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Posts posted by islamtoday

  1. salams to all... akh rashiid this needs to be presented to the scholars,,, surely by now they know about it Insha Allah... suspending of Allah's laws... i don't know we would have to have a proof from Allah and his messenger SAW right..

    it's not good to talk from our own desires...

    Allah knows best...



  2. Bismaillahi..salams all.. one thing we need to keep in mind is that this ummah will never come together on "batil" falsehood... these divisions in islam started after the death of Cuthman may Allah be pleased with him...before his death everybody was on the right belief system... the reason being,, they started to put their head before the qur'an and sunnah... if their mind disagreed with the qur'an ans sunnah they followed their minds... never gave priority to the qur'an and sunnah like the companions did and the salaf of this ummah to this day Alhamdulillah... nowadays how many claim ther are muslims... but if they don't have the right "Aqida",,,right creed.. they are of no use... "Aqida" is somthing that there is no debate about it period....unlike fiqh... so the coming of this ummah together is not by borders but by having the right belief.. the right "creed" only then will come together Insha Allah.. but one thing we have to know.. there are going to be "Ahlul batil" around always...



  3. salams.. bros first of all Allah and his messenger didn't order us to revolt against our leaders.. but the ahadith show that we need to obey them...the only exception that i know of is that if the leader turns inot a "kafir" and his kufr is as clear as the sun... i lean towards a gradual change.. the prophet SAW spent 13 years in makkah planting the seeds of iman into the companions hearts and teaching them patience,, and never were they ordered to fight back despite what they were going through but to make hijra.. by the way jihad was made obligatory in madinah... so all this time in makkah they never raised a sword...


    bros this topic is a very detailed one and needs to be discussed with the scholars... let's not depend on our opinions...


    Allah SWA knows best..



  4. salam... akhi don't dispair.. all we need to worry about is to follow the straight path.. if you follow the qur'an and sunnah and take from the right scholars of this diin and i do the same thing and everybody else then we will be united Insha Allah... islam is not about the quantity but the quality right... let's not look at the number,, it doesn't mean anything.. the Prophet SAW said in the same hadith:" only one of these group will enter into paradise..." and he SAW explained the characteristics of this group in other narrations,,, all we have to do find out what they are and try to acquire them... that's all... akhi.. and don't forget it's our job to call people to the way of Allah SWA... we have to spread the right the messege..



  5. bismillah...salams to all.. it's true that they say to say "la ilaha ila Allah" then you go to paradise... but this is not the case.. bros and sis.. 'cause this word has seven conditions that we should fulfill... and they are as follows:


    1. To have KNOWLEDGE of what it means- what Allah SWA is negating and what He's confirming


    2. To CENTAINLY believe in this word without the smallest amount of doubt


    3. To SICERELY worship Allah SWA without any partners and away from showing off which destroys the deed.

    4. To SAY it truthfully with all ones heart so his speech will match his action.


    5. To LOVE Allah SWA and His messenger and also to love this religion and the muslims and to show dislikeness to anyone who goes against it.


    6. To ACCEPT this word with all ones heart and to make sure that we don't reject it or reject anything which it stands for.


    7. To FOLLOW Allah's commands SWA and to make sure that we don't ignore them.


    All these seven conditions they have proof from Qur'an and sunnah... SO Insha Allah when we say this word we keep these conditions in our mind,, no need to memorize them what is more important is to understand them... The main reason we are in this situation today is lack of understanding this word and what it requires of us... 'cause they all say it.. the shii'as with all their different sects, the sufis.. the innovators... us muslims... so who's gonna enter into paradise?


    If we really love Allah and his messenger we have to prove it,, not by just words but with our actions...


    Allah SWA says in the qur'an:" Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind)If you really Love Allah then FOLLOW me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins and Allah is Oft-forgiving, most mercifull".


    The key word in the verse is "FOLLOW"... and what does it mean to follow SAW... in what way? i leave that to you..


    I thought to share this with you...


    please share ur thoughts on this... let me know if there is anything which goes against the diin..



