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Posts posted by Fouzia_Bella

  1. hey guys...

    i wanted to know what is your input on skin lightening. alot of girls use diana, what are the harmful effects effect? i hear so many horror stories about it but i dont know for sure if they are just myths or actually true.

    i have a friend who's considering it, and i dont want her to do it only because of the things i heard. she's not dark, she's caramel complextion but she says she wants to use it to blend her stretch marks by lightening her skin so that it's not as noticable....does that work? what are the effects in the long run?

    this is an interesting topic for me, and i would really appreciate your sincere inputs and advice.

    thank you.

  2. hey Il Capo

    yea, it's me again. you're poems are so touching and you are one very talented brother. there aren't that many of you out there and only god knows how hard it is to find a good man.

    i just wanted to say that there are so many gurls out there that would love to be in 'Maliaka's' shoes in a heart beat. it seems to me that this is a relationship that didnt work out, and i can totally understand you put so much energy and time into it which makes it harder to let go. but you cant just dwel on the past. you have to move on, and i am pretty sure you'll find someone as good as this mystery gurl or even better. things happen for a reason, i believe in faith, so maybe there is a good reason why it didnt work out for you. there's plenty of fish in the sea my firend, and there are a few good men out there, just make sure you don't get ripped apart by girls fighting over you.

  3. ok, call me a hopeless romantic, or sensitive, or a sissy, but oh my god! that poem literarly brought tears to my eyes. as a poet you should be proud of yourself to have such an impact on a person. it was so sweet, and any woman who has you as her boyfriend, or even better, her husband should be HAPPY.

    i loved it. keep it up.

  4. You don’t discriminate

    You listen patiently and actually appreciate

    For the most part you broaden my horizons and educate

    Help me grow and allow me to collaborate

    Get all my frustrations out and deflate

    A positive experience every time we associate

    I soundlessly sit and anticipate

    While you fill my head with ideas and decorate

    With you, I am not frightened to demonstrate

    Or to even guess and estimate

    In view of the fact that you don’t argue and debate

    Ready to accommodate

    Fed my curiosity

    Extended my creativity

    Treated me with respect and integrity

    Never judged my intellectuality

    Nor questioned my ability

    In you, I have found confidence and confidentiality

    Held me down like gravity

    Provided me with a sense of clarity

    Valued my roots, culture, religion and nationality

    Didn’t abuse your authority

    Encouraged me as a black female minority

    Reassured of our compatibility

    I seal my eyes shut, and visualize

    The unjust world I constantly try to accessorize

    Sugar coat it and caramelize

    While some attempt to glamorize

    I know it’s not in your nature to criticize

    But to recognize

    Collect my thoughts and help me organize

    Words! I love to utilize

    Even if I am not in the mood to socialize

    You don’t terrorize

    But sooth and moisturize

    With you, I am everlastingly hypnotized

  5. What do I see when I think of you, honestly speaking, it ain’t picture perfect

    But lets talk a lil’ more and discuss this topic and how it’s affect has caused so much neglect and disrespect.

    It might get quite deep at a certain point of time but it’s something I need to get on paper and ink.

    Breath, let me think

    You claim that you care

    When you really scare

    They say you’re suppose to love, protect and nourish, but instead I see hatred and disgust

    In reality, you’re brutal and unjust

    In your eyes, I see evil and fear

    I always wondered to myself if you could ever be sincere

    But the same old curses and insensitive words I hear

    Sometimes I’d wish to my death bed I was near

    So I would no longer shed a single tear.

    It must really make you feel that much better to toy with my self-esteem

    Make me yell and scream only because you think you’re supreme

    Oh yes, you do love me, but everyone has their unique way of showing, your way must be the hard way


    Kick me and spite on me, no worries, remember I am just an insignificant tiny spec

    Brought into this world just to be, not only mentally but also physically wrecked

    Keep trying, maybe one day you’ll have the satisfaction of convincing me I was a mistake

    Oh god, I am trapped in a never ending nightmare, will I ever awake?

    You’re just a human imitation of a poisonous sneak

    Am I not a human being created by the all mighty Allah who deserves a peace of mind?

    One thing I know for certain is a peace of mind I will never find

    Especially around you

    All those nights I cried myself to bed, wishing the only person I loved more then life itself was still alive

    Laying wide awake in the middle of the night, even if the clock read five

    Will I ever survive?

    I never knew you can dislike someone so passionately

    Most of the time, trying to clutch on to ma sanity

    Stop comparing me to others, stop using my flaws to make me feel like dirt

    Only if you knew how much it hurt

    Sometimes you actually have me believing I certainly am worthless and pointless

    It hurts in the pit of my stomach to think how dumb and clueless

    You judge me to be,

    But on my behalf, I strongly disagree

    When I seal my eyes shut at night, I sleep with the screams in my ears

    As I doze off, my loved one appears

    And I am set free of all fears, that’s when I start to cheer

    When my eye lids part, I am brought back to reality, with the green eyed monster by my side

    i can run my fastest, yell ma loudest, but i can't no longer hide.

