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Posts posted by Ur_Sista_Muna

  1. lulla sis u took thoses words out of my mouth, here i was reading wat ms_paradise is sayin n i was like hmmmmmm how do i put it, maturity has nothing to do with age but it all depends on a lot of things in your life e.g wat kinda ppl you are around, ppl older than you etc.


    anywaz if you didnt get wat im sayin i 99.9% agree with lulla!!!



  2. lulla sis u took thoses words out of my mouth, here i was reading wat ms_paradise is sayin n i was like hmmmmmm how do i put it, maturity has nothing to do with age but it all depends on a lot of things in your life e.g wat kinda ppl you are around, ppl older than you etc.


    anywaz if you didnt get wat im sayin i 99.9% agree with lulla!!!



  3. Hey Zoom!


    I know wat u mean been there done that! i was in ur shoes sometime ago (glad its over).


    But for one day only i tryed this drug called PRO-PLUS it certainly doesnt make you work harder but it sure does keep you awake which helps alittle to do some serious work. but after the first night da next night i experiences some serious side effects that i just could not handle and i throw the whole pack!!!

    i look bk at them time n how stressed i was lol the funny thing about this pro-plus tablets is when u do take it n ur wide awake n u manage to write a whole load of things n u think thank allah! i know wat am doin n im on da right track but in fact ur not ur written a whole load of shit! lol

    im not advicing you to try it but if you do you read bk to wat you wrote!!! n c how hard you laugh!!!


    so wat im sayin now is try to take it easy and try to spilt your hours doing ur assisgments havin a lil break than go bk to it but wat ever you do make sure you try to sleep for a couple of hours or else you will regret it beleive me!!!


    hope i aleast hepled you a lil.



  4. Hey Zoom!


    I know wat u mean been there done that! i was in ur shoes sometime ago (glad its over).


    But for one day only i tryed this drug called PRO-PLUS it certainly doesnt make you work harder but it sure does keep you awake which helps alittle to do some serious work. but after the first night da next night i experiences some serious side effects that i just could not handle and i throw the whole pack!!!

    i look bk at them time n how stressed i was lol the funny thing about this pro-plus tablets is when u do take it n ur wide awake n u manage to write a whole load of things n u think thank allah! i know wat am doin n im on da right track but in fact ur not ur written a whole load of shit! lol

    im not advicing you to try it but if you do you read bk to wat you wrote!!! n c how hard you laugh!!!


    so wat im sayin now is try to take it easy and try to spilt your hours doing ur assisgments havin a lil break than go bk to it but wat ever you do make sure you try to sleep for a couple of hours or else you will regret it beleive me!!!


    hope i aleast hepled you a lil.



  5. Salaam to all my sisters and brothers.


    i just wanted to share this with u all! i find it amazing.


    "You know Allaah, Yet you do not obey Him,


    You recite the Qur'aan, Yet do not act according to it,


    You know Shaitaan(Devil), Yet you have agreed with him,


    You proclaim that you love the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Yet you abandon his Sunnah,


    You proclaim your love for Paradise, Yet you do not act to gain it,


    You proclaim your fear for the Fire, Yet you do not prevent yourselves from sins,


    You say "Indeed death is true", Yet you have not prepared for it,


    You engage yourselves with finding faults with others, Yet you do not look at your faults,


    You eat of that which Allah has provided for you, Yet you do not thank Him,


    You bury your dead, Yet you do not take a lesson from it."


    thanx all for readin it, hope u all enjoyed readin it as much as i did! just by reading this opened my eyes a bit more wider and i hope it will do the same for you all INSHALLAH



  6. Salaam to u all!


    I believe Life is too short as u all know!

    and think we must all try to think ISLAM, breath ISLAM, act ISLAM and n most of all live ISLAM!


    ISLAM is my LIFE! without that gift, i would be nothing.


    Islam is the highest form of thanks we can give to ALLAH All praise is due to ALLAH only the mistakes have been mine.


    thanx all


  7. Salaam all my beautiful sisters.


    Age 3: Looks at herself and sees a Queen!


    Age 8: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty.


    Age 15: Looks at herself and sees herself as Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty/Cheerleader, or if she is PMS-ing: sees Fat/Pimples/UGLY

    ("Mom, I can't go to school looking like this!")


    Age 20: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly"-but decides she's going anyway.


