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Posts posted by underdog

  1. xabad;947257 wrote:
    Your premise is totally wrong. diversity ain't the future and does not equate to prosperity. those countries that host large immigrant countries will face dystopian nightmares instead of solving their labor issues, you just wait. certain minorities are of no use whatsoever and Europe, N.America and Australasia would be well advised to look at the people they let in. don't fall for these multicultural hogwash, not all people are the same or have your values. what
    would an uneducated immigrant give to these countries ?.... nil. most of the menial, low paid work is rapidly being automated anyways, driverless cars and trucks etc.

    Are you serious? Even Republicans and Conservatives know better than to make ignorant statements like that. I guess you don't pay taxes, xabad. Because taxes paid by immigrants is probably the #1 reason why any western country will NEVER reduce the number of immigrants allowed in.


    All immigrants pay taxes whether they are illegal or not. They pay them in the form of property tax - directly if they own a home, or indirectly if they rent; sales tax on all the goods they buy, and income tax at Federal, State and local level.

    Since illegal immigrants often have fake documents, including fake Social Security numbers, the money they pay into the system is money that will never be withdrawn. The amount in question is evidenced by the Social Security Administration’s “suspense file” (taxes that cannot be matched to workers’ names and Social Security numbers), which grew $20 billion between 1990 and 1998.


    Not to mention every local economy requires consumers for their goods and services and there is a positive correlation between the number of immigrants and the bottom line of the domestic economy.


    Even if you don't want to work, it doesn't matter because you still have to buy stuff.


    So for every iphone, slice of bread, movie ticket and lap dance you pay for, the west is happy you came!

  2. Firstly Ned Stark was "The MAN!" and since his demise in season one the show has (in my opinion) lacked a proper Star/lead, Many have tried:



    Robb Stark: All talk no action. He's no Ned Stark...FAIL!


    Stannis Baratheon: Nice try, Whipped! Did a witch talk you into murdering your brother??? No more ships? ...FAIL!


    Tyrion Lannister: Showed some promise last season...now you're the accountant. The Sansa situation might bring you back, but in the meantime....FAIL!


    But now after a season and a half of wandering around,

    - The flavour of the month,

    - Khaleesi to the remaining Dothraki Hoard

    - Commander of the Unsullied

    - The only surviving child and heir of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen

    - The Mother of Dragons

    Daenerys Stormborn a.k.a Daenerys of House Targaryen



  3. Jacpher;939233 wrote:
    ^War ha ku danbaabina ummadda Ilaahey. If you ain't in a position to help her with a sound advice, insulting her on the internet won't help her either.


    Dadka Alle xor buu u abuuray. Your job is to advice them, not get Shabaabi on them. Posting pictures like these or disgusting them this way ain't the Islamic way. Sxbyaan ka fiirsada before posting these sort of pictures please. The further you push and shame them, the less likely they'll listen or consider giving up the balwad that's eating them alive. I've see this happen many times. Alxamdulilaah, if it wasn't for the grace of Allah SW, it could be anyone of us. Raxmadda Ilaahey idiinkugu nimceeyay laguma manna sheego ummadda dhiban.

    Safferz is right....according to this article


    $1000 a night no more: Prostitute Faduma Ali, who longs for the days when her pirate customers had money, chews the stimulant khat and smokes a cigarette at a house in the once-bustling pirate town of Galkayo, Somalia.


  4. Alpha Blondy;939182 wrote:
    says our resident metro-sexual man who pedicures......!


    Unders, you ought to audition for BIG&MIGHTY catalogue shoots, inaar!...

    I'm so disappointed you didn't go through with your plan to quit SOL.


    I know you have trouble focusing but lets try for once to stay on track with original topic of the thread ;)

  5. NGONGE;939175 wrote:
    ^^ Saw the story yesterday. I found the picture of one of these "handsome" guys and conducted my own detailed survey. The results I got were eye opening, saaxib. Needless to say that the wife, the daughters and a couple of their friends strongly advised me NOT to visit Saudi Arabia anytime soon.

    LOL... is that what they said? wax aa lagaa sirsiranaa, saaxib.


    Other than Hajj I would have absolutely no reason to visit KSA. Those people take backwardness to new lows everyday.

  6. Three Emirati men were ejected from a festival in Saudi Arabia as they were deemed “too handsome”, leading authorities to fear women could become attracted to them, it has been reported.

    According to Arabic language Elaph newspaper, the UAE nationals were taking part in a heritage event in the capital Riyadh on Sunday when they were thrown out by Saudi’s religious police.

    Saudi Arabia, a strictly conservative Sunni Muslim society, prohibits women from interacting with unrelated males.

    “A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission members feared female visitors could fall for them,” the newspaper said.


    Steps were then taken to return the three men to UAE capital Abu Dhabi, according to Elaph.



  7. What we know so far


    Two powerful explosions hit Boston at 673 Boylston Street at 2:50 p.m., near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, according to police.


    At least dozens of people have been seriously injured, the Boston Globe reported on its Twitter feed.


    Fox news is reporting Boston Police saying three people are dead.


    Massachusetts General Hospital is treating four victims of the explosions, said Ryan Donovan, a spokesman for the hospital. No word on the severity of the injuries


    Source: http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/04/15/two-explosions-at-boston-marathon-finish-line-injure-dozens-reports/

  8. STOIC;937503 wrote:
    Finally T-mobile got us i-phone 5 ...Picked up two this morning..One for me and the other for she-who-must-be-obeyed...

    LOL. she-who-must-be-ignored still hasn't realized iphone is now AWS compatible. I don't think its wise to fork over $600 on a soon to be outdated iphone5.

  9. *Blessed;937468 wrote:
    ^ Somali legal systems are an absolute joke, but I think the main issue here is that Somalis don't take rape seriously enough..

    20+ years of war, torment and all manners of atrocities. Are you implying that legal system should be perfect overnight? would it be unreasonable to require some time to organize a fully functional system?


    Maybe you all need to slow down a bit.