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Posts posted by Nugul

  1. yaa tahay;683990 wrote:
    do u know what is really worrying? ppl who say we r moslims but dont believe in the existence of Allah...


    thats worrying qofkaas oo kalena inuu tawbad keeno ayaa loo qaatay oo diinta islaamka soo galo before its too late



    This person is quite strange. halkee masjidkaa u qabataa abayo. I would like to meet with you.

  2. yaa tahay;683993 wrote:
    teeda kale whats the point of praying if u r unsure about the existence of Allah??


    walee cajiib baanu aragnay she is telling us 'maybe Allah doesnt exist but i will pray' WHATS THE POINT??? mise sanab baad utukataa???





    and what is your point of emphasizing my kufri? would you like me not to pray at all? not to come over here and talk about what is bothering me, so I can hear what others have to say??


    ma la yabayo somalida is disha just because one think the other is just kafir. waa adi oo kale. maxaa keeney ma sanabey u tukataa??


    maad fahmi kan sanabka caabuda inuu aaminsan yahey jiritaanka Ilaahey laakin ku qaldan yahay inuu sanabka dhigo ilaahey.


    waan kugula talin either badal sida ila hadlaysaa or quit from this thread.

  3. I do not mean to offend anyone, but I feel that we are not very thoughtful people. We use adjectives to describe others as long as they do not fit in our describtion of 'Islam'. The word Kufar is used quite often and so loosely. This is worrying runtee!


    Ifind quite putting off when anyone can finger point at the other 'you Kufar'., just to halaleys the blood of the other. Bloody Somalis.

  4. I kept seeing numbers (same numbers) in my dreams: 21, 22 & 24.


    I know it is not good to interpret dreams and markaan hore I never sought dream interpretation. But this time, I would be interested to hear your views. I am bored.

  5. To be honest with you, I feel I wish I got married when I was in my early 20's because having career is not guaranteed, and time goes very fast. You might reach 30 while still struggling to build a career. Unless you are tranning to be a doctor or something, I would suggest if you meet the right person do not wait. After all, it is good to have a companion (of the opposite sex). Just make sure the person is someone who would not hold you back. I know sisters who fell into a trap. If the person is willing to help you to persue your other life goals, you would be able to 'have it all'.


    Other thing that I can say is that you cannot really say 'oh I am ready for marriage'. I would say the yoounger you are the better. In that case you just grow up with the person.

  6. Ismalura, thanks sister/abayo. I remember you were one of those listened to me in another thread without judging me. The thread since disappeared before I was able to thank you.


    Re: your advice of not sharing this with the guy has been appreciated. That was very wise of you.

  7. Bashiir and yaa tahey,


    I understand what you are saying, but both cases cannot be applied to someone who has doubts about God's existence. The prophet taught towheed (the monotheism) to Arab polytheists. They were believers in higher existence anyway.

    What if the person doubts the existence of hereafter, would you advise that person not to mourn for worldly things? No, and that has been my problem.

  8. Malika;682543 wrote:
    ^Edit your post dear - it was Khadija RA - a lot to be learned from her.



    Sorry sister, have not been able to edit that, but luckly your post is right next to my post, it would been seen by anyone. Thanks for the correction.

  9. 5,


    No need to apologize, I can indeed see that you were trying to be helpful. I was a bit sensitive about it.



    I am really grateful to all of you who wrote here, and believe me I took comfort of everything you have written here.

  10. I am not ready this to get personall. I read everything that has beEN SAID SO FAR AND AM TAKING IT INTO CONSIDERATION,








  11. 5;683041 wrote:
    I think that's perfectly normal.


    Everybody has had doubts and then you either overcome your doubts and become a stronger believer or not.

    But what I do think is a little worrying is your feelings of ungratefulness. You say it's because you fear you might be infertile. Although that alone should have been enough, you talked about having been treated badly by Asian Muslims in your university years and having asked for many things in past. It kind of sounded like you were still feeling a little resentful about that. Just throwing this out, but did it ever occur to your mind that you might have just been a generally ungrateful person? And that because of general ungratefulness, hard things kept happening? I would say learn to be grateful. Force yourself if you have to. Write down each day 20 things you are grateful for and thank God for them. If you don't want to do it, remember that it's a choice and you are choosing to stay ungrateful. It's the blocking brick, get rid of it so God's kindness might reach you.

    Well, it sounds to me you are the only person who took out of context the mention of Asian Muslims and their treatment towards me. Whether that was something to be grateful for or not, it was a point that mentioned in relation to the damage that isolation has had on me (wondering if what I am experiencing is much related to the mental damage caused by those lonely years). My post is expressed well so cannot understand what made you wrote this comment.