    Age 30: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly"-but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's going anyway.


    Age 40: Looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly"-but says, "At least I'm clean" and goes anyway.


    Age 50: Looks at herself and sees "I am" and goes wherever she wants to go.


    Age 60: Looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Goes out and conquers the world.


    Age 70: Looks at herself & sees wisdom, laughter and ability, goes out and enjoys life.


    Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world.




    Everyone needs to be told they're great so here's to YOU! To an exceptionally beautiful woman! The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen within her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole. But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows!




    thanx all



  8. i dnt know wat is my sisters but i got a ting about tall men i like it!!!

    hmmmmm n also like barwaaqo said a goate a find that any man who has dat is so cute.

    oh oh n its also got 2 b da lips not chapped dry ones that is such a turnoff!!! (i admit i like men who lick der lips i dnt know wat it is!

    like (LL cool J).



  9. let him marry another women HELL NO!LOL


    I believe it all depends on wat kinda relationship u have with ur partner is it strong enough 4 him not 2 look 4 another.

    i mean i know inshallah i will share wat ever i got to give to my husband n he should b willin 2 do da same. so therefore y would he want to even look at another woman! i just pray 4 da future when i do get married i dnt have to worry about dis n if it will happen to me N IF I WOULD LET IT HAPPEN n in some cases da women dnt HAVE A CHOICE BUT TO LIVE N DEAL WITH DA MATTER.


    hope i made sense!


  10. well first of all i beleive anything is POSSIBLE IN DIS WORLD!

    so may b yes ppl can truly fall in luv through da net, but who can really say it true luv it could b lust. i have had friends who THOUGHT they did but in fact was actually no where near luv! all we can do as human beings is never trust ppl to easily or u might just get hurt quicker than u think!!!



  11. salaam to u all!


    n thanx 4 ur lovely replys, sorry i didnt thank u guyz earlier i was to busy with things i didnt get a chance but here i am now.


    n thanx jawahiir 4 da warm welcome to somaliaonline its a pleasure bein ere!!!


    inshallah im hopin to get a bit more involoved n start written alot of stuff but plz dnt hold me 2 dat promise! lol nah inshallah i will im known 4 keepin promises.


    i think dats enough said 4 2day till next time my sisters n brothers who im sure will b curious in readin dis discussion on (beauty tips).



  12. Salaam to u all


    I got dis sent to my e-mail by a friend of mine n i wanna pass it on 2 u all. hope u all enjoy readin it as much as i did!


    La ilaha illal lahu Muhammadur

    rasulul lah




    Allah is The Greatest ,




    Do you want to get the reward of complete Qiyaam ul Leil? The MSAWS said" Whoever prays Ishaa in a Jamaa (congregation) (gets the rewards) equivalent to an all night prayer"


    Do you want to load your good deeds balance? The MSAWS said " Two words, soft in their tone (speech), (yet) accounting heavily on the good deeds balance, (they are) Subhaan Allah wa bihamdih, Subhaana Allah al adheem)


    Do you want good income and longevity? The MSAWS said " Anyone who would be pleased to find good sustenance and long life, let him/her stay in touch with his/relatives".


    Do you want Allah to love to meet you? " The MSAWS said " Anyone who loves to meet Allah, Allahloves to meet him"


    Do you want Allah to protect you " The MSAWS said " Anyone who prayes Subh (Fajr) prayer is in the protection of Allah"


    Do you want forgiveness for all your sins? The MSAWS said " Anyone who says (SubhaanaAllah, wa bihamdih) hundred times in a day, his sins are dismissed, even if they are as abundant as the oceans bubbles"


    Do you want to distance your face away from hell ? The MSAWS said " Whoever fasts a day for the sake of Allah, Allah places his face seventy years away from hell fire"


    Do you want Allah to have mercy on you? The MSAWS said " Anyone who makes Salaat on my soul (seeking mercy), Allah makes Salaat on his soul ( gives mercy) ten times"


    Do you want to move up in life? The MSAWS said, " No one ever humbled him/herself, that Allah has not elevated him/her in prestige and social stature"


    And Finally,


    Do you want to know your place in the day of judgement?


    The answer is simple, The level of attention you pay to Allah's requirements will determine the

    place Allah has reserved for you in the day of judgement. The more diligent you are, the higher your rank in akhirah, the more careless you are, the lower the rank you are placed, so low some people fall, Allah calls them animals, because in the day of judgment they see how animals have no lasting punishment and they wish they were like animals.