  6. wow! i guess you do learn something new everyday. that lil' paragraph about the car insurance is pretty interesting, i neva thought of it, and the credit card bills too.

    but with the cell phone retention offer i must say i came across that. i wasn't trying to cut a deal wit them or anything, i just simply called to disconnect ma phone becuase i did find a better deal wit another company(i was wit rogers at the time) but they ended up giving me an even better one...whoa, i couldn't believe it.

  7. mizz alpha soup...

    stoop to ma level? and what level would that be exactly? no need to get all rude and rowdy and gurl stop contrdicting your damn self.

    you ain't gonna turn this into tug and war but yet your'e here "trying" to trash talk me and ma opinions. iam not going to sit here and waste ma time on you and your nonsense. your'e the one talking about levels but gurl your'e a couple of levels below me cuz iam not going to sit here and bad talk you cuz i was taught betta than that and i got a lil something called "broughtopsy" meaning i was brought up right. after that being said, iam out.

  8. MIzz Alpha soup,

    gurl aint nobody trying to earn no brownie points up in here first of all lets get that streight, and secondly i don't agree wit what you posted up, plain and simple. i just thought that was an ignorant comment you made, saying "acudhu bilaahi mina sheydhani rajiim...plz delete that from your poem , before my eyes burn to this notion of chrisitianity that makes our muslim faith beg to differ", i mean what is up with that?

    all iam saying is you shouldn't be saying that, it's wrong. it seems to be that you enjoyed reading his poem up untill you came across that part,respect what other ppls beliefs are, their views, their opinions, ect..... and most of all treat ppl the way you would like to be treated. iam pretty sure you wouldn't like it very much if someone started bad talking muslims, would you? iam just wondering, why can't you impose your beliefs without putting another person down? as i see it, you are basically saying your'e right and he's wrong, that's the vibe i get from you.


    DEADLY VISSION, abowe, i expected more than that from you fo' real , i neva thought in a million years you would say something like "in reality, you're not ma brother" and "you would neva be a part of ma community". ouch!!!! you did disappoint me!

  9. MIzz Alpha soup,

    gurl aint nobody trying to earn no brownie points up in here first of all lets get that streight, and secondly i don't agree wit what you posted up, plain and simple. i just thought that was an ignorant comment you made, saying "acudhu bilaahi mina sheydhani rajiim...plz delete that from your poem , before my eyes burn to this notion of chrisitianity that makes our muslim faith beg to differ", i mean what is up with that?

    all iam saying is you shouldn't be saying that, it's wrong. it seems to be that you enjoyed reading his poem up untill you came across that part,respect what other ppls beliefs are, their views, their opinions, ect..... and most of all treat ppl the way you would like to be treated. iam pretty sure you wouldn't like it very much if someone started bad talking muslims, would you? iam just wondering, why can't you impose your beliefs without putting another person down? as i see it, you are basically saying your'e right and he's wrong, that's the vibe i get from you.


    DEADLY VISSION, abowe, i expected more than that from you fo' real , i neva thought in a million years you would say something like "in reality, you're not ma brother" and "you would neva be a part of ma community". ouch!!!! you did disappoint me!

  10. Mizz alpha whateva


    don't disrespect the brother like that, just cuz he ain't muslim don't give you the right to put down what he belives in. learn to respect all gurl, christiens, jews, johovas witness,'s not your place to judge and critisize.


    son_of_eve, keep up the good work!!!and like i said b4, keep spitting them poems out.

  11. Aaliyah....sweeheart that was know some ppl take things for granted and they sure as hell don't know what they have untill it is gone. thanx for sharing that touching poem, i enjoyed it, it nearly brought tears to ma eys.

  12. hey jasmine, gurl i hope you have fun here in toronto......


    me on the other hand, iam kinda stuck here since i decided to take the summa semester, but hopefully sometime in august iam hitting HOTLANTA aka ATL aka Atlanta.lllloooooolll

    iam lookin forward to it since i just turned 21 yester and iam legal there..lool :cool:

  13. orginaly posted by KING_450:


    "are you asking if it is ok to go out and date every man you encounter no matter what gender it is?"



    sweetheart, first of all iam not talking about dating, and secondly Men=Male, what do u mean by "dating a man no matter what gender it is"?????


    ....and YES i do agree witht the fact that we are all equal in the eyes of allah...iam not even trying to argue that!!but why do we try to remove ourselves from the other african? when refered to as "BLACK" why do we simply kump in and say "no iam no black, iam somali"??? aren't somalis black??????

  14., very interesting post, i wan't really expecting to get this many though.....hey jamall, you said be straight up right?blunt and straight forward, well it's easier said than done sweety! some of us don't have that kind of guts!!