    As for whether I am a grateful person or not, you cannot tell that just because I am expressing some worries and desires. I would not mind being reminded of to be grateful for what I have already (as some already did), but your self-righteousness is uncalled for and certainly not welcomed.

  12. I do not think so. Hadaa waan tukadey i am still sitting on the mat, but i am stil unsure about god. waan qabaa both Westren and somali/islamic education.


    i do not want anymore discussion, i have to deal with it. qof ma i fahmi karo. I have to deal with this with my own ways.

  13. Thank you all, your efforts and time are really appretiated. If I am being thruthful, this is the first time that I had doubts. Similar thoughts came into my head 5 or 6 years ago. I lived on my own....stopped praying, but fasted Ramadan. Then slowly I restarted praying and became stronger. I had no problems whatsoever, it just happened.

    Now I just miss prayers for no apparent reasons. I would pray asar then miss Maghrib.


    True I am an anxious person ( not so in the future) but about anything. For example, if I fail to help someone, I worried about that for months to come;if I gave advice someone I would be thinking all day whether that was the right thing to say etc.




    ma hanaqsanahey God? yes, I do. Aniga I live in dunya not in akherah. i am trying to get ready for hereafter but, whatabout if there is no akhirah? I thought in Islam we can love dunya as much as we should work for akhirah, so I do not see anything wrong with me feeling sad about this dunya.

  14. Of course, it is an achievement to complete your Degree, but whether it helps to get better jobs is another matter. I graduated years ago with upper-second class (2.1) from a prestigious university, but this did not lead to an employment. I also have few A levels and 5 GCSEs. I sometimes get frustrated with all those certificates; the time spent on studying not to mention the loan that I still have to pay back (I ended up £9000 in debt). Now, I work as a Sales Assistant in the M&S. Perhaps my area is quite competitive and is white-male dominated field. My name just puts them off.

  15. Gosh.........God, authoritarianism?? He does as He pleases?



    I am a Muslim obviously and willing to remain as such I am just having problems (from now and then). I am doubting my mental status even.

    Anyhow, I just want to say something outloud to hear myself and see what others have to say, but I am not getting anywhere with this. How can I ask the moderators to delete this thread so I do not have to worry about what others contributing it have to say. I do not want any misunderstanding here.

  16. Qandalawi;682795 wrote:
    This word was abused and abused again and again and still is being abused by the secessionist elites and now this young was thinking its cool to use for SSDF.



    SSDF were not Mujaahideen, they were one of the rebel movements in Somalia like many and was for maily the clans of Puntland as did the other clans, it was a transition moment and we have long passed that stage.






    Absolutly. You said it.

  17. You have good memories of Somalia. I was about 11 and half when the war started in Mogadishu. I remember a lot of things. I went back last year 2009 though I could not visit Mogadishu, the place of my birth for obvious reasons, I went to Garowe, Hargeysa, Gabiley then to the south I visited Balabhawa, Ellwak and Kismayo (yes, Kismyo !).


    I had one Somali song that I love a lot on my headphone ( Arligeyga). Soomalia is beautiful. People inside Somalia are less clanist than those abroad.

  18. Thanks you all, I understand all what you are saying, and in fact that is my basic knowledge of Islam. I do not know whether I am going completly mad/mental or just an ungrateful creature, but I am sure that I am having problems in believing in God. I have been trying to shake off that for a while but it just gets stronger and stronger. Ma ka tagayo xijabka because waan u bartey lakin ma u maleynayo in qalbigeyga uu moslim yahey.

    anyway, wahan rabaa in threadkan la delet-gareyo just in case it causes problems for others.

  19. Thanks sister, the problem is not that I am not practising Muslim. I studied the Quran and Hadiths ( in badan) and used to be very strick Muslim and stil am, except my heart. I lived on my own since I was 18 before I met my husband 3 years ago. Those ten years damaged my well-being as I was so isolated and harly had contactes with Somalis. Even the Unversity I went was full of white middle-class people and few Asians who even though were Muslims themselves, were quite racist towards me.


    Anyhow, I asked God many times to ease things for me. And when my husband finally came along I was already exhausted mentally. Then now, I fear about what if it is me with the problem of not having children? he would leave me for another woman. How would that make me feel? I rather him to leave now than later. so spare me some emotions.


    God is powerful I believe but why he is not answering my prayers, walahi I ask myself those questions without telling this my husband.