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Posts posted by Somaligoodfella

  1. Did someone said who cares about the Somali youth. MY GODNESS. What We have here is youth Somali generation that possible facing a huge disaster in their way of life. (scary) but what really frights me is this. PICTURE THE CHILDREN THIS YOUTH WILL HAVE. (next generation) total devastation. I am a member of organization, which was informed by few college student. Now we have a large number of college student members. Our main goal is not to judge our youth just because they talk or walk different ways but to educate them and give them a moral support. We put a lot of young dropout Somalis back to school and some of the into colleges. So if anyone is interesting of how to approach the Somali youth. Please contact me.

  2. Blame not the kids. Blame not the parents. Wait a minute, then who should we blame. US yes us. See when we were growing up our parents already accomplished their goals in life. so it was accepted for us to follow their foot steps. Everybody around you were almost perfect. Now in America the kids are surrounded by so many negative obsession the kids have to make a choice of who they crown to be their role models. Is it going to be my parent. A mother who doesn’t speak English and a father who is also lost and too busy discussing politics in fort of Donut Shop. OR is it going to be those boys that smoke, drink, half of their pants on the floor, have no concern about education, and so on. well they chose those guys because they say those guys at lease have some girls. (they cool). The fact is I work with this type of Somali youth. I have not met one single Somali kid who doesn’t wanna change his life style and belief me they are a good kids. It is on us (the blamers) to reach out for our youth.

  3. Dear SlenderGIRL, it is relatively normal to feel little displease with yourself sometimes. Don’t we all. but the reality is, There are millions of men who are attractive to a woman with small chest and I happen to be one of them. Implants is not optional for you cuz baby you are already beautiful. ( new guy on the block

  4. Greetings Gentlemen. For somehow I came a crossed your CD promotion and quite frankly you Gentlemen grabbed my attention with no trouble. Although I have not heard the complete album yet, but so far so good. And I belief one of the fact that impresses me the most is that the clean terminology that employed in your CD. I just don’t tolerate Ignorant. I personally have been eyewitness a lot of great live performances, people like; Big, P. diddy, Jay –z, Nas, DMX, Fox brown, …. So Gentlemen I recognize greatness one I see one and I enormously sure about you. By the way, I am Somali college student who lives in Atlanta Georgia. And happened to be a promoter for only Somalis. so how about Atlanta guys, and always remember the negative feedback you getting from of us, it comes with the package. Good job Gentlemen.