  6. Bismillahi.. salams.. first of all we are responsible for the problems that we are facing nowadays as muslims... no one else is but us.. we have to accept this fact... 'cause our relationship with Allah is just dead or too weak.. we disobey him left and right so let's look into ourselves first and i think the one who does not see this his heart is blind or they are in denial..


    secondly there is no such thing as a moderate muslim in islam... if anybody calls himself a moderate muslim we have to ask him what do they mean by that... if they deny or ask to change parts of this diin then this could lead to "kufr" Allah knows best.. we have to ask the scholars...


    Thirldly.. like i said there is no moderation in this diin... the islam that Allah SWA send down 1400 years ago is the same islam today without exceptions... Allah SWA says in the qur'an "Do they seek other than the religion of Allah while to him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to him shall they all be returned".


    In another verse Allah SWA says:"And whoever seeks a religion other than islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers"..


    so neither islam nor it's people need a reform.. the only reform that needs to be taken place is within ourselves...


    just a question: can something be the cause for advancement and happyness to a people and at the same time be the cause of destruction and corruption and sorrowness to others?


    to understan this... look the at the time of the companions and what kind of life they led,, they ruled half of this world... and look at us today... the islam then is the same islam today... i hope we all see the point.. "Islam" is not the problem but us...



  7. salams.. i wish my heart said that "lets do it together..." we are in constant fight for the love of Allah SWA... the amazing thing is that the heart is the main power switch,, all the limbs of the body follow it... like SAW said "if the heart is good then everything else is good..." but if it goes bad expecpect the opposite...


    so may Allah SWA cure our heats,,,'cause there is nothing worse than a spiritual corruption..



  8. salams to all... delta we have been thought a lot of things while growing up by those who look after us but that does not mean they teach us the right things all the time right?... i think the best thing to do is to ask the reliable sources the same question,, you will get ur answer Insha Allah... i don't thing has anything to do with arabs Allah knows best... prominent scholars they give answers with proofs from qur'an and sunnah not from their head.. the way a lot of people do it nowadays... the only thing i know for sure is that women cannot style their eyebrows... Allah knows best...


    and please do not depend on opinions of others regarding the "diin" specially if they are not based on Qur'an and sunnah.. if they are not based on these too with the correct understanding u are going to be missled.. 'cause the diin is the most precious thing we have without it there is no taste in life... no purpose to live for..





  9. salams... This is not from our diin to begin with,, there is no proof for it neither from the qur'an nor the sunnah.. it's purely from tradition not any tradition but a bad one... but let them... when these young girls bring home unlawful children they will put their hands on their mouths and deal with the bitter consequences of their actions...



  10. salams to all... i think to define beauty is a tough thing... 'cause it differs from person to person in relation to what is beautifull and what's not... but there are things we collectively agree that they r beautifll for everything else goes back to the individual... but let's not forget to appreciate Allah's SWA creations and His power.. and let's stop making people feel bad about their looks this might lead to undesireable emotions and actions...we all know extremism is not a good thing... if this world was filled with beautyfull and handsome people only Allah knows how we would have felt then,,, and the opposite "with not so good looking people" so to have bit of both is good keeps one entertained 'cause humans in general we get bored fast being in the same situation over and over again right...



  11. In the name of Allah most gracious most mercifull, first of all sis... Allah SWA does not shy away from the truth... so sis i don't mean to be harsh but u shouldn't be in a situation like the one u r in,, to begin with right,,, 'cause our diin forbids that.. but we r humans and we make mistakes... my advice to u sis.. if this man has good diin and good manners and u know him to be of good nature,, and wouldn't transgress on u go ahead marry with ur families permission... don't worry about the degree 'cause Allah SWA put the responsibility of providing for the family upon the man's shoulder not of woman's if only men could understand that...

    the reason for this advise is 'cause u r in a relationship with this person,, and as we all know it relationships before marriage are Haram right... so u have to discontinue u being in haram situation to a Halal.. 'cause SAW said "if a man and a woman become alone in a place the shaytan is their third".... something to that extent... so anything could happen between u,, we r human we r not made of iron.. blood runs through us... and like the others have said prayer istikhara also..


    May Allah SWA help u...