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Posts posted by Aaliyyah

  1. uchi;966815 wrote:
    Thank god it's winter in our neck of the woods this year.


    Ramadan Kareem/Mubarak to all.

    really? winter in july?


    Ramadan mubarak reer Sol. Ilaahay danbi dhaaf ha inooga dhigo. Tan teedana ha nugu simo. Qof ramadan Ilaahay ku simay nasib badanaa.

  2. Che -Guevara;966204 wrote:
    Secessionists need SOL Q@ldan version so they have could have venting/therapy session there.


    Aaliyah, you are too polite. Lander calls Khaatumo Kastuumo, I suggest Sodomland for his tribal enclave but I would understand your hesitation, you have class.

    Indeed. :D

  3. GAROODI;966203 wrote:
    We all have to suffer for our sins eventually. I didn't tell your people to follow a dictator to their own end. Common sense would have said to them don't attack your neighbour because even after the dictator you will be neighbours. Little thought. The hate on your news outlets is a drop on comparison to mine. No one put a gun to your head and said pull the trigger you did it all by yourself and still hide behind Somalinimo and somaliweyn ban Rabna. If it was genuine what happened wouldn't have happened


    The Somaliland newsoutlets are no different than other outlets. As for siyad barre all your current and former leaders were part of Siyad barre administration (Egal, Riyale, Silanyo etc). You can't pick and choose who to blame.

  4. Abbaas;965861 wrote:

    Haybad waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo. Waana lama huraanE hagar li'i wax ugu qabo. Hantiyeey macaan waa midaan hoy laga odhaneen helayoo...


    Soomaali waa mid, waa ul iyo mayrax, mataano weeye meel bey ka wada timid.


    Hanfi iyo kuleyl ma leh dhulkeene, anagaa halaynee.. Somaliyeey hoy hoodaale weeye dagaankisa hodanka lo wada hamuuma.



  5. Che -Guevara;965658 wrote:
    We are in painfull times, mostly self inflicted. We should however honor those who won us this day.


    Happy Somali Independence Day folks

    Happy Somali independence day. Today is the day "Italian Somaliland" and "British Somaliland" united under one republic. We should definitely honor our forefathers for achieving Somali unity. Lets keep waving our blue flag. Guul iyo gobanimo.

  6. Reeyo;964815 wrote:
    It is truly a deterioration of the human. If we have redefined 'marriage', a union between man and woman for procreating to- same-sex and then we have lost greatly. Xin is not being dramatic but stating a fact.


    Those of you that believe this is a 'white' 'gaalo' problem. Look at you location and then look at the value system your children are growing up in.

    Waxaad ii xasuusay xaflad meher aan maalin dhoweed aadey. OO shiekhadu muxadareenasay tidhi gabadh yar baa hoyadeed ku tidhi hooyo dadka nocaas waa human being ee sida ha uga hadlin oo ay difacasay. Markasay shiekhadi tidhi gabadha yar ee saa u hadlasa bari maxay ku tahay in ay ku biirto dadka nocaas ah..


    We really do have to think about the values of the people our youngesters are growing up with, and the impact it can have on shaping their values.

  7. GAROODI;964554 wrote:
    The Garad clan did not want to unite with Somalia in 1960 so I don't know which awowaysha you talking about.

    In 1960, the people of Khaatumo were for Somali unity & it will stay that way forever. Around that time, the Khaatumo people along with other Somalis founded USP (United Somali party) and that name should give you some insight into what they stood for.


    Next time you bring forward another false claim, do back it with evidence. It is quite petty to continuously tell lies.