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Posts posted by UrSisterInIslam

  1. Such a Shame really, to see you somalis acting this way. May Allah bless the mujahideen ameen.


    For the ones who have nothing else to say other then to bash those who wanted wave the the Flag of Islam, Remember that what Somalia needs is Islam, and not nationalism. I support anyone who reminds me of the day u and I will be laid back to earth.


    I also suggest that u dont insult Muslims, if you want to lick the boots of western secular governments go ahead and support them. Somalia is a Muslim land, and should have its own shariah government. Not another US boot licking puppet. We all know what the end of puppets are...

  2. Re: US Strikes Somalia!




    Somalia Land of Islam

    People of strong iman

    Somalia graveyard of the crusaders

    Who never learn from their past mistakes


    They came in 93

    To bring peace, justice and democracy

    And were despatched in pieces

    After they were exposed for their hypocrisy

    Uranium and other resources was the motive



    Now they are using proxies

    Ethiopians and So called Somali’s

    Puppets and traitors

    Slaves once more

    Like before

    This time paid

    To raid their own kind

    No dignity or honour


    US is clever

    Bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan

    No more land invasions

    Maybe they learnt their lesson

    Not to mess with Muslims


    Divide and conquer

    Weaken and annihilate

    Back to their old ways

    Old tactics renewed

    While the Muslims continue to

    Fight with small arms

    Hitting and running

    And blowing up using their own bodies


    US aware

    Full of fear

    Refusing to land troops

    Coz they remember Black Hawk down


    Mujahideen say

    Crusaders welcome

    To the land of glory and Islam

    People full of dignity and Taqwa


    Islam reached here before Medina


    Ready to die in Jihad

    Than submit and be humiliated

    Motivated and ready


    My dear Somali brothers

    Forget the divisions of tribalism

    Tool of jahaliyah and shaytan

    West’s biggest weapon

    More powerful than a nuclear bomb

    More Somalis died

    And many widows and orphans cried

    Coz of tribalism


    Leave this evil

    And unite as brothers

    Inter-marry and kill it for good

    Unite and repel the occupation


    Otherwise u will be enslaved forever


    Instead of walking

    U will be kneeling

    And bowing

    To the US and its allies


    Horn of Africa

    Land of Islam

    Able to inspire the ummah

    And put fear in the hearts of the enemy


    Your ancestors were mujihideen

    Proud and noble

    Live up to their glories

    Against invaders like the Italians

    Don’t collaborate or condemn your brothers

    Islam brought order

    While kufr and tribalism brings disorder


    You’ve seen it in the past

    Don’t make the same mistake twice

    May Allah help u and give u the victory

    Establish Islamic rule in state and society.


  3. Bismilah

    Asalamalikum Preedy


    Dear Sister, I just wanted to remind you that committing zina is horrible sin in Islam and that you should start repenting while you are still breathing and living. There will come a day when you will have to face your lord, please don't wait until that day.


    I also advice you to turn back to your beautiful religion. Believe me there is nothing else in this world, whether human or otherwise that can offer you the peace and tranquility that Islam can.


    This man has not done you anything good. He took your honour and dignity. and voilated you as a woman. So please try to forget him, and fear Allah.


    Allah has warned us in the Quraan about Zina, it's considered a grave sin, and breads very scarry punishments here on earth and the hereafter if one doesn't repent from it.


    Repentance from Zina


    Ibn Abbaas (RAA) said: There is no major sin if one asks for forgiveness, and there is no minor sin if one persists in repeating it.


    So if one wants to repent from having made the great sin of Zina he should remember these 4 things..


    1) Do not despair, for Allah the Most Exalted and Glorified said in the Quran "Say: Oh my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins; for He is oft-forgiving, most merciful." [surah 39, Verse 53]


    2) Let your repentance be truly from your heart, and stay away from all sources of temptations. Also, perform many good deeds, as good deeds abrogate the bad ones.


    3)If you repent to Allah, you are no longer described as a fornicator (zaani). Therefore, you can marry a chaste man or woman.


    4) The believer has high hope and aspiration for the best from Allah. He not only asks Allah for making his punishment easy in hellfire, but he also prays to Allah the Almighty to save him from Hell and award him with paradise for his repentance and good deeds.

  4. Bismilah



    Khadija (ra) asked if Rasululah (saw) would marry her. smile.gif


    It requires strength to do that, but I think the man should be worth it first.


    Or you could always ask indirectly? Usually Brother's who fear Allah and who really want a future with a Sister they believe is really worth marrying to, they usually pop the question early on.

  5. Bismilah



    I am sorry if I posted this in an inappropiate forum. The reason I did this,is to attract inshaAllah muslim's who practise their Islam:)


    I am also planning to take part in the Islam Section:)


    MashaAllah it's my favorite area smile.gif

  6. Bismilah



    How's everyone? InshaAllah everyone is in good health I hope.


    I am new to this site:)


    I was hoping to find some Somali friends (Sisters) here from Missouri/Columbia or even St Luis. I have recently moved to the state of Missouri,City: Columbia. I've been to the mosque twice so far I still haven't seen anyone who's close to my age nor anyone from Somalia.


    I thought to register at this site and see if I find someone to talk to:) InshaAllah


    May Allah reward u all for taking ur time to read this



    -UPonGuidence- smile.gif