing i can assure you is that Mr. Cartan got the idea. what we need is famous halhays or nomad related words to keep these words in one book.

    Mananlagaraadbaa you've tried but it's not right answer try again you can find in my words.

  2. Thanks Kamiila for your reply, but as i say before

    words should be either HALHAYS OR NOMAD RELATED ETC. for example gudin iyo hangool, mudac iyo maxaar are nomad related words while raq iyo ruux mood iyo nool are halhays soomaaliyeed waayo waxaan niraahnaa neefkii raq iyo ruux meel uu dhihgay lama helin, ama mood iyo nool wuxuu lahaa qofkaasi wuu waayey etc. so I would prefer such words.

    for your words geeri iyo nolol, xumaan iyo samaan are such words but the rest I suspect to be famous HALHAYS. (I could be wrong)

    Anyhow keep try i am sure you will find more.


  3. I will start here some Somali double words (erayada lammaanaha af soomaaliga), to encourage other Somalia online team to contribute. We may produce a large collection of these words which could be a value literature book, but I suggest that the words should make sense, not simple words like nin iyo naag , buug iyo qalin etc which have no deep meaning. Instead, they should be either HALHAYS, PROVERB OR NOMAD RELATED WORDS . Secondly, I know Somalia is a big land and we have many different dialectics, so if you want to contribute your local dialectic double words such as maay maay, reer xamar etc you are very welcome. Thirdly, Since the insult is forbidden in Somalia online please avoid the insult or qabiil related words which can harm to any fellow nomads.

    Finally, please feel free to ask me any enquiry about these words if you don’t understand, I will add another words when they come in my mind to collect as much as we can to publish a special Somali double words book.

    N.B. could you find within these words the names of the two (and perhaps the only as far as I know) Somali films.


    Bari iyo bogox, Bad iyo barri, Bus iyo ciiro, Babac iyo bannaan, Beliyo baas, Barwaaqiyo baraare, Baad iyo biyo, Baadi iyo ninkeed, Bur yo biyo, -tab iyo xeel, Tuug iyo hillac, Jaan iyo cirib, Jab iyo halaag, Jiif iyo joog, - Xoog iyo xeel, Xaaraan iyo xalaal, Xabad iyo qax, Xiliyo xoolo, Dal iyo dad, Dad iyo duunyo, Dabar iyo hoggaan, Doog iyo abaar, Dab iyo dhagax, Dan iyo xarago, Raar iyo kebed, Raq iyo ruux, Run iyo been, Rug iyo raas,- Samir iyo iimaan, Silic iyo saxariir, Sii sociyo soo soco, Sal iyo raad, Saad iyo biyo, Sool iyo sanaag, Soor iyo seef, -Shar iyo khayr, Shiikh iyo shariif - Dhacdiyo dhalato, Dhab iyo dhayal, Dhaayo iyo dhego, - Cayr iyo ceeb, Cilmi iyo hodan, Cood iyo ciyaal, Cayn iyo bayd, Cisi iyo sharaf, Catir iyo culay, Ciil iyo cadaab, Col iyo abaar, Carruur iyo cirroole, Col iyo abaar- Gudin iyo hangool, Gabbal dhac iyo waaberi, Geeddiyo hayaan, Gaal iyo muslim, Geel iyo gorayo, Gar iyo gardarro, Gacal iyo walaal, -Fallaar iyo qaanso, Fadhi iyo fuud yicibeed, Far iyo fool, Far iyo suul, -Qoor iyo xero, Qab iyo kibir, Qar iyo buur, Quursi iyo qiil, Qays iyo layla,- Kud iyo qanjo, Kab iyo Karin, Kaaf iyo kala dheeri, Kal iyo laab, Kas iyo maag, Karin iyo bannaan, Kir iyo kal, kal iyo mooye, Kas iyo kama`, -Lib iyo abaal, Lug iyo leg, Lab iyo dhaddig, - Mood iyo nool, Miyi iyo magaalo, Marrin iyo masruuf, Milic iyo kulayl, Muufo iyo maraq, Maqal iyo muuqaal, Muruq iyo maan, Mudac iyo maxaar, Maad iyo qosol, Madax iyo manjo, -Naf iyo dhaqaale, Nabad iyo caano, Nacas iyo nin raga, War iyo wacaal, Waaniyo wax sheeg, Wiil iyo walaa, Wadar iyo waaxid, -Har iyo habeen, Hal iyo nirig, Hiil iyo hoo, Harsi iyo hoyaad, Haan iyo habeen, -Yaab iyo amankaag, Yar iyo weyn, - Af iyo addin, Afar iyo tobanka iyo boqolka, Aqoondarriyo eex, Agab iyo miciin, Ab iyo isir, Irmaan iyo horweyn, Onkod iyo hillaac, Oori iyo carruur,