    So place Allah's duties highest on your agenda, Allah will place you in a high rank, possibly

    with the prophets, martyrs, saalixeen, and those Allah has favored in the day of judgement.


    Al Mutanabee, the famous Arab poet, says " Wa lam ara fee alnaasi cayban, ka naqsil qaadiriina calal tamaami" Meaning, " I have not seen a worse shame (defect) in people, like the failure of those who are able to fulfil (their duties)"





  13. Salaam to u all


    i saw dis article in islamway.com n thought it would b useful to share it with my sisters n brothers. hope u all find it useful to read!


    First: When a Muslim hears the call for prayer, he should rise up to the remembrance of Allah and not let anything take him away from answering that call. The Lord SWT said: In houses that Allah ordered to be built and His name to be mentioned in them mornings and nights, men who are not diverted by trade or selling from the Remembrance of Allah, pray, give alms, fear a day where hearts and eyesight’s are diverted in all directions. (24:36-37)


    Second: The Internet is a way for communication that is considered a double-edged weapon. When it provides benefit, it becomes a gift. And when it provides evil, it becomes a disgrace. Muslim should use the good side of this facility to serve his religion and life, rather than its evil side that corrupts his religion and life.

    Third: It’s very important for internet users to protect their eyes from falling on prohibited scenes. The prohibited scene is considered Satan’s arrow, his weapon that he uses to spoil the Muslims heart by offering immediate pleasure, followed by long lasting feelings of remorse and regret. Watching scenes that Allah prohibited causes darkness in the heart, gloominess in the chest and heaviness and reluctance to perform actions of worshiping Allah. It deprives the soul of enjoying the sweetness of deep faith. By all means it is a tool that Satan uses to sugar coat sins with, and the moment one falls in this trap, Satan takes complete control of his heart, and play with it like a young boy who plays with a ball. The end is always a fatal loss.


    Fourth: Don’t let the internet consume your effort and time for no value. That happens when you navigate between the various sites and online groups for long hours. You waste your precious lifetime hours. That time that you should devote for people like your family, parents, children and relatives, or for your job where you earn the living for you and your dependants.


    Fifth: Visit the Islamic Sites frequently. Visit the useful sites that add to your useful information, and widens up your scales of knowledge. Stay away from the sites that promote corruption to Belief or Morals, those groups that seek the spread of Fitnah or controversy, even if this is over religious issues. Bad controversy is of no avail. Don’t interfere in conversations with the enemies of Islam unless you have the necessary knowledge and power that enables you to handle this task. And if not, ask a scholar to handle it instead.


    Sixth: Take caution against the chatting sites. They are traps for males and females to drag them into a prohibited relationship, which often starts by an innocent introduction and end up in mere pain and causes damage to life and faith.


    Seventh: Its either you control or you get controlled by the trap of the internet. If you put it under your control, you take its benefit and shed away its harm. Hence Internet becomes a gift from Allah for your welfare. And if you fall under its control, it blurs your eyes with its glittering charm and temporary pleasures, steals your money, time, life and the duties your have towards your family and beloved ones. You become the prey without being aware of it. Save yourself from this trap before you are lost, and before it is too late.




  14. Salaam to u all


    i saw dis article in islamway.com n thought it would b useful to share it with my sisters n brothers. hope u all find it useful to read!


    First: When a Muslim hears the call for prayer, he should rise up to the remembrance of Allah and not let anything take him away from answering that call. The Lord SWT said: In houses that Allah ordered to be built and His name to be mentioned in them mornings and nights, men who are not diverted by trade or selling from the Remembrance of Allah, pray, give alms, fear a day where hearts and eyesight’s are diverted in all directions. (24:36-37)


    Second: The Internet is a way for communication that is considered a double-edged weapon. When it provides benefit, it becomes a gift. And when it provides evil, it becomes a disgrace. Muslim should use the good side of this facility to serve his religion and life, rather than its evil side that corrupts his religion and life.

