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Posts posted by M-illa-tnt

  1. I would be weary of any GMO product. These coperation can do any kind of change they at the cell level.Sure they can make plant stronger and yeld bigger fruit. But that same fruits chemical make-up can be changed to poisen slowly or even kill. These people are trying to play God with his creations. They belive they can make a plant or animal better then the orginal creator. How silly and dangerous.

  2. Jamal your are right. But another reason might be that Russia and China just found vast oil reserves under Fur tribe land. They needed someone to move them so they could take it. Thats why they armed Jadwiyeen , now I think the only reason the U.S is even discussing this issue is they got cut out of the deal. The ruling tribe or so-called " arab Jadwiyeen" who are realy just as black as any somali were urged by the Russians and others to clear the land for. Thats why Powell and company are crying foul.

  3. Don't forget they would also beat u in the head with respect also. Thats the key for success in our culture the listen to your awoowo's good advice, and if u don't act right he will straighten u out with his ul. I think thats what we need back home all the grandparents get together and just give out big-asswoping to all them thugs. u will see we don't need no new govt just awoowe and ayeeyo with some uls and suun.

  4. Africans in the same countries can't even agree with each other. This is the legacey of slavery, to divide and then conquer. It worked with frieghtning results. Example; look at the way tribes kill each other today. These tribes most likley lived in peace with each other before the Arabs and Eurpeans came.