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Posts posted by Gorgeous

  1. Originally posted by Section6er:

    quote:Originally posted by Gorgeous:



    You don't know what.. your language???


    So me knowing my language makes me smart?

    Not at all... They were 2 different comments.. but knowing your language is a lot better then not knowing it..

  2. Originally posted by Section6er:

    Thus every Qs asked by a somalian somali would be followed by an answer of SUJUI! Which simple means i dont know.....



    You don't know what.. your language???



  3. Originally posted by The Flipmode..:

    [ I talked about Confidence.I opened this thread with confidence..If not confidence ..then what?

    Ask yourself why Sijuis are:


    Better educated

    More Romantic/beautiful..with a cartoonized forhead which looks nice anyway.

    More respectful..

    I'm considered "Suju" (a term I don't even like) and I honestly believe that you opened this thread with ignorance. Can I ask you a question, I want you to honestly sit down and think of where the term "Suju" came from... Thought about it.. get it yet.. Well if you haven't let me tell you.. "SuJu" comes from the term Sijui or Mi'si'jui which means "not knowing" or i don't know.. a term in which ignorant somalis gave other ignorant somalis who whole heartedly accepted it.. To be Sujui in theory means to not know your culture or your language, and i still dont' understand why you acknowledge it and accept it.. That was my first point..

    Secondly, even if this term was appropriate ( which it isn't ).. Your making them sound like they are of a whole different culture/race even down to their physical character (forhead)... How is it possible for them to be so different... and yet again come on a site whose whole purpose is to unite somali's and come on and not only insult yourself and your family but seperate people... Truly not needed..


    My comment wasn't directed to offend you or insult you, it was merely to show how I percieve things..

  4. Originally posted by xamar87weyne:


    Mama I dedicate my life for you, it’s


    My mind, my spirit and soul, my heart


    Its very endearing and thoughtful for you to write a poem about your mother. I LOVED IT... but that was my favourite line.. I think your very talented abowe.. Keep up the good stuff..

  5. Originally posted by juba:

    this is the way i see it. do i really want to marry a non-somali and have mixed children that don't know anything about somali culture and language because by then i would have forgotten it myself??




    Marriage isn't about love for us somali women its about the continuation of a dying culture!

    Juba.. I agree with you but up to a point... I do believe that marriage in part is a continuation of a dying culture. I'm somali and i'm proud to be somali, therefore why would I take that away from my children, by having them raised in any other way. No one misunderstand my point i personally do not have a problem with inter-racial marriages because skin colour isn't what defines a person. But for myself i still hold on to the belief that yes, there are still good somali brothers out there, and its to one of them that i would like to end up with...and it is here where we part juba.. I ultimately believe in love.. not in love at first sight thats just lust.. but I believe that I could and I will LOVE the father of my children.

  6. Originally posted by Haniif:

    Why don't they respect themselves and attempt to keep their dignity as human beings?

    Unfortunately Haniif I didn't know that we measure our success as women and as individuals in todays society by our weight or appearances. I was taught that we should be measured by our CHARACTER not our size, and I still stick to that thought very strongly. Me being a Somali female having grown up in the western world has opened up my eyes to obesity and health issues of that sort, but I ask you dear Haniif why a fellow somali brother such as yourself can't phrase the question as a health issue rather than one that insults and degrades women in the process.. Or was that the real purpose in this forum