    Third: It’s very important for internet users to protect their eyes from falling on prohibited scenes. The prohibited scene is considered Satan’s arrow, his weapon that he uses to spoil the Muslims heart by offering immediate pleasure, followed by long lasting feelings of remorse and regret. Watching scenes that Allah prohibited causes darkness in the heart, gloominess in the chest and heaviness and reluctance to perform actions of worshiping Allah. It deprives the soul of enjoying the sweetness of deep faith. By all means it is a tool that Satan uses to sugar coat sins with, and the moment one falls in this trap, Satan takes complete control of his heart, and play with it like a young boy who plays with a ball. The end is always a fatal loss.


    Fourth: Don’t let the internet consume your effort and time for no value. That happens when you navigate between the various sites and online groups for long hours. You waste your precious lifetime hours. That time that you should devote for people like your family, parents, children and relatives, or for your job where you earn the living for you and your dependants.


    Fifth: Visit the Islamic Sites frequently. Visit the useful sites that add to your useful information, and widens up your scales of knowledge. Stay away from the sites that promote corruption to Belief or Morals, those groups that seek the spread of Fitnah or controversy, even if this is over religious issues. Bad controversy is of no avail. Don’t interfere in conversations with the enemies of Islam unless you have the necessary knowledge and power that enables you to handle this task. And if not, ask a scholar to handle it instead.


    Sixth: Take caution against the chatting sites. They are traps for males and females to drag them into a prohibited relationship, which often starts by an innocent introduction and end up in mere pain and causes damage to life and faith.


    Seventh: Its either you control or you get controlled by the trap of the internet. If you put it under your control, you take its benefit and shed away its harm. Hence Internet becomes a gift from Allah for your welfare. And if you fall under its control, it blurs your eyes with its glittering charm and temporary pleasures, steals your money, time, life and the duties your have towards your family and beloved ones. You become the prey without being aware of it. Save yourself from this trap before you are lost, and before it is too late.




  15. Salaam every1 I saw this article in islamway.com n thought to share it with all my sisters n brothers internet users.


    First: When a Muslim hears the call for prayer, he should rise up to the remembrance of Allah and not let anything take him away from answering that call. The Lord SWT said: In houses that Allah ordered to be built and His name to be mentioned in them mornings and nights, men who are not diverted by trade or selling from the Remembrance of Allah, pray, give alms, fear a day where hearts and eyesight’s are diverted in all directions. (24:36-37)


    Second: The Internet is a way for communication that is considered a double-edged weapon. When it provides benefit, it becomes a gift. And when it provides evil, it becomes a disgrace. Muslim should use the good side of this facility to serve his religion and life, rather than its evil side that corrupts his religion and life.

    Third: It’s very important for internet users to protect their eyes from falling on prohibited scenes. The prohibited scene is considered Satan’s arrow, his weapon that he uses to spoil the Muslims heart by offering immediate pleasure, followed by long lasting feelings of remorse and regret. Watching scenes that Allah prohibited causes darkness in the heart, gloominess in the chest and heaviness and reluctance to perform actions of worshiping Allah. It deprives the soul of enjoying the sweetness of deep faith. By all means it is a tool that Satan uses to sugar coat sins with, and the moment one falls in this trap, Satan takes complete control of his heart, and play with it like a young boy who plays with a ball. The end is always a fatal loss.


    Fourth: Don’t let the internet consume your effort and time for no value. That happens when you navigate between the various sites and online groups for long hours. You waste your precious lifetime hours. That time that you should devote for people like your family, parents, children and relatives, or for your job where you earn the living for you and your dependants.


    Fifth: Visit the Islamic Sites frequently. Visit the useful sites that add to your useful information, and widens up your scales of knowledge. Stay away from the sites that promote corruption to Belief or Morals, those groups that seek the spread of Fitnah or controversy, even if this is over religious issues. Bad controversy is of no avail. Don’t interfere in conversations with the enemies of Islam unless you have the necessary knowledge and power that enables you to handle this task. And if not, ask a scholar to handle it instead.


    Sixth: Take caution against the chatting sites. They are traps for males and females to drag them into a prohibited relationship, which often starts by an innocent introduction and end up in mere pain and causes damage to life and faith.


    Seventh: Its either you control or you get controlled by the trap of the internet. If you put it under your control, you take its benefit and shed away its harm. Hence Internet becomes a gift from Allah for your welfare. And if you fall under its control, it blurs your eyes with its glittering charm and temporary pleasures, steals your money, time, life and the duties your have towards your family and beloved ones. You become the prey without being aware of it. Save yourself from this trap before you are lost, and before it is too late.


    hope u enjoyed readin it!

