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Posts posted by SamiGyrl

  1. So I guess what your saying is that anyone who has a different point of view cant post it here huh.


    Pretty much, why is it that when someone from Somaliland comes here and tries to talk to you guys, about the war ad what happend that you cant talk without assuming a defensive mentality?


    In all my other posts I was trying to figure out why people from Somalia would let, the same people they are calling brothers and sisters now die? And I still have not received an explanation for it yet.


    If you only had the mind to see, I am trying to solve your problems, if you want Somaliland and its people back in the union, then answer their question. Why should we trust you again?, Why didnt the people in Somalia speak out about the war, and all the injustice that happended not only in the north, but in other areas? Instead of calling dear Somalia now?


    These are all questions that need to be answered before you go out and start claiming Lands and Regions that dont belong to you.


    With regards to the differences lets examine them, Somaliland got its independance from Britian % days before, and the people collectively decided to join with Somalia when they acquired their freedom, thinking that we were all Somalis and therefore should have one country, well early on differences

    came up like the sun dose every morning, before the union many people demonstrated against it from many tribes, however, our leaders and many others thought this was a good idea, so the union took place.


    Now Somalia took all the power, with minimal governmental authority left for northerners, it was like Somaliland was being colonized rather than being included as a nation as brothers, like Emerson said "We looked for a brother, and Lo' a governer", still many Somalilanders kept hoping that maybe the next administration would be better, not so, teh story when on and on, all the power concentrated in Somalia, and to top it off, if you wanted to travel anywhere you had to come to Muqdisho to get your papers inorder, and then return to Berbera or wherever else to take your trip, now does that sound like democracy to you?


    Secondly, Somaliland was ordered nto to have tall builds, so Somaliland businessmen took it to the Somalia and built the talest builds in Somalia there, but still why should the government do such a thing? Democracy is it?


    And all the officials that governed in Somaliland were from Somalia, now how could someone who knows nothign about the people or their culture, govern them? Well they did a poor job of it, and later tried to wipe out the people.


    Thirdly, I remember soo many things being done to Somalilanders while living in Moqadisho, like I remember someone from Somalia proper getting married and people from Somaliland had to pay for his marriage, not because they wanted too, but because they were being made too.


    Fourthly, I remember my uncles and some of my aunts were businessmen and women and were getting cars, and furniture from the port of Berbera and I was with them, and u know what, all their goods went to generals from Somalia who never earned it. Democracy is it? Fairness is it? Brotherlyness is it?




    Why is it that when peopel from SOmaliland ask you things like that, that no one in Somalia has a answer for it?


    Now serial Killers have an answer for what they do, and so did hitler and many germans, but what I dont understand is how a nation a while nation, can watch its people die and let it happen, Like i said I remember watching tv in Muqdisho and seeing people from Somaliland died in the streets being killed by their own government and no one in SOmalia had the balls to say a whisper!!!


    But what really amazes me and many of my professors at American University who are studying Somalia is why people in Somalia act like nothing happend, and why they are soo determined to put the same men, the same war criminals in office again?


    Selective memory!!! or just plain hatred you take a pick.


    ANd u know what most of my friends are Barawani and God help them for what people in Somalia did to them, I remember my friends mother telling me about the rapes that went on, and it was heart breaking to see an old woman cry, but you know what she told me, an old woman told me to be proud of SOmaliland and to stay away from Somalia, "They are no good, not human" God only knows what else was done to them. But many of them are living in Somaliland happly and I welcome them wiht happy arms or friendship u know why because they are human.


    The only thing that keeps your soo called Somalia apart is your unwillingness to confront what your people did, and what your people let happen to your brothers and sisters, so if you wonder why people in Somaliland and other regions dont want to have anything to do with you, think back to your mouth being shut in the face of injustice, think back to your hands being folding in a heated battle from freedom, think back to your back being turned when a brother called out for help!


    Can you then blame us for leaving?


    Differences yes, we have major differences between you and me.


    We chose to fight against tyrants, and war criminals.


    You would rather have them take offce and rule over the same people they killed.


    We allow for tribes to speak their minds, and resolve their problems through speech, like you saw in Sool and Sanaag.


    You would rather wipe out an entire nation, just to get your way.


    One man on the forum, told me that Somaliland has nothing to brag about because we dont have television shows, well we do, but I didnt waste my time on that.


    I told him if he favoured tv shows over freedom to do business, walk the streets, and own your own property, and live like a human being should then the whole world could see the difference between you and me.


    At the rate you guys are going your dream of Somalia will never become fruitfull, why?


    Because it was you who ruined it, and now no one trusts you, and with good reason.


    I am offering you guys a chance to explain your ways? Why did you let it happen, if you believe in brotherhood, why?

    Why did you let it happen if you are a muslim?

    Why did you kill other muslims?

    Why did you watch it on tv, and not fight back. why?

    Why did you deal unjustly with your so called brothers why?


    All questions that you cant answer.





    Faqash were peopel that killed off many ethnic somali people, if you get offended by it, then I guess your one of them, if you havent killed anyone, or sat by and watched others do it and played along then I guess you have something to worry about.

  2. "naaa firri i asked for u to explain what da hell is wrong in somaliland and i am still shocked in why u keep separating somalia from somaliland..there are some differences may be but as far as i know somaliland is more peacfull than somalia.....and dem i asked u to explain what da problem was, some else called u tribist time u read the forum please read the names carefully.....what does somaliland have to do with this topic i was talking about the jew, the iraqis and the americans........i really think u are confused"


    First of all there is nothing wrong in Somaliland at this time.


    Secondly, there is no problem, with regards to differences b/w the two peoples, I think you can read Somali history to see the difference there walalo, but what really seperates the two is, ones reverance for human life, and general liberty.

    If you look at Somalia what do you see, many waring factions, why they cant come to a common peace, why? Because they dont have respect for the other tribes. In Somaliland its different everyones views are taken into consideration and the majority wins the vote, along side a compromise with the minaorities.


    When I braught up Somaliland, I was saying that each Somali should worry about his own people, in my case Somalilanders, Can you understand it now, since I am a citizen of Somaliland and my people are Somalilanders thats who I identify with, so when I say my people I talk about them. People in Somalia can refer to Somalians or Somalis residents of Somalia proper as their people. Ok


    All I was saying is that each Somali should worry about his own, now if the Arabs had stuck their necks out for Somalis in general, I can see why I would want to help them, but since they didnt, all I can do is offer good words and what little help I can offer.


    With regards to my situation in Moqdisho as a child, it really happened although I cant imagine why it did, maybe it was that at that time I didnt speak Somali? Who knows but I know what happened, so dont say that Somalis in Somalia couldnt have done it, if they can kill their own why should they worry about hte feelings of a 6 year old girl, that happens to have an Arab mother?


    I hope that cleared up what you wanted to know about if you have any more questons feel free to ask.



    P.S. if you also want more information about Somaliland there is an article that David Shinn wrote about Somaliland, its history and whats going on there etc... its on

  3. Ok for all of you calling me a qabiilist name once where I mentioned a Qabiil!!!!!!!


    All I said was I was looking out for my people Somalilanders, now if you dont know already there are people of many different tribes in Somaliland ok. So if you want to make up me being a qabilist then go ahead, but dont put words in my mouth. If I said Somaliland then its about the country not just a tribe, goes to show just how ignorant you are about Somaliland and its people.


    With regards to Muqdisho I used to live there for awhile, and even the normal somali people didnt like me, because I looked too arab, and the arabs didnt like me because of my blood line being blk. So there are a s s h o l e s on either side.


    Sister if you want unbiased news about Somaliland go to, and major news areas, if you want to know about SOmaliland through its people, then go to, also is a good website, to see exactly what is going on, with regards to projects, go to their links also.


    Ok well like i said, screw the arabs!!! lol

    I cant stand to see somali people lick some back ward arabs *** .




  4. Personally, like I said I worry about palestinians. Am always writing letters to Congress, however, I am getting to the point where am looking out for my own people (Somalilanders) writing papers and working with them.


    Yes not all arabs are evil, and not all of the are racist, however, when the tough gets going,the arabs have never helped us out, not to mention other non arab countries.


    If they cant even help their own people in Palestine, what makes you think we can help them?


    The Jews did their homework, and the arabs are sitting there looking dumb, so hey if they cant help themselves, leave it to Allah.


    I say we worry about our people respectivly, and get past trivial matters that dont concern us.


    I am half yemeni, and I look arab, but as soon as they see me with my blk Somali father in the streets of San'aa you get looks, and I remember in school people not even considering me equal to them, and this was going on in Muqdisho too. So work with those that work with you.


    Screw them mofos that can get their **** together.



    FaqashXterminator redface.gif

    Well I am an 10:00 am Economics class take care.

  5. Personally, like I said I worry about palestinians. Am always writing letters to Congress, however, I am getting to the point where am looking out for my own people (Somalilanders) writing papers and working with them.


    Yes not all arabs are evil, and not all of the are racist, however, when the tough gets going,the arabs have never helped us out, not to mention other non arab countries.


    If they cant even help their own people in Palestine, what makes you think we can help them?


    The Jews did their homework, and the arabs are sitting there looking dumb, so hey if they cant help themselves, leave it to Allah.


    I say we worry about our people respectivly, and get past trivial matters that dont concern us.


    I am half yemeni, and I look arab, but as soon as they see me with my blk Somali father in the streets of San'aa you get looks, and I remember in school people not even considering me equal to them, and this was going on in Muqdisho too. So work with those that work with you.


    Screw them mofos that can get their **** together.



    FaqashXterminator redface.gif

    Well I am an 10:00 am Economics class take care.

  6. First of all its horrible whats happening to the Palestinians. I have wrote countless papers to congress and my general organization in High School just to get typical Americans aware of whats going on there.


    But at the same it, I dont understand why Somalis feel soo much for Palestinians!!. I stopped and asked myself that question.


    Yes they are muslim, but thas about all we have in common, well they have alot more in common in Somaliland atleast they did,and certain things in common with Somalia, however, ask yourself one question.


    1) if the Palestinians had their freedom and their land, like all the other Arabs would they care about a few blacks that think their Arab (Somalis)?

    I am Isaaq so eventhough I have a line to them, still I see myself as being a Somali and being blk more than I see myself as an Arab although Sheikh Isaaq would prolly be angry with me. God rest his soul.


    But still why do we care? I care because it was injustice, and growing up I thought governments were there to help their people, and when I grew up and saw the realities of the world it was heartbreaking. But at the same time, I think alot more people need to ask themselves especially Somalis, why do I care about other people, dont my people need all my help instead of others who dont even know I exist or who for that matter think am an Cabiid?


    I dont know, what do u guys think?

  7. Hey well your welcome, however as the young man after you has said. Respect the Nation of Somaliland and its laws and its people, then your free to do whatever. Well actually if you want to live there you might have to be naturalized if you dont have any family, or blood ties to the country.


    If you do, all you have to do is go to the immigration and naturalization bureau and get your butt naturalized. Plain and simple. I just got my passport last year.


    Anyhoot, respect the aspirations, and the laws, and the people and you have no problems, however just going there like some TNG officials and acting like your a countrymen can get you into trouble if you dont have the right documentation.


    Make sure the government knows your in the country and you'll be fine, be in the country illegally and then its up to the offficials to send you back, God forbid.


    Anyways thats it. its the same with any other country. Respect for the laws, will get you far.





    Rightly said Amnesty International spoke out on that fact that it is against the factions who have held Somalia proper hostage for 12 years going on 13, have no place to negoiate peace.


    Hello and it took them after 14 conferences to say this????????


    Anyhoot they said it and someone had too cause, how the hell are they going to be tried for war crimes if they hold office????????

    How can they govern the same people they have killed????


    Where are the people in all of this?????????


    Can you imagine what the ballot is going to look like??? Its going to make The Florida ballot look legitimate.


    Abdi Qasiis(Temperary Tenant of the Hotal Ramadan) ---------->


    General Morgan (Butcher of Hargesa)-------->


    Shatiguuduud(Yellow shirt)----------->

    and you people were complaining about the names of Parties in Somaliland, you guys have yellow shirt to worry about. lol icon_razz.gif


    Aadid(the cuss hater)need I say more---------->


    etc... etc....




    Wow you can put Hitler and Hindrick Hemler on that tip and still get away with it. lmaoooooooooo


    good Lord man have some sense and get rid of those clownssssssssssss.


    :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

  9. Well since your not from Somaliland and dont consider it a country why should you care soo much?


    The names that we choose for our parties are just that.


    Are the names in Turkey the same as the ones in Britain? I dont think soo, am sorry but we dont toot the horn of other people.


    What am I supposed to call a leftist party Bidixiye? do call parties what is relevant and sounds better in OUR language, we are proud of who we are and our language. So it is only befitting that we have names that are known by the people in the land and names that can roll of the tongue.


    The parties and their agendas are on their websites, and are printed in newspapers in Somaliland so you know what the people know exactly what they want and they know who is going to do it for them, by reading the news papers and listening to lectures, and meeting with the different party heads. This was something Somaliland people could not do in the Horrid union and something they can now do in their own land, and they treasure it, and with good reason.


    So leave us be, our parties are just that our parties, not yours.


    Atleast we have parties you guys have to deal with General Morgan, Abdi Qasim, Aadid, Shatiiguguud, and the list goes on.


    Dont hate, Participate!!!


    -SamiGyrl icon_razz.gif :rolleyes:

  10. Well since your not from Somaliland and dont consider it a country why should you care soo much?


    The names that we choose for our parties are just that.


    Are the names in Turkey the same as the ones in Britain? I dont think soo, am sorry but we dont toot the horn of other people.


    What am I supposed to call a leftist party Bidixiye? do call parties what is relevant and sounds better in OUR language, we are proud of who we are and our language. So it is only befitting that we have names that are known by the people in the land and names that can roll of the tongue.


    The parties and their agendas are on their websites, and are printed in newspapers in Somaliland so you know what the people know exactly what they want and they know who is going to do it for them, by reading the news papers and listening to lectures, and meeting with the different party heads. This was something Somaliland people could not do in the Horrid union and something they can now do in their own land, and they treasure it, and with good reason.


    So leave us be, our parties are just that our parties, not yours.


    Atleast we have parties you guys have to deal with General Morgan, Abdi Qasim, Aadid, Shatiiguguud, and the list goes on.


    Dont hate, Participate